Winner: Tricky Rick
General Achievement Medal: "Tournament Terminator" for Muzzel
- Tournament Title: Doodle Earth Terminators
Tournament Type: Terminator
Tournament Organizer: ISN2
Number of Entrants: 32
Number of Reserves: 8
Tournament Game Options:
- Number of Players In Each Game: 8
Map: Doodle Earth
Game Type: Terminator
Play Order: Sequential
Troop Deployment: Manual
Spoils: Escalating
Reinforcements: Adjacent
Fog of War: Yes
- You must have Premium!
Tournament Description And Scoring System:
- Round 1:
- Code: Select all
The 1st player who terminates someone will gain : +7 score.
The 2nd player who terminates someone will gain : +6 score.
The 3rd player who terminates someone will gain : +5 score.
The 4th player who terminates someone will gain : +4 score.
The 5th player who terminates someone will gain : +3 score.
The 6th player who terminates someone will gain : +2 score.
The 7th player who terminates someone will gain : +1 score.
The player who wins the game will gain : +3 score.
There will be groups of 8 players in each round.
In Round 1 there will be four groups (A total of 32 players).
Each group has 4 terminator games with above settings.
After all games are played, from each group 4 players with the most scores in 4 games will advance to Round 2.
Here is how scores are gained in every game:
If there was a tie between 2 players, there will be one 2 players standard game with above settings.
Winner will advance.
If there was a tie between more than 2 players, there will be one terminator game with above settings.
Player or players who last more in that game, will advance.
Round 2:
In round 2 there will be two groups (A total of 16 players).
This round will be played like Round 1, 4 players from each group (A total of

Note: Scores from Round 1 are not counted in this round and scores from Round 2 won't be counted in Final Round. Each player has 0 scores in start of each round.
Final Round:
In this round rules are still the same, but this time there will be only 1 group and 8 games. Scores will be counted at end of game 8, player with the most scores in this round will be the winner of tournament.
If there was a tie between 2 players, there will be three 2 players standard games with above settings.
Best of 3 will be tournament's winner.
If there was a tie between more than 2 players, there will be one terminator game with above settings.
Player who wins this game will be tournament's winner.
General Achievement Medals:
- Tournament Terminator: There will be one "General Achievement" medal for player who terminates other players more than any one else in Round 1.
If there was a tie between 2 players, there is no problem.
Two "General Achievement" medals will be given.
If there was a tie between more than 2 players, there will be one terminator game with above settings.
The 2 most fast players who terminate someone first will get "General Achievement" medal. If only 1 player terminates all other players, only 1 "General Achievement" medal will be given to that player.
Reserved Players:
- Player 1: limbo
If a player does not join his/her games within 48 hours in Round 1, a reserve will take place. In other rounds games will be played without the player.
Tournament Status:
- Round 1:
- Group 1:
[Games: Game 8537139, Game 8537153, Game 8537154, Game 8537155]
- Player 1: xman5151 | Scores: 18 | Terminates: 5 | Ratio: 3.6
Player 2: BlackZ | Scores: 6 | Terminates: 1 | Ratio: 6
Player 3: cookie0117 | Scores: 7 | Terminates: 2 | Ratio: 3.5
Player 4: koontz1973 | Scores: 4 | Terminates: 1 | Ratio: 4
Player 5: OverDoseD | Scores: 11 | Terminates: 2 | Ratio: 5.5
