Now that we're in a 'New(ish) Foundry', you may see some minor changes around the place...
The draft stamp has already seen a return to service in the first of the new breed of SuperSize maps. To accompany the draft stamp, the Drafting Room has also been reopened. Over the next few days and weeks, thenobodies80 and I will move promising ideas from the melting pot into the drafting room while mapmakers can flesh out their map drafts and work towards having a design brief approved.
The Melting Pot and Recycling bin now sit as subforums within the Drafting Room; eventually the Recycling Bin will only contain map threads that have been put on vacation or abandoned, while the Melting Pot will be the breeding ground for suggestions and ideas. For the most part this is the case, but there are plenty of threads in the recycling bin that don;t actually contain the whiff of a map draft!
That's about all for now, although there are one or two other things that are in the pipeline.