Conquer Club

JRT's-2010 Formula 1 Championship [Winner: xMBKx]

Tournaments completed in 2011.

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Re: JRT's-2010 Formula 1 Championship [RACE 16/19 Japanese G

Postby jricart on Sat Nov 06, 2010 1:26 am

Korean and Brazilian games out.

No suspensions on both GPs!

Good luck all. =D>
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Re: JRT's-2010 Formula 1 Championship [RACE 18/19 Brazilian

Postby Wildcat57 on Tue Nov 09, 2010 5:15 am

thanks for the recently sent games.
do you plan on updating the standings and results anytime soon?
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Re: JRT's-2010 Formula 1 Championship [RACE 18/19 Brazilian

Postby jricart on Tue Nov 09, 2010 4:13 pm

Wildcat57 wrote:thanks for the recently sent games.
do you plan on updating the standings and results anytime soon?

Yes! soon this week.
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Re: JRT's-2010 Formula 1 Championship [RACE 18/19 Brazilian

Postby jricart on Thu Nov 11, 2010 5:03 pm

clapper011 is replacing coacheberhardt as a reserve driver for Lotus Team.

No suspensions or changes for Abu-Dhabi Race.

Last edited by jricart on Tue Mar 22, 2011 1:40 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: JRT's-2010 Formula 1 Championship [Final Races!]

Postby jricart on Sun Nov 14, 2010 11:59 pm

Drivers and Team Championship Standings updated to the first 10 races!
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Re: JRT's-2010 Formula 1 Championship [Final Races!]

Postby jricart on Tue Jan 04, 2011 1:06 am

Some races still going!

I just sent a new game for the Loser Brackets in the Pit-Stop Challenge!
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Re: JRT's-2010 Formula 1 Championship [Final Races!]

Postby jricart on Tue Jan 04, 2011 5:13 pm

mirinna is replacing cille.


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Re: JRT's-2010 Formula 1 Championship [Final Races!]

Postby Lindax on Wed Jan 19, 2011 5:56 pm

Korean GP: Game 8201869

Finally I managed a win for Ferrari again, after a long drought!

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Re: JRT's-2010 Formula 1 Championship [Final Races!]

Postby jricart on Fri Mar 04, 2011 6:52 pm

Hello Drivers:

I will update the standings and send out new games this weekend. Sorry for the delay on finishing the tourney, but Freemiums caused me a little headache and my time is limited.


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Re: JRT's-2010 Formula 1 Championship [Final Races!]

Postby jricart on Fri Mar 18, 2011 4:32 pm

Last 4 games still up. Im guessing they will be done next week.


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Postby jricart on Tue Mar 22, 2011 1:46 pm


show: RACE 2

show: RACE 3

show: RACE 4

show: RACE 5

show: RACE 6

show: RACE 7

show: RACE 8

show: RACE 9

show: RACE 10

show: RACE 11

show: RACE 12

show: RACE 13

show: RACE 14

show: RACE 15

show: RACE 16

show: RACE 17 - RACE 18

show: RACE 19
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Re: JRT's-2010 Formula 1 Championship [Winners 2nd post]

Postby jricart on Wed Mar 30, 2011 11:48 am


Hello Drivers:

After a long but fun tournament, The 2010 Formula 1 Season is officially over! =D>

I want to thank all of you for taking part of my longest and most exiting tournament that I ever ran in my Conquer Club history.

I hope all of you had a lot of fun as I did, and I want to invite all of you to the 2011 season tournaments. As some of you already know, this year I will run 19 separate tournaments instead of just 1 big one. The reason is to award more Tournament Trophies and have more people involved each race.

Before we continue with the Award Ceremony, I want to compile and share important results and information:

  • 12 Months of Racing Competition
  • 19 Grand Prix
  • 19 different maps
  • 45 unique drivers
  • 13 teams
  • 264 total games
  • Most Games won: uckuki with 20 games
  • Most Games played: jricart with 63 games
  • Most GP wins: dragon dor and extraterrestial with 3 GP's each
  • No game won and longest losing streak: SNARF17WD with 43 games and NO WINS! :oops:
  • Most kills: shaneback with 75 kills

And finally, the most important part of the ceremony: THE WINNERS AND FINAL STANDINGS


Image Drivers Championship Winner:
xMBKx - Lotus

Image Team Champioship Winners:
Ferrari Team

Note: Sauber has been disqualified from winning the Team Championship for breaking rules 4.2, 4.3 and 4.4 in the "Rules and Regulations" section "Reserve Drivers". As a result, Team Ferrari has won the Team Championship Medal for being the ONLY team to comply with the rules.
I realize that this may look as if I am favoring my own team, however, I'm simply following the rules of the tournament. If anybody feels this is not correct I would like to suggest to report my decision to Night Strike, the Head of the Tournament Department, so he can have a look at this and, if necessary, make a ruling.