Player 6: BoyWonder | Scores: 32 | Terminates: 8 | Ratio: 4
Player 7: jasoncederblom | Scores: 33 | Terminates: 7 | Ratio: 4.7
Player 8: jontheman | Scores: 13 | Terminates: 2 | Ratio: 6.5
Group 2:
[Games: Game 8537157, Game 8537160, Game 8537161, Game 8537162]
- Player 1: Big Long Stick | Scores: 12 | Terminates: 2 | Ratio: 6
Player 2: MoB Deadly | Scores: 15 | Terminates: 3 | Ratio: 5
Player 3: ckyrias | Scores: 20 | Terminates: 4 | Ratio: 5
Player 4: stokiepaul | Scores: 25 | Terminates: 6 | Ratio: 4.1
Player 5: lunatic96 | Scores: 5 | Terminates: 1 | Ratio: 5
Player 6: Muzzel | Scores: 38 | Terminates: 10 | Ratio: 3.8
Player 7: taxmanjle | Scores: 6 | Terminates: 1 | Ratio: 6
Player 8: Trynthlas | Scores: 3 | Terminates: 1 | Ratio: 3
Group 3:
[Games: Game 8537163, Game 8537164, Game 8537165, Game 8537167]
- Player 1: DJENRE | Scores: 16 | Terminates: 4 | Ratio: 4
Player 2: kabuki.mono | Scores: 11 | Terminates: 2 | Ratio: 5.5
Player 3: A_nice_person | Scores: 9 | Terminates: 3 | Ratio: 3
Player 4: shoop76 | Scores: 15 | Terminates: 3 | Ratio: 5
Player 5: bardax | Scores: 3 | Terminates: 1 | Ratio: 3
Player 6: Bruceswar | Scores: 23 | Terminates: 6 | Ratio: 3.8
Player 7: Tricky Rick | Scores: 22 | Terminates: 5 | Ratio: 4.4
Player 8: ISN2 | Scores: 25 | Terminates: 4 | Ratio: 6.2
Group 4:
[Games: Game 8537168, Game 8537169, Game 8537170, Game 8537172]
- Player 1: brakh | Scores: 8 | Terminates: 2 | Ratio: 4
Player 2: L M S | Scores: 28 | Terminates: 5 | Ratio: 5.6
Player 3: QoH | Scores: 20 | Terminates: 5 | Ratio: 4
Player 4: Chewie1 | Scores: 6 | Terminates: 1 | Ratio: 6
Player 5: Araldite | Scores: 19 | Terminates: 5 | Ratio: 3.8
Player 6: cille | Scores: 19 | Terminates: 5 | Ratio: 3.8
Player 7: shaunchef | Scores: 10 | Terminates: 2 | Ratio: 5
Player 8: DeathMetalMaster | Scores: 13 | Terminates: 3 | Ratio: 4.3
Round 2:
- Group 1:
[Games: Game 8605786, Game 8605787, Game 8605788, Game 8605790]
- Player 1: jasoncederblom | Scores: 0 | Terminates: 0 | Ratio: 0
Player 2: BoyWonder | Scores: 9 | Terminates: 3 | Ratio: 3
Player 3: xman5151 | Scores: 7 | Terminates: 1 | Ratio: 7
Player 4: jontheman | Scores: 20 | Terminates: 5 | Ratio: 4
Player 5: Muzzel | Scores: 18 | Terminates: 3 | Ratio: 6
Player 6: stokiepaul | Scores: 23 | Terminates: 6 | Ratio: 3.8
Player 7: ckyrias | Scores: 16 | Terminates: 5 | Ratio: 3.2
Player 8: MoB Deadly | Scores: 31 | Terminates: 5 | Ratio: 6.2
Note: stokiepaul didn't join his games after 2 invites, so ckyrias is the replacement.
Group 2:
[Games: Game 8605791, Game 8605794, Game 8605795, Game 8605796]
- Player 1: ISN2 | Scores: 11 | Terminates: 2 | Ratio: 5.5
Player 2: Bruceswar | Scores: 14 | Terminates: 2 | Ratio: 7
Player 3: Tricky Rick | Scores: 35 | Terminates: 9 | Ratio: 3.8
Player 4: DJENRE | Scores: 9 | Terminates: 3 | Ratio: 3
Player 5: L M S | Scores: 25 | Terminates: 4 | Ratio: 6.2
Player 6: QoH | Scores: 15 | Terminates: 4 | Ratio: 3.7
Player 7: Araldite | Scores: 11 | Terminates: 3 | Ratio: 3.6
Player 8: cille | Scores: 4 | Terminates: 1 | Ratio: 4
Final Round:
- Final Group:
[Games: Game 8694432, Game 8694433, Game 8694435, Game 8694437]
[Games: Game 8694439, Game 8694440, Game 8694443, Game 8694444]
- Player 1: MoB Deadly | Scores: 21 | Terminates: 6 | Ratio: 3.5
Player 2: ckyrias | Scores: 42 | Terminates: 8 | Ratio: 5.2
Player 3: jontheman | Scores: 32 | Terminates: 6 | Ratio: 5.3
Player 4: Muzzel | Scores: 21 | Terminates: 4 | Ratio: 5.2
Player 5: Tricky Rick | Scores: 58 | Terminates: 15 | Ratio: 3.8
Player 6: L M S | Scores: 28 | Terminates: 6 | Ratio: 4.6
Player 7: QoH | Scores: 26 | Terminates: 7 | Ratio: 3.7
Player 8: Bruceswar | Scores: 20 | Terminates: 4 | Ratio: 5