Conquer Club

HA's 200th Tourney (Josko.ri Wins)

Tournaments Completed in 2014.

Moderator: Tournament Directors

HA's 200th Tourney (Josko.ri Wins)

Postby HighlanderAttack on Fri Jan 07, 2011 12:39 pm

edit: mc29. This Tournament has been rescued by mc29

Scores and updates can be found here: Scores and Updates

Round 23 starts now

You will have one week to join your three games--some time next weekend I will take games down--we are going to get rounds going quicker--do not expect two weeks to join games anymore and be prepared to join three games within 4 days when we start a round going forward. I feel the week to 9 days warning and my email warning earlier is sufficient notice

Round 21 starts 9/18/12

We will start the next round with a one year bounty opportunity--you must beat me to win the one year--the game number is:
Game 11111111

The password for this round is the same password for this game--if you can figure it out and get into the game it will be your first game of this round and if you beat me you will win the one year premium. Along with that you will get to play in the great numbered game of 11111111. The special first hint is that the pass code is a four letter word--it is both a proper noun an a regular noun. I am off to a sleep study tonight so I won't be around until tomorrow--good luck getting into the game.

Life has been truly busy and I have not even been thinking about CC--that being said round 16 starts March 14th--no bounties--games will be up for one week--if you need more time just post it in the thread and I will see what I can do--but it should be expected to join three games within a week

Second chance at one year premium bounty question is up--about two minutes ago 11:25

2/12--As some of you know I have a lot going on in real life and CC is just something I have thrown to the side for now. I will have round 15 started today and I will complete it so do not worry. I am sorry for taking some of the fun out of this tourney but CC has not been something fun to me for a while now. I will give you plenty of time to join games so do not worry. Look for games sometime this afternoon. You will get a pm

1/14--HA's 200th Tourney(Rd 15 starts Monday or Tuesday)--five active games left--so we will start round 15 on Monday or Tuesday--anyone that missed games due to holiday can pm me and play arm race--but that deadline is on the day I send the round 15 games out--best I am willing to do. After this round starts you will have to be responsible for getting into games--I will give deadlines for joining so if you are freemium you really need to be paying attention to all the emails I will send or the thread--that goes for premium to

4/5 Round 14 will end soon--last chance to get into games if you have not already.

Round 14 is under way--do not forget to sign up for the end of year speed tourneys

only four active games remain--get in any games you need by Sunday night and get ready to play early this week the next round that is

From: safariguy5
To: HighlanderAttack
How about:
Game 10124289
What was my first article for the Newsletter about? First correct answer in the thread will play for a one year premium prize offered by safariguy5

safariguy5 to offer 1 year premium bounty again this round--be ready for a triva question all you bounty hunters--not sure when but it is coming

11/12 11:59pm: (Rd 13 starts Sat 11/19) sorry forgot about stating thursdaystill a few round 12 games going too with freemiums that may matter

11/9 8:30amI will start taking games down this Thursday--for all of you that tried for the bounty contest--if you have not won go ahead and play a game--if you need a little more time let me know by pm. I should have the time to score it tonight. If you played three games and you won the contest I will do it with you next round and if you lost three games you will still get a shot at it. More updates tonight when I have time.

323 players begin round 12 HAVE FUN

We will start tomorrow night with round 12 --did not have enough time to score the bounty and make the games tonight like I had hoped.

Bounty contest for one year premium --most points wins--u must send me a pm with the answers--do not post in the thread.

