Tournament Type: Quads
Blitzaholic, Commander62890, Dividedbyzero, Kabanellas won the tourney and are champions

Freemium and Premium are welcome.
Idea: The concept is a Quads single-elimination tournament to be played on this new map of King's Court. The Finals will be best of 3. Teams: According to the signups: 1 plays 2, 3 plays 4 first round, 2nd round reverses, 1 plays 4, 2 plays 3, then finals.
48 hours to join or forfeit, unless valid reason, if not, replacement team to join.
* Number of entrants: 32 (8 teams)
* Map: King's Court
* Game Type: Quads
* Play Order: Sequential
* Troop Deployment: Automatic
* Spoils: No
* Reinforcements: Chained
* Fog of War: No, but, for the finals YES!