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Baseball: King of Diamonds (v15 p.27)

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Re: Baseball: King of Diamonds (v11.1 p.17)

Postby natty dread on Fri Feb 18, 2011 4:47 pm

As for scoreboard, I am not in favor of this. There's no room and the map has enough graphical stuff going on it already. Any more would clutter it. I'm in favor of keeping a clean and simple look, to keep the focus on the playable area and the game.
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Re: Baseball: King of Diamonds (v11.1 p.17)

Postby Army of GOD on Fri Feb 18, 2011 5:01 pm

I think it would go well behind the "King of Diamonds" text. I just feel like there's too much empty space (God, I never thought I'd say that in my lifetime).
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Re: Baseball: King of Diamonds (v11.1 p.17)

Postby natty dread on Sat Feb 19, 2011 3:23 am

Well, once again, if Evil_D wants it there I'll do it but personally I'm against it.

Btw, who's doing the XML for this?
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Re: Baseball: King of Diamonds (v11.1 p.17)

Postby isaiah40 on Sat Feb 19, 2011 1:30 pm

Okay here are my nitpicks:

Can you move Ozzie, Lou and Mike down a bit so we can see where exactly those circles are touching? Right now when you look at the small map it is a little hard to see what territories they border.

As for the scoreboard, I say no to putting it under the title. On the other hand it you put a scoreboard in that corner, you could integrate the title with the scoreboard, which I think would be a cool thing to do.
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Re: Baseball: King of Diamonds (v11.1 p.17)

Postby natty dread on Sat Feb 19, 2011 1:48 pm

Lou & Mike, sure, but if I move Ozzie down his hand will cover the border between LI3 and LI5... I think Ozzie is good where he is.
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Re: Baseball: King of Diamonds (v11.1 p.17)

Postby isaiah40 on Sat Feb 19, 2011 2:25 pm

How about flipping him and down? You have to do something because that circle is hard to see what territories it borders on the small.
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Re: Baseball: King of Diamonds (v11.1 p.17)

Postby natty dread on Sat Feb 19, 2011 2:41 pm

A better idea would be to move him to the right, I think.
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Re: Baseball: King of Diamonds (v11.1 p.17)

Postby Evil DIMwit on Sat Feb 19, 2011 4:16 pm

I agree that all the empty space is a bit awkward, but I don't think a scoreboard would fit in very well, unless it was integrated with the title somehow.
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Re: Baseball: King of Diamonds (v11.1 p.17)

Postby RedBaron0 on Sun Feb 20, 2011 3:06 am

Evil DIMwit wrote:I agree that all the empty space is a bit awkward, but I don't think a scoreboard would fit in very well, unless it was integrated with the title somehow.

Agreed, if if you could make it work, it would look interesting as the homerun balls could be hitting the scoreboard.
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Re: Baseball: King of Diamonds (v11.1 p.17)

Postby natty dread on Sun Feb 20, 2011 3:55 am

I'll have to find a proper scoreboard font first.
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Re: Baseball: King of Diamonds (v11.1 p.17)

Postby natty dread on Sun Feb 20, 2011 4:26 am

Ok, I've been trying the whole scoreboard idea, and I really have to say I still disagree with it.
Last edited by natty dread on Sun Feb 20, 2011 7:16 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Baseball: King of Diamonds (v11.1 p.17)

Postby natty dread on Sun Feb 20, 2011 5:10 am

Ok this is just about the best I can do with the available space:

Click image to enlarge.
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Re: Baseball: King of Diamonds (v11.1 p.17)

Postby natty dread on Sun Feb 20, 2011 7:56 am

Ok, here are the new images for both sizes.

Click image to enlarge.

Click image to enlarge.
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Re: Baseball: King of Diamonds (v11.1 p.17)

Postby Victor Sullivan on Sun Feb 20, 2011 11:58 am

I think it's an improvement. I say roll with it, unless EvilD has objections.
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Re: Baseball: King of Diamonds (v11.1 p.17)

Postby RedBaron0 on Sun Feb 20, 2011 12:39 pm

Agreed, move your signatures to the bottom corner, on the right of the bonus legend, and you should gain a tidbit more space. And as a homage, I suggest you please add a blue #42 in the bottom left corner. All of baseball has retired this number, and I don't think we should be any different.
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Re: Baseball: King of Diamonds (v11.1 p.17)

Postby Victor Sullivan on Sun Feb 20, 2011 12:46 pm

RedBaron0 wrote:Agreed, move your signatures to the bottom corner, on the right of the bonus legend, and you should gain a tidbit more space. And as a homage, I suggest you please add a blue #42 in the bottom left corner. All of baseball has retired this number, and I don't think we should be any different.

Uh, what now? Blue #42?
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Re: Baseball: King of Diamonds (v11.1 p.17)

Postby natty dread on Sun Feb 20, 2011 1:35 pm

Yes, please elaborate on the blue 42.

About signatures... I feel that sigs should be close to the title of the map.

edit. ah, wikipedia to the rescue!

Jackie Robinson, the first African American player in the modern era of Major League Baseball, had his number 42 retired league-wide in 1997 (although those players who were wearing the number at the time were permitted to retain it for the duration of their careers — as of the 2010 season, Mariano Rivera is the only remaining active player wearing the number). In 1999, Wayne Gretzky's number 99 was likewise retired league-wide by the National Hockey League upon his retirement from the game.