1. What date did I play my first arms race game ( worth one point )
2. What do I call a bad clueless player in multi player esc games--two words (worth one point)
3. What TV show did I get the two word name from and what is the characters name in the show from question two-(worth two points)
4. What sport am I currently coaching (worth one point) name the first sport I ever coached (worth another point)
5. Pick a number between 1-1000 if you fall into a range I have chosen you will get one point.( worth one point )
6. How many foes do I currently have-within ten of the exact answer gets a point and an exact answer gets an additional point
7. For a point name one state in the United states that I have been in--only name one( worth one point )
8. How many tourneys have I won as of today? ( worth one point )
9 Name the animal name I will use in my next fantasy football league as a team name-hint they are bad ass ( worth one point )
10. What do I have six state champion titles in? ( worth one point )

Tie breaker question--in case there is a tie in points give a number between 1 and 100--closest wins

All entries must be pm'd do not put answers in the thread or you are disqualified-- player that wins this contest plays me on arms race and if they win I will give them a one year premium-- you have about 46 hours to pm me with your answers--good luck

I will start the next round on Halloween night--to give everyone a chance at a one year bounty I will be producing a quiz later today. That will give everyone about 48 hours to answer the questions. Whoever scores the most points will kick off the round on arms race against me for a chance to win a one year premium. More details later tonight.

Tuesday--I will officially take down games on Friday or Saturday

For some reason players continue to think it is a right that they get to play on a map that they want to play on. I continue to let players know in the thread and in the pm's that go out that it is first come first serve on joining games so get in there early. Some players think they are penalized having to play a map they do not really like or know. Again and again, make sure you get into the games fast if you want to have something you are interested in. If not, play something that is available and good luck to you. It is a tournament, not a country club social. There are over 100 available games left to be joined so I am not making any more games, If they fill up I will make some random games and some doodle. Same process I have followed the whole tourney.

The bounty was played but not won--I will probably have one or two more bounties this round so save a game for a chance and keep updated by checking this page

8:25 Tuesday pm just went out to join the games for round 11

Game 9905178

The above game is a bounty--it does count for the player who gets into the game as one of their three games for round 11--you will play against me--if you win -- I will give you a one year premium membership--my way of saying thanks for waiting for this round.
Oh there is just one more thing--you have to guess the passcode by answering this question:

What is my favorite animal?

Now to the games for round 11--as usual know the rules and keep up to date on page one of the thread.

The link below will get you to games awaiting players or use game finder.

The pass for this round is see pm ... so=&page=1

Good Luck

Monday 8:43pm

I will now take requests on my wall only--if you have put in a request for maps and settings it will not be made unless you put it on my wall over the next hour or so--only requests on my wall for about the next hour will be made

10/9--Round 11 starts tonight--sorry my internet has not been good all weekend due to the storm here in Florida --I will have to wait until after work tomorrow night to get this round started--thanks

9-20-sorry but no more bounties this round--way too busy in real life this week--I will be taking the games down soon so this is a small warning to get games in if you need them--within 24-48 hours they will be taken off the board which means you had 9-11 days to join games

Round Ten begins with a super bounty--one year premium if you get into the game and win the game--safariguy5-the winner of the GA MEDAL for being the last player to not lose a game by playing one game each round and actually the last undefeated player in the tourney has made an offer of one year premium if you can do two things--be the first to answer the question below by posting in the thread:
Game 9741558
"What is the first clan that safariguy5 was in? and then doing the almost impossible --beating him in the bounty game

If you can do both you will win a one year premium membership supplied by safariguy5

Thank you so much for contributing to this great tourney

OK I will be finalizing the games now--no more requests--passcode will be sent out shortly--I was hoping to do a bounty but I cant seem to get a hold of the two players offering up bounties

7:49--9/12 --I only have to make 675 games for this round so the first ten players that wall me(it has to be a wall) will get at least 25 games made for them. If I get more than ten while I am making games I will also make games in their behalf as well. I will make games for the next hour or so, so after that time frame I will be the decider of maps and settings.

9/2 all games except those with players waiting have now been taken off the board. Those three games can still be joined if you still need a game in round nine.


