carlpgoodrich wrote:
Hummmm. At first I wasn't so sure about this since there are still a few point I disagree with. But as it is right now, this map is playable, so lets just get it to beta. Like TaCktiX said, its not perfect but there are no obvious flaws and we are probably doing more harm than good. Lets just focus on legibility and clarity.
As far as I'm concerned, everything in TaCktiX's last post can be made final.
I also agree with TaCktiX, this really just needs to make it to beta already, because we never know.
That being said, there are two points that I'd like to bring up quickly, since they're based on previous discussion that I thought was agreed upon at the time and never made it to the current list. I'll keep my mouth shut on these after this unless someone specifically invites my further opinion by name. I just want to make sure they're not overlooked as I feel they're significantly enough askew to warrant at least a brief mention....
TSF neutral value -- I don't know where +6/45 came from. The neutral on this seems way out of whack. The suggestion that was being made was either +6/25-30 or +8/45. IMO either one of these would be fine for beta, but as is TSF is a 7.5 turn cost after getting its abilities cut back to bombard only, which seems seriously out of whack. I'd be more inclined to go with +6/30, but anything close to turn cost 5, plus or minus 1 would be fine.
Mining -- I know I haven't mentioned anything yet, but I've been waiting patiently for this one to come up. When we first came up with Zeppelins bombarding mines we had decided to give the mining bonus an effective +1 extra guy per mine to compensate for this. I really think that this needs to be fixed. I'd personally like to see the Mining tech cost a little less so it can be more viable earlier on, but for the time being I think that simply adjusting it to +2 per mine for basic mining would work fine.
If everyone just wants to get this thing to beta already and not worry about these until then, then that's alright. I just thought these two points were possibly overlooked and were fairly out of whack as they were.