So this means that no one is allowed to use the number 42 in baseball. Then, this raises the question... should we then include it after all, if it's retired? Couldn't it be seen as disrespectful if we're using the number anywhere on the map?

Sorry if this is a stupid question, obviously I'm not too clear on the nuances of baseball.
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Re: Baseball: King of Diamonds (v11.1 p.17)

Postby carlpgoodrich on Sun Feb 20, 2011 5:05 pm

I'm not a fan of the scoreboard. It doesn't look like any major league scoreboard I've ever seen. I suggest basing it off of the scoreboard in Fenway Park in Boston (easily the most famous and recognizable scoreboard in probably the most historic park):
Click image to enlarge.

Here's what I suggest): Take this general color scheme/layout, but with a minimalist approach. Replace "FENWAY" with "King of Diamonds", maybe making that part proportionaltely bigger than it is now. For the team names, something like "Mods" vs. "Team CC" would be appropriate, referencing the Whac a Mod events. You can set up an exciting a score so that the home team (the second of the two) is down by three runs in the bottom of the 9th (the numbers below "1", "2", etc are the runs scored in each inning, so leave the second number under "9" black to show that the inning is not complete).

To save space, remove everything in the line that starts with "AT BAT" and ends with a circled E. Underneath the white line just have 3 bright green circles followed by two sets of two bright red circles. These are lights that light up to show the balls, strikes and outs (in the above picture they are all dim). You can completely ignore the "at bat", hit (circled H) and Error (circled E) parts, they are not necessary. In the bottom right box should be enough room for you signatures.

For space, you can also remove the "P" column and the "10" column.
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Re: Baseball: King of Diamonds (v11.1 p.17)

Postby Army of GOD on Sun Feb 20, 2011 5:31 pm

42 (my second favorite number) has been retired from use in baseball (like 99 in hockey) because Jackie Robinson, the first black player in the MLB, wore it. It has huge cultural significance and I agree with Baron.
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Re: Baseball: King of Diamonds (v11.1 p.17)

Postby carlpgoodrich on Sun Feb 20, 2011 6:31 pm

Having the blue 42 would also be a nice addition to the map, although it doesn't have to be on the scoreboard. Parks put the retired numbers (including the blue 42) in very different places.
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Re: Baseball: King of Diamonds (v11.1 p.17)

Postby Army of GOD on Sun Feb 20, 2011 7:40 pm

I was going to suggest putting a wall (and warning track if possible) around the outfield, and you could try to put the 42 there (at an angle though, so it looks 3d or something) but I don't know how possible that is.
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Re: Baseball: King of Diamonds (v11.1 p.17)

Postby Army of GOD on Sun Feb 20, 2011 7:43 pm

natty_dread wrote:So this means that no one is allowed to use the number 42 in baseball. Then, this raises the question... should we then include it after all, if it's retired? Couldn't it be seen as disrespectful if we're using the number anywhere on the map?

Sorry if this is a stupid question, obviously I'm not too clear on the nuances of baseball.

It means that players aren't allowed to wear it (though, on Jackie's Bday a lot of players wear it to honor him) but ALL of the stadiums have it somewhere so that fans and everyone knows it's retired.
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Re: Baseball: King of Diamonds (v11.1 p.17)

Postby Evil DIMwit on Sun Feb 20, 2011 10:07 pm

Yeah, I tend to agree that this scoreboard isn't looking too scoreboardy. Something like what carl suggested would be good. Maybe make the top part a bit taller so the title can be more prominent. For the team names, we can stick "Evil D" and Natty" there -- that'd put the mapmaker names suitably near the title. That's not too self-aggrandizing, is it?

As for the 42, I'm not sure where we'd stick it, except putting the "4" and "2" on the minimap's right field conspicuously close together.
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Re: Baseball: King of Diamonds (v11.1 p.17)

Postby Army of GOD on Sun Feb 20, 2011 10:10 pm

I like the idea of putting your names there for the teams
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Re: Baseball: King of Diamonds (v11.1 p.17)

Postby natty dread on Mon Feb 21, 2011 1:04 am

carlpgoodrich wrote:I'm not a fan of the scoreboard. It doesn't look like any major league scoreboard I've ever seen. I suggest basing it off of the scoreboard in Fenway Park in Boston (easily the most famous and recognizable scoreboard in probably the most historic park):
Click image to enlarge.

Here's what I suggest): Take this general color scheme/layout, but with a minimalist approach. Replace "FENWAY" with "King of Diamonds", maybe making that part proportionaltely bigger than it is now. For the team names, something like "Mods" vs. "Team CC" would be appropriate, referencing the Whac a Mod events. You can set up an exciting a score so that the home team (the second of the two) is down by three runs in the bottom of the 9th (the numbers below "1", "2", etc are the runs scored in each inning, so leave the second number under "9" black to show that the inning is not complete).

To save space, remove everything in the line that starts with "AT BAT" and ends with a circled E. Underneath the white line just have 3 bright green circles followed by two sets of two bright red circles. These are lights that light up to show the balls, strikes and outs (in the above picture they are all dim). You can completely ignore the "at bat", hit (circled H) and Error (circled E) parts, they are not necessary. In the bottom right box should be enough room for you signatures.

For space, you can also remove the "P" column and the "10" column.

Okay, see, I have no idea wtf all this is about.
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