On 9/1 I will be taking games down--if you have not joined by 9/1 and you are eligible to join games in round 9, you will be unable to join any more games sometime on 9/1 when I delete any available--this is posted now so please always pay attention to page one. I have also decided on make up games due to vacations or whatever good reason someone gives me-- if I decide to give them a chance to move on it will be games against me--I am out of the tourney and not eligible for any GA medals so the games do not count for me but it will move the tourney a little faster and make things easier than trying to find match ups

HA's 200th -instructions to join round 9 ... so=&page=1

Above is the link to games waiting--you may click on it to find games or use game finder

Games will be up for 7-10 days and if I am busy with real life 14--but after 7 days they can be brought down at anytime--this will be the basic set up for most of the remaining tourney until we get down under 100 players

There will not be anymore games made unless I make some doodle to do corrections or something

please revisit the rules if unsure of anything --or post in the thread=

If you make a mistake pm me immediately

Do not give this pass code out--if someone asks have them pm me

There may be a few bounties, but I think I will wait until next round--I just started a new job and that is my focus for now

pm HA if needed --it is in the pm sent out is the pass code for round nine

good luck

8/21 345pm at my cousins working on this --will have games ready and instructions in the next few hours

I had internet issues this weekend but I am going to go to my cousins today sometime and get his round out--so sorry for the delay

8-19 1015 pm
I am having internet issues. I know the ninth round is supposed to start today. I will see what I can do to make that happen but there is a good chance it will not start until tomorrow after work.

In the mean time anyone who posts maps and settings in the thread will get at least thirty games made with those maps and settings--do not wall or pm me--only posts in the thread will count.

You will have a pm with information and instructions which I suggest reading the entire pm by tomorrow night at the latest.

I have no given an opportunity to those who had not played games the chance to play games or anyone else. At this point I do feel like I have given plenty of chances to play. I have read all of the posts in the threads, responded to some and will respond to all left in the tourney with an informational pm sometime this weekend coming up. Some questions warrant a response to all. Also, at this point you know we play about one round a month; you know we play no more than three games; you know you need to check the thread for information and ask questions there--pm's are ok now as well and especially if you have a mistake or problem-pm me. I will out line the way this tourney will run the rest of the way and you will have to take responsibility to join games during the round or get with me before the round is over to set up some kind of alternate plan due to a vacation or something-a sitter is the best thing. I will outline these thoughts more clearly in the informational pm. I do suggest and will suggest in the pm that you read it and understand as this tourney will start moving a little faster and there will be a lot less leniency when it comes to not getting into games or whatever. Thanks and hope you are all having fun. Next round will start on 8/19

8/9-pm that went to everyone in round eight:
Hi, I am sending this to all of the players who played in round 8 (yea the one that said rd7)--lol Anyway luckily most of you did not get confused or were not confused enough not to play the games. As I prepare for round nine I wanted to make sure none of you had any issues or questions. Feel free to pm me over the next 24 hours and I will respond when I can. If you did not get all of your games in or you still need to play your games (no more than three total) I am making a few Luxemburg games that you can join for the next 24 hours only. So as there is no confusion and players joining too many games I will do these by invite to the players that need the games only--pm me if you need a game and I will invite in order. This is an added chance since I think I may have confused a few players with the incorrect labeling. If you have no issues or questions look for a pm late next week and look for updates on the thread

These players did not play any games yet:

8/8 Did not get a chance to verify who played and who did not--will do so tomorrow and send a last chance pm--also we have 14 active games--doodle will be made for the last chance so the games are fast--I anticipate the next round starting sometime next week--lets go for 8/19 give or take a few days as the next start of a new round

8/3Due to my mistake with the labeling I want to go through and make sure everyone that was eligible to play in round 8 had the chance to play--I will send one pm to those that did not get in any games and keep games open until Sunday to join. After that the existing games will get played and we will start getting ready for round nine. I have also been super busy and have not went through the thread looking for any questions--I may get sometime tonight to do so and will answer through pm's if needed.

Game 9468193This game decides the GA Medal for:

ā€œPlayer that lasted the longest in the tourney only playing one game per roundā€ā€”I will check to see who lasts the longest in the tourney but only plays one game per round.

Both of these players are 7-0 playing one game per round--one of them will be able to advance to round 9 with an 8-0 record and be the longest player to last only playing one game per round.

