Conquer Club

2010-11 NCAA Hockey [Winner: HighlanderAttack]

Tournaments completed in 2011.

Moderator: Tournament Directors

Re: 2010-11 NCAA Hockey [Updated 12/12] [Reserves: 0/5]

Postby dowian2 on Sat Dec 18, 2010 10:46 am

This weekend's games are out - not many due to finals on college campuses. Standings will be updated during the week this week. Get ready for a bunch of mini-tournaments next weekend ;)
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Re: 2010-11 NCAA Hockey [Updated 12/29] [Reserves: 0/5]

Postby dowian2 on Wed Dec 29, 2010 7:47 pm

First of all, congratulations to Alabama-Huntsville (mrb8276) on winning the Rensselaer Holiday Tournament over Thanksgiving!

Updated top 20 (now listed in the second post):
1. Ferris State
2. Dartmouth
3. Holy Cross
4. American Int'l
5. Quinnipiac
6. St. Lawrence
7. North Dakota
8. Wisconsin
9. Alaska-Anchorage
10. Yale
11. Merrimack
12. Massachusetts
13. Michigan State
14. Notre Dame
15. Rensselaer
16. Clarkson
17. Miami
18. Minnesota-Duluth
19. Sacred Heart
20. Michigan

This weekend's games include several mini-tournaments. As I've done earlier in the season, I've selected a random tournament-eligible map using for each of these tournaments, which will be played with CC-default settings. The tournaments, teams, and maps are as follows:
Toyota UConn Hockey Classic - #3 Holy Cross, Connecticut, Bowling Green, Princeton - Duck and Cover
Great Lakes Invitational - Colorado College, #13 Michigan State, #20 Michigan, Michigan Tech - Tamriel
Florida College Classic - #17 Miami, Maine, St. Cloud State, Cornell - WWII Eastern Front
Ledyard National Bank Classic - Boston College, Colgate, Mercyhurst, #2 Dartmouth - Unification Italy
Shillelagh Tournament - Brown, Boston University, Minnesota State, #14 Notre Dame - Asia

Good luck, everyone!

EDIT: All of this week's games have been sent (Dec. 29-Jan. 4). Since there haven't been many games since the second weekend of December, I'm going to be a bit more lenient with folks joining games, especially freemiums. So if your opponent doesn't join, be patient :)
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Re: 2010-11 NCAA Hockey [Updated 1/7] [Reserves: 0/5]

Postby dowian2 on Fri Jan 07, 2011 9:04 pm

Standings are updated (first post), top 20 is updated (second post), and all of this weekend's games are out. Congrats to Extraterrestrial (American Int'l), our new #1!
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Re: 2010-11 NCAA Hockey [Updated 1/7] [Reserves: 0/5]

Postby dowian2 on Sun Jan 16, 2011 1:50 am

Fresh top 20:
1. Dartmouth
2. Holy Cross
3. Quinnipiac
4. American Int'l
5. Ferris State
6. Minnesota-Duluth
7. Alaska-Anchorage
8. Merrimack
9. North Dakota
10. Massachusetts
11. Yale
12. Wisconsin
13. Rensselaer
14. Maine
15. Sacred Heart
16. Michigan State
17. Miami
18. Notre Dame
19. St. Lawrence
20. Minnesota

Congrats to Dartmouth (william tennant), our new #1!
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Re: 2010-11 NCAA Hockey [Updated 1/16] [Reserves: 0/5]

Postby dowian2 on Sat Jan 22, 2011 9:50 am

Top 20, 1/22/2011:
1. Quinnipiac
2. Dartmouth
3. Holy Cross
4. Merrimack
5. Ferris State
6. Massachusetts
7. Minnesota-Duluth
8. American Int'l
9. Alaska-Anchorage
10. Rensselaer
11. Minnesota
12. Miami
13. Denver
14. Michigan State
15. Maine
16. Sacred Heart
17. North Dakota
18. Notre Dame
19. Yale
20. Wisconsin

Congrats to Quinnipiac (alaskanassassin), our new #1!
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Re: 2010-11 NCAA Hockey [Updated 1/28] [Reserves: 0/5]