Image Pit-Stop Challenge Winners:
Ferrari Team


Teams with Red-Bold numbers means they earn a +1 point from Reserve Drivers Practice Sessions.

Click image to enlarge.

Congratulations to the winners!!! =D> It was a close battle to the end.

Again, thank you guys for an amazing season and I hope to see you guys soon in my new tournaments for the 2011 Formula 1 Season.

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Re: JRT's-2010 Formula 1 Championship [Winners 2nd post]

Postby denominator on Wed Mar 30, 2011 1:48 pm

jricart wrote:Note: Sauber has been disqualified from winning the Team Championship for breaking rules 4.2, 4.3 and 4.4 in the "Rules and Regulations" section "Reserve Drivers". As a result, Team Ferrari has won the Team Championship Medal for being the ONLY team to comply with the rules.
I realize that this may look as if I am favoring my own team, however, I'm simply following the rules of the tournament. If anybody feels this is not correct I would like to suggest to report my decision to Night Strike, the Head of the Tournament Department, so he can have a look at this and, if necessary, make a ruling.

Hm, this is very interesting. I feel like there's something wrong in this section, but it's difficult to put my finger on.

The rule in question is and has been listed as a rule for the duration of the tournament (now that I re-read it, I remember it being there originally), but is very buried in the first post and I personally had forgotten about it, with the tournament starting over a year ago.

Due to that, I feel the win is justified.

However, it doesn't feel like a fair win. It's obvious to me that if none of the teams followed a rule that disqualifies them from winning except the tournament director's team, nobody is aware of the rule or aware that it will disqualify them. I read every PM sent to me regarding joining games, but it was never mentioned that we needed to substitute in our reserve driver at some point in order to be eligible to win. I highly doubt the reserve driver on most teams is even aware that they're in this tournament.

Since the rule is there and all teams had the opportunity to follow it or ignore it and become ineligible to win, I feel that it's fair Team Ferrari wins the championship. In future tournaments, however, this rule should definitely be more easily readable for the rest of the players and a reminder would be nice.
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Re: JRT's-2010 Formula 1 Championship [Winners 2nd post]

Postby jricart on Wed Mar 30, 2011 7:45 pm

denominator wrote:I highly doubt the reserve driver on most teams is even aware that they're in this tournament.

I have to disagree with you on that denom! Dont forget that all reserve drivers have played 19 games (most of them) and some others, like nudge, NZhostel, Amazzony and other substitute drivers, have played more than that.

Also, the rules are there, and when somebody sign up for a tournament, they must read all the rules and regulations and agree to them. I will never remind anybody about the rules, specially since they are posted there for a whole year! Everybody had 12 months to re-read them again, and nobody follow them, just Team Ferrari.

As I told in the PM and here, I know that this might feel unfair since my team end up winning because of that rule, but rules are rules and I have to enforce them.

Again, sorry for the inconvenience.

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Re: JRT's-2010 Formula 1 Championship [Winners 2nd post]

Postby denominator on Thu Mar 31, 2011 12:24 am

jricart wrote:
denominator wrote:I highly doubt the reserve driver on most teams is even aware that they're in this tournament.

I have to disagree with you on that denom! Dont forget that all reserve drivers have played 19 games (most of them) and some others, like nudge, NZhostel, Amazzony and other substitute drivers, have played more than that.

Also, the rules are there, and when somebody sign up for a tournament, they must read all the rules and regulations and agree to them. I will never remind anybody about the rules, specially since they are posted there for a whole year! Everybody had 12 months to re-read them again, and nobody follow them, just Team Ferrari.

As I told in the PM and here, I know that this might feel unfair since my team end up winning because of that rule, but rules are rules and I have to enforce them.

Again, sorry for the inconvenience.