Stop in and wish them luck when the game starts

Although the labels say round seven they are round eight games so good luck--If you got the pm with the passcode you can join your three games at any time

We have a GA Medal Winner for Leader of the Pack--TheFlashPoint(aka The Flash Light) has jumped into the lead with a 19-2 record. Everyone can congratulate him.

TheFlashPoint 21 19 2
Benga 21 18 3
Genoke 21 18 3
Seekmeup41 21 18 3
Wolfmaster 21 18 3
Briggs1209 21 17 4
Copernicus 21 17 4
Greeley Crow 21 17 4
Italianipastido 21 17 4
Josko.ri 21 17 4
Koul 21 17 4
MudPuppy 21 17 4
Nesterdude 21 17 4
Nikola_milicki 21 17 4
PANTS 21 17 4

Hopefully it is still Saturday in some parts of the world. I was unable to get to where I need to be to make the games, but I am making them today with the pm to go out in less than ten hours. I will allow the first ten players to post maps and settings in the thread to have the players choice games--posting in this thread only.

I have to hold off until Saturday--I could go over a list of reasons why but I will not--just know you will get a pm Saturday morning with the passcode to join the games--thanks for understanding. for those of you worried I will not complete the tourney now that I am out--not an issue--this is a great tourney and a lot of players are having fun--we will press on--get your predicton in the call outs forum for the LX HLA challenge

On a side note, Lindax and I are playing an all map series for the fun of it. He is a great player on this site and we have decided to challenge each other on all 185 maps--go here and predict the winner. If you predict the exact score you will win a three month premium.


Round 8 is upon us. I am taking down round seven games if they have not deleted. Round 8 should start Monday or Tuesday. We have now reached a part of the tourney where I would expect games to be up for no more than seven days. I have to do updates and see how many bounties are left. If games are still up I will leave a few so you may have a short time left to join round seven games, but probably less than a day. EDIT IT HAS BEEN TWO WEEKS AND THE GAMES HAVE DELETED AUTOMATICALLY--ROUND SEVEN IS OFFICIALLY OVER

Round seven is closing up soon. I may make a few doodle games still but not sure. It really depends on deciding who needs make up games due to holidays and such. I am trying to give everyone a chance to get their games in. I did receive many pm's about summer break trips and vacations so I am giving a little more time to join games. Because of my real life schedule I have basically let the last few rounds play longer than normal or at least leave the games up longer than normal. There will not be any more bounties this round. I would say you have until Sunday to join games, and it will take me a few days after that to organize this tourney. Then we can start getting ready for round 8 (which I won't be playing in :()

Champions league looking for players--u can play up to three teams--I got second in this last year so I want to improve but he needs a little over 50 teams still filled:

There are 1145 games for this round--find what you want or need and play them--I will most likely not make any more games for this round except bounty and maybe some doodle with a few days left. If you do not join games early you get what is left :)

The next bounty is against a player in the 1st page of the scoreboard (top 250) whose CC name is a character from a book. What's the first name of the author of that book?

9:37 6/28--Round seven begins tonight--we will start with a bounty--it will be drawn from with all eligible remaining players in the tourney having a chance-you may send me walls if you want any maps with specific settings for about the next two hours--after that I will not take any requests for this round.


has won a shot at the bounty

game number: Game 9320577

Good luck to you--you have until the invite expires to join the game or I will re-draw

Game 9320691Dukasaur will now get to play his bounty game I did not get to from last round after he guessed the right number

RULES>>>> viewtopic.php?f=91&t=134927&start=1

Remaining Players>>>> viewtopic.php?f=91&t=134927&start=2

Prizes and GA Awards>>>> viewtopic.php?f=91&t=134927&start=3

Old Information>>> viewtopic.php?f=91&t=134927&start=4005 (from 4-6 rds)
Old Information>>> viewtopic.php?f=91&t=134927&start=3255 (this was info from round 3)
Old Information>>> viewtopic.php?f=91&t=134927&start=3067 (this was info from round 2)
Old Information>>> viewtopic.php?f=91&t=134927&start=2316
Old Information>>> viewtopic.php?f=90&t=134927&start=1987
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Updated Rules to HA's 200th tourney