Postby dowian2 on Fri Jan 28, 2011 11:46 pm

Top 20, 1/28/11:
1. Quinnipiac
2. Dartmouth
3. Holy Cross
4. Merrimack
5. Massachusetts
6. Minnesota-Duluth
7. Ferris State
8. Alaska-Anchorage
9. American Int'l
10. Yale
11. Michigan State
12. Maine
13. North Dakota
14. Minnesota
15. Wisconsin
16. Miami
17. Notre Dame
18. Rensselaer
19. Sacred Heart
20. Denver
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Re: 2010-11 NCAA Hockey [Updated 2/5]

Postby dowian2 on Sat Feb 05, 2011 12:50 pm

Top 20, 2/5/2010:
1. Dartmouth
2. Quinnipiac
3. Massachusetts
4. Holy Cross
5. Merrimack
6. Minnesota-Duluth
7. Ferris State
8. American Int'l
9. Yale
10. Maine
11. Minnesota
12. Alaska-Anchorage
13. Michigan State
14. North Dakota
15. Notre Dame
16. Bentley
17. Sacred Heart
18. Rensselaer
19. Denver
20. Wisconsin
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Re: 2010-11 NCAA Hockey [Updated 2/5]

Postby dowian2 on Fri Feb 11, 2011 8:06 pm

Top 20, 2/11/11:

1. Dartmouth (17-6-0)
2. Holy Cross (18-5-4)
3. Quinnipiac (20-7-2)
4. Massachusetts (16-5-3)
5. Ferris State (20-9-1)
6. Merrimack (15-6-3)
7. Minnesota-Duluth (17-8-2)
8. Yale (14-7-1)
9. Minnesota (15-8-3)
10. Maine (13-6-5)
11. Michigan State (16-9-4)
12. Notre Dame (15-9-6)
13. American Int'l (14-9-1)
14. Alaska-Anchorage (15-10-1)
15. North Dakota (16-11-2)
16. Bentley (13-10-3)
17. Sacred Heart (13-10-5)
18. Rensselaer (13-11-4)
19. New Hampshire (10-8-6)
20. Mass.-Lowell (14-12-1)
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Re: 2010-11 NCAA Hockey [Updated 2/11]

Postby dowian2 on Fri Feb 11, 2011 10:45 pm

All of this weekend's invites have been sent out. There are just three weekends left after this one before conference tournaments start!
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Re: 2010-11 NCAA Hockey [Updated 2/11]

Postby tiberiusaquila on Sat Feb 12, 2011 6:35 am

Thanks for putting in the work, dowian. Fun tourney!
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Re: 2010-11 NCAA Hockey [Updated 2/11]

Postby dowian2 on Wed Feb 16, 2011 3:32 pm

Looking for one reserve to take over for American Int'l. Ordinarily, I wouldn't ask for reserves this late in the tournament, but since American Int'l is ranked, I'll allow someone to finish out their season.
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Re: 2010-11 NCAA Hockey [Updated 2/11]

Postby dowian2 on Wed Feb 16, 2011 6:06 pm

Thanks to mcshanester29 for filling in!
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Re: 2010-11 NCAA Hockey [Updated 2/11]

Postby mcshanester29 on Wed Feb 16, 2011 6:45 pm

glad to do it. Thanks for letting me.
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Re: 2010-11 NCAA Hockey [Updated 2/20]

Postby dowian2 on Sun Feb 20, 2011 2:09 am

Standings are updated and this weekend's games are out.

Updated Top 20:
1. Quinnipiac (21-7-2)
2. Massachusetts (19-5-3)
3. Dartmouth (18-7-0)
4. Holy Cross (19-6-4)
5. Ferris State (22-9-1)
6. Maine (16-6-6)
7. Yale (16-8-1)
8. Minnesota-Duluth (17-9-2)
9. American Int'l (15-10-1)
10. Minnesota (16-9-3)
11. Alaska-Anchorage (17-10-1)
12. Michigan State (18-10-4)
13. Merrimack (16-9-3)
14. Notre Dame (15-9-8)
15. Cornell (13-10-0)
16. Miami (16-12-4)
17. North Dakota (16-13-2)
18. Minnesota State (15-12-5)
19. Northeastern (15-12-1)
20. Sacred Heart (14-11-5)
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Re: 2010-11 NCAA Hockey [Updated 2/20]