Like I said, I am not contesting the win as the rules were there the whole time for any of us to read, and we all should have read them at the beginning. It's clear that I hadn't read them in a while as I wasn't even aware that the reserve drivers were competing, based on the games I saw and the standings.

I know when I signed up, I read the rules, but I for one was not anticipating such a long tournament. Again, I am not saying Ferrari should not win this tournament, simply that from experience in other tournaments and for future tournaments, it is best to remind players of rules that affect eligibility to win the championship. Most tournaments I play have small idiosyncrasies that can be utilized by the players closely following the thread and the rules over the players just playing the games, but most T.O.s also remind players of certain rules they must follow to be eligible to win.

It is clear to me that nobody was aware of this rule except the TO as his team is the only one that did follow the rule. Although I allow for the possibility that other teams were aware of the rule and ignored it, I find it unlikely that a player would make a conscious decision to play the games with out the intention of winning the tournament.

Like I said, in future tournaments, a reminder that we must use our reserve driver after, say, 6 months, would have been nice, but it is certainly not required.
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Re: JRT's-2010 Formula 1 Championship [Winner: xMBKx]

Postby jricart on Thu Mar 31, 2011 1:27 am

Thats ok denom. I will try to remind the players in the future about special rules like that. This year the structure of the tournament has changed and there are not gonna be Teams.

Thanks for your input and hopefully you can keep joining my tournaments.

Good luck

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Re: JRT's-2010 Formula 1 Championship [Winner: xMBKx]

Postby jricart on Thu Mar 31, 2011 11:37 am


After reviewing all the official announcements made in Page 8 of the tournament thread, I found this:

Wildcat57 wrote:Hi

First of all, I really enjoy the Formula 1 Championship, great tourney, best I've played so far.
Second, I'm going on holidays from September 5th to 17th. I'll give my pw to Extraterrestrial, my Sauber team mate and he'll finish the games for me that already started. is that okay with you?
For the Italian GP that starts next week, you can send my games to our Sauber reserve driver, shortcake. He'll take my place in the Italian GP. I'll be back for the Singapore GP.

If there's any problem with Extraterrestrial lolgging in for me, please let me know.



Extraterrestrial wrote:I will have Sauber reserve driver, Shortcake, enter fo me, Extraterrestrial, in next race -- Italy, me believes it is.


Both Wildcat57 and Extraterrestrial asked to be replaced for the same race, and that might be my confusion. It was my mistake and I apologize for this and any inconvenience that I caused to all of you guys.

I will update the winners results and make a correction, and after that I will inform the Tournament Directors about the mistake and the General Achievement Medals will be awarded to team Sauber.

Although, I want to mention something for future references to those that didn't know about the rule in question:

Not reading or knowing the rules of a tournament does not mean that you don't need to follow them.


Image Drivers Championship Winner:
xMBKx - Lotus

Image Team Champioship Winners:
Sauber F1 Team

Image Pit-Stop Challenge Winners:
Ferrari Team

Thank to all of you and sorry again for any inconvenience created. Hopefully I see all of you guys in the 2011 Formula 1 tournaments.

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Re: JRT's-2010 Formula 1 Championship [Winner: xMBKx]

Postby xMBKx on Thu Mar 31, 2011 3:15 pm

Guys & girls,

I am very proud I won this long lasting Tournament. Thanks all for the nice games. JRT thanks for hosting!!

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Re: JRT's-2010 Formula 1 Championship [Winner: xMBKx]

Postby Lindax on Thu Mar 31, 2011 4:12 pm

xMBKx wrote:Guys & girls,

I am very proud I won this long lasting Tournament. Thanks all for the nice games. JRT thanks for hosting!!


Congrats MBK! =D>

General Achievement Medals for the Team Championship awarded to Team Sauber.

Congratulations! =D>

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Re: JRT's-2010 Formula 1 Championship [Winner: xMBKx]

Postby jricart on Thu Mar 31, 2011 4:19 pm

Lindax wrote:
xMBKx wrote:Guys & girls,

I am very proud I won this long lasting Tournament. Thanks all for the nice games. JRT thanks for hosting!!


Congrats MBK! =D>

General Achievement Medals for the Team Championship awarded to Team Sauber.

Congratulations! =D>


Thanks xMBKx!

And thanks Lindax for the correction and handing out the medals.

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