Postby HighlanderAttack on Fri Jan 07, 2011 12:39 pm

This is a 1v1 tourney-join any three games per round-No more than 3 total games in any round:

The exact rule and how it will be written: You are only allowed to join three total games in any given round. Joining 4 or more will disqualify you. If you make a mistake you need to send me a pm within five minutes of making the mistake with the game number. Be careful and make sure you only join three games and no more in any round and you will not have a problem. Bounties count as a game so if you want to try for a bounty in a round--do not join three games right away. Wait to join your three total games.

Now that round one is over-there are no excuses about not knowing, not understanding, my rules are not clear, there is too much congestion on page one. I was fair and gave breaks. I am sorry if this is unclear to anyone, but I will abide by the exact rule listed above. If a mistake is done and the person follows the rule I will go by time stamps of initialized games. If a technical issue happens I will work through the issue. Anything besides these two things will result in disqualification.

To advance to the next round-you have three things that need to be done:

1. Do not join more than three games
2. Do not play the same player more than once-if a mistake happens pm me so I can investigate
3. Just win one game

Maps used:
Players choice--maps chosen with players choice of settings-up to five different per round
Classic-CC-auto-seq-chained-esc-sunny-have to have the original map (well close to it)
Arms Race-auto-seq-unlimited-no spoils-sunny-have to have my favorite map in it

Many games will be set up using the above settings and.......

Each round I will randomly choose players with maps and settings to throw those maps into the mix.

I will pm players that get drawn and give them 24 hours notice to send me settings unless I can find them in the thread.

While the player list is huge I will have at least ten different maps with settings available for you to join--at least until the later rounds

I will also post in the thread free for all choice--basically allowing players to send me a pm with settings while I am making games and I will make some with their settings.

I may also choose some popular maps and setting to throw into the mix.

Since there are many maps and settings please pay attention to what you join. There may be freestyle--if you join a game you are not interested in--you are stuck with it.

To advance to the next round you must win one game each round. Any player that does not win one game, joins more than 3 games in any one round, or does not show up will be out of the tourney.

Time frame to join in a round--right now it is about one week. It may get extended or if players have a good enough reason why they need more time I may allow it --it all depends on the situation.

You must choose to play three different players--so if you are green and have joined games it must be against three different players. Nothing you can do if someone joins your games and you were waiting for games. If you join with the same player by accident please pm me for a ruling.

I hope this covers everything. I believe this is very clear. If something should be written clearer let me know.

Feel free to ask questions.
Last edited by HighlanderAttack on Wed Feb 16, 2011 3:33 pm, edited 12 times in total.
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Players Remaining in the tourney

Postby HighlanderAttack on Fri Jan 07, 2011 12:40 pm

going into round 31
Xx TrustME xX
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Postby HighlanderAttack on Fri Jan 07, 2011 12:40 pm


Premium Prizes for HAā€™s 200th Tourney:

First Place 18 month premium
Second Place 6 month premium
Thirdā€”3 month premium
Fourthā€”3 month premium
Fifthā€”3 month premium

Sixthā€”3 month premium--For now these will be used for something else
Seventhā€”3 month premium--For now these will be used for something else

Bounty Scoreboard-(many have been won but I need to update this) have been won

22 bounties(3 month premium prizes) will be offered-if a bounty hunter does not win the bounty carries over to the next round:
Round # Bounty on game # Player Winner
Round 1 Blitzaholic Game 8387019 Zoki77 Blitzaholic
Round 1 HighlanderAttack Game 8388852 gradybridges HighlanderAttack
Round 1 Night Strike Game 8394197 ga7 Night Strike
Round 1 HighlanderAttack Game 8394306 firth4eva HighlanderAttack
Round 1 squishyg Game 8396196 plash.ricrem squishyg
Round 1 samuelc812 Game 8396198 sccn samuelc812
Round 1 HighlanderAttack Game 8399201 Theldin HighlanderAttack
Round 1 lackattack Game 8440638 Theldin Theldin