Postby Serbia on Sun Feb 20, 2011 7:00 pm

How long before the conference tournaments start?
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Re: 2010-11 NCAA Hockey [Updated 2/20]

Postby dowian2 on Sun Feb 20, 2011 7:55 pm

The last day of the regular season is March 5. Conference tournaments start the weekend after that (but, of course, I'll have to wait for all regular season games to conclude before seedings will be correct).
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Re: 2010-11 NCAA Hockey [Updated 2/20]

Postby Leehar on Fri Feb 25, 2011 3:33 pm

Damn, I've been kicked out of the top 20 with this last list :(
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Re: 2010-11 NCAA Hockey [Updated 2/20]

Postby dowian2 on Sat Feb 26, 2011 9:08 am

Top 20, 2/25:
1. Massachusetts (20-5-3)
2. Quinnipiac (22-8-2)
3. Ferris State (23-9-1)
4. Holy Cross (20-7-4)
5. Dartmouth (18-7-2)
6. Maine (17-6-6)
7. Yale (17-9-1)
8. Michigan State (20-10-4)
9. Minnesota-Duluth (19-10-2)
10. Minnesota (16-9-3)
11. American Int'l (17-10-1)
12. Alaska-Anchorage (17-11-1)
13. Merrimack (16-10-3)
14. Notre Dame (15-10-8)
15. Northeastern (17-12-1)
16. North Dakota (17-13-2)
17. Cornell (13-10-1)
18. Miami (16-12-4)
19. Minnesota State (16-13-5)
20. Bentley (14-11-3)
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Re: 2010-11 NCAA Hockey [Updated 2/20]

Postby AtreidesHouse on Sat Feb 26, 2011 9:50 pm

Leehar wrote:Damn, I've been kicked out of the top 20 with this last list :(

As Northeastern climbs =D>
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Re: 2010-11 NCAA Hockey [Updated 3/6]

Postby dowian2 on Sun Mar 06, 2011 10:28 pm

The final week of the regular season has been sent out. I'll get conference tournaments going as soon as the regular season is over.

Top 20 List, 3/6/11:
1. Massachusetts (23-5-3)
2. Ferris State (25-9-2)
3. Quinnipiac (23-9-2)
4. Holy Cross (20-7-4)
5. Maine (18-7-7)
6. Dartmouth (18-9-2)
7. American Int'l (19-10-1)
8. Yale (18-10-1)
9. Minnesota-Duluth (20-11-2)
10. Michigan State (20-12-4)
11. Alaska-Anchorage (18-12-2)
12. Minnesota (16-11-3)
13. Bentley (16-11-3)
14. Wisconsin (17-12-6)
15. Northeastern (18-13-1)
16. Merrimack (17-12-3)
17. St. Lawrence (19-15-0)
18. Miami (17-13-4)
19. Minnesota State (16-13-5)
20. Western Michigan (18-15-3)
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Re: 2010-11 NCAA Hockey [Updated 3/6]

Postby dowian2 on Wed Mar 09, 2011 9:36 pm

CCHA and ECAC tournaments are underway. Atlantic Hockey will be next, as only one game remains in that conference. You can now find tournament brackets in the first post. Good luck, everyone! Remember, winners of each conference tournament receive automatic NCAA bids! :D
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Re: 2010-11 NCAA Hockey [Updated 3/6]

Postby dowian2 on Thu Mar 10, 2011 9:16 pm

Dear Atlantic Hockey,

I hate you.

Love, dowian2
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Re: 2010-11 NCAA Hockey [Updated 3/6]

Postby flexmaster33 on Fri Mar 11, 2011 4:37 am

Lake Superior ready to take on #2 Michigan State in the CCHA...chasing that auto bid :)
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Re: 2010-11 NCAA Hockey [Updated 3/6]

Postby dowian2 on Sun Mar 13, 2011 9:59 pm

Atlantic Hockey tournament is underway, but I'm going to wait until after the first round to post the bracket, due to the mess that the Atlantic Hockey tournament is :P

Hockey East will be underway tonight :)
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Re: 2010-11 NCAA Hockey [Updated 3/6]

Postby Serbia on Thu Mar 17, 2011 9:12 pm

U-Mass took 2 of 3 vs. Boston College.
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