Update Feb. 16th. Players have been seeded, Phase One games have been created and invitations sent.
Update Feb. 23rd. Phase One complete, Phase Two games have been created and invitations sent.
Update Feb. 28th. Phase Two complete, Phase Three games have been created and invitations sent.
Update Mar. 6th. One Phase Three game still active, but it won't change the outcome of the series, so I have declared xman5151 and stokiepaul the winners and started the Final series of games.
Update Mar. 10th. One game left to play in the finals, but stokiepaul leads the series 5-1, so the last game won't change the outcome. Stokiepaul wins!
Okay, I really, really, really wanted to call it Joe's Knucklehead Tournament, but since that's taken, I'll have to console myself with this title.

This is my first tournament. It will be brutally quick, because I have much better tournament ideas waiting in the wings, but I want to have one quick one just to get some practice in the mechanics of how to handle the seeding, the game invitations, how to monitor results, etcetera.
In order to make sure that it is quick, I have chosen 4 small-ish asymmetrical maps that do not easily stalemate: Portugal, 13 Colonies, Caribbean Islands, and Arms Race.
As a further precaution to make things go quickly, all games are Escalating and Sunny with Unlimited reinforcement.
As a final precaution, games will be capped at 25 rounds. I quite honestly cannot see a game going 25 rounds with these maps and settings, but just in case, this rule exists. If a game goes to round 26, the winner will be deemed the player who received the most reinforcements on round 25. There is only one exception to this rule: if and only if the seven game finale is tied at three games each, then I will let the seventh game play out to the bitter end.
16 players will be accepted. Only requirements are premium with a minimum of 97% of turns taken. Players will be seeded according to their points at the time that I create the first round of games. There will be four rounds of 1-on-1 bracket elimination play.