A perfect team isn't just strong together, but can put up a fight when they're split up as well. Therefore, to prove the two of you are the perfect team, you will play 2 1v1s (twice the same opponent) and 2 2v2, a total of 6 games (4 1v1, 2 2v2). As a team you will choose a home map (and settings, everything but Freestyle and speed is allowed), each player will player will play on his home map twice per round.
Example: Team 1: A&B Team 2: C&D A plays C on Team 1's home map B plays D on Team 2's home map A plays C on Team 2's home map B plays D on Team 1's home map Team 1 plays Team 2 on Team 1's home map Team 1 plays Team2 on Team 2's home map
In case of a tie a doubles will be played on Classic.
djfireside and alaskanassassin WWII Poland, flat rate, sunny, and unlimited
Dice stats are irrelevant. If I roll the same amount of 6's as everyone else, but my opponents role 6's at the same time, that's what matters, what's rolled opposite my dice. How about how many total guys I've won and lost while attacking?