Only one bounty was given away in round one--the bounty hunters went 1-7. This means we have 21 bounties left to give out. The next bounty will be offered on 2/17/11

MrBenn-contest for most played maps(1 year) ā€“details: The premium prize will be twelve months for the first person to win on all available maps, or twelve months shared between the players with the most unique map wins (if it's more than four then there will need to be some way of identifying the top four)(over all winning percentage will be the tie-breaker if needed)

Report to HighlanderAttack when you have won on every map or
When you are done with the tourney-report to HighlanderAttack the amount of different maps you were able to win on. They will be verified and a list will be kept

General Achievement Medals:

ā€œBest winning percentage for the entire tourneyā€ (minimum 25 games played)ā€”so whoever has the best percentage over the entire tourney with a minimum of 25 games played will win.

ā€œFirst player to lead the field in winsā€ā€”after every round I will check to see who is the first player to lead all other players with wins. This means after the round is complete if someone has more wins than everyone else they have lead the pack and will win the GA Medal. Congrats to TheFlashPoint for winning this GA Medal with a 19-2 record--all other players have less than his fantastic record entering round 8 so he leads the pack

ā€œPlayer that lasted the longest in the tourney only playing one game per roundā€ā€”I will check to see who lasts the longest in the tourney but only plays one game per round.

ā€œLast standing freemium playerā€.ā€”last freemium player left in the tourneyā€”if two players tie they will have a one game playoffā€”if more than two a round robin playoff

ā€œLast standing first time tourney playerā€.ā€”last first time tourney player left in the tourneyā€”if two players tie they will have a one game playoffā€”if more than two a round robin playoff

ā€œLongest winning streak in the tourneyā€ā€”for this one, players that think they have the longest winning streak must report it to HighlanderAttackā€”I will keep track based on game numbers for the players that report their winning streak to me. This is wins in a row without losing.

ā€œFirst Player to beat a team CC memberā€ and report it on the threadā€”player must finish the game with a team CC Member with a win and report it first on the thread. Hintā€”Team CC Members are in Bold Color in the threads. I will see if there is a list of all members I can add to the thread for easy viewing.
Congrats to Rodion for winning this GA Medal Game 8384462

ā€œPlayer with most perfect 3 win roundsā€ā€”this one must be reported to HighlanderAttack when the player completes the tourneyā€”report how many times they went 3-0 in a round.

ā€œPlayer with most unique player winsā€ā€”this one must be reported to HighlanderAttack when the player completes the tourneyā€”report how many unique wins you had over different players for entire tourney.

ā€œPlayer with most unique player wins on arms raceā€ā€”this one must be reported to HighlanderAttack when the player completes the tourneyā€”report how many unique wins you had over different players in the entire tourney on arms race.

NOTE: Most of the statistics needed to report data on a tourney can be used with Map Rank. This add on can be used by choosing the tournament and settings needed to show the data. Many of the GA Medals will need a player to last into the late rounds so if you get knocked out too early feel free to announce in the thread your statistics and we can keep track a the records get broken or hold on.

The list of my 199 exclusively ran tourneys:

Previous winners of my 199 tourneys:
Last edited by HighlanderAttack on Mon Jul 25, 2011 5:42 pm, edited 14 times in total.
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Re: HA's 200th Tourney (1 of 1000 I hope)

Postby mr. CD on Fri Jan 07, 2011 1:26 pm

In please. When you hit 300, I'll be in the won so many tournaments list. BUAHAHA etc.
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Re: HA's 200th Tourney (1 of 1000 I hope)

Postby mcshanester29 on Fri Jan 07, 2011 1:29 pm

in please and congrats on so many tourneys :D
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Re: HA's 200th Tourney (1 of 1000 I hope)

Postby Electricksabers on Fri Jan 07, 2011 1:33 pm

in please
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Re: HA's 200th Tourney (1 of 1000 I hope)

Postby Krissan on Fri Jan 07, 2011 1:58 pm

You know it :)

In please, and thanks for hosting all these tourneys.
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Re: HA's 200th Tourney (1 of 1000 I hope)

Postby speedrulez on Fri Jan 07, 2011 1:59 pm

In plz, gratz with this tournament!!
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Re: HA's 200th Tourney (1 of 1000 I hope)

Postby BluU on Fri Jan 07, 2011 2:02 pm

in please
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Re: HA's 200th Tourney (1 of 1000 I hope)

Postby shoop76 on Fri Jan 07, 2011 3:05 pm

In please

Treasures of Galapagos

Auto, no spoils, chained, foggy,
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Re: HA's 200th Tourney (1 of 1000 I hope)

Postby banana_hammocks on Fri Jan 07, 2011 3:46 pm


City Mogul, Auto, Escalating, Chained, Sunny

Organizer of Quick and Simple Tournament 1,2,3, Friends Close, Enemies Closer Tournament 1+2, CCC Tournament,All Holds Bar
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Re: HA's 200th Tourney (1 of 1000 I hope)

Postby b00060 on Fri Jan 07, 2011 3:46 pm

In with Arms race and your fav settings
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Re: HA's 200th Tourney (1 of 1000 I hope)

Postby kumandgo13 on Fri Jan 07, 2011 3:48 pm

in please
my fav is feudal war flat fog chained
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Re: HA's 200th Tourney (1 of 1000 I hope)

Postby benga on Fri Jan 07, 2011 3:49 pm

Aor 2 no spoils,adj,fog
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Re: HA's 200th Tourney (1 of 1000 I hope)

Postby Leehar on Fri Jan 07, 2011 3:49 pm

Lol, I just make your past winners list ;)

I'm in, map and settings tbd
(I still hate the fact you force us to play Arms race all the time ;)
I at least have the satisfaction of having a better record against you :P)
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Re: HA's 200th Tourney (1 of 1000 I hope)

Postby jrh_cardinal on Fri Jan 07, 2011 3:50 pm


Am. Civil War, No Spoils, Chained, Sunny
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Re: HA's 200th Tourney (1 of 1000 I hope)

Postby Iron Maid on Fri Jan 07, 2011 3:53 pm

Count me in!
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Re: HA's 200th Tourney (1 of 1000 I hope)

Postby dustin800 on Fri Jan 07, 2011 3:53 pm

in please 8 thoughts fog, chained, no spoils
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Re: HA's 200th Tourney (1 of 1000 I hope)

Postby morleyjoe on Fri Jan 07, 2011 3:56 pm

Sure - I'm in - NYC, esc, sunny, chained
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Re: HA's 200th Tourney (1 of 1000 I hope)

Postby harvmax on Fri Jan 07, 2011 4:01 pm

in please
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Re: HA's 200th Tourney (1 of 1000 I hope)

Postby Mizzou3181 on Fri Jan 07, 2011 4:06 pm

IN, poker club, foggy, no spoils, auto, seq, chained
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Re: HA's 200th Tourney (1 of 1000 I hope)

Postby Falkomagno on Fri Jan 07, 2011 4:06 pm

Hi there. _i want to join of course. I'd like to play in Battle of iraq. sunny, escalating, chained, seq, and manual
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Re: HA's 200th Tourney (1 of 1000 I hope)

Postby Zivel on Fri Jan 07, 2011 4:10 pm

Yeah I am keen: Monsters, no spoils, sunny, Assassin
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Re: HA's 200th Tourney (1 of 1000 I hope)

Postby Tupence on Fri Jan 07, 2011 4:17 pm

In please, 13 Colonies, Automatic, Escalating, Chained, Foggy
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The data for ALL of my tournaments has potentially been lost. I am working to recover it but as I am away on business all of this week, there will be some delay. Sincere apologies.
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