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Slanker70 / Martyboom[cleared]es

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Slanker70 / Martyboom[cleared]es

Postby Ishihara on Wed Dec 29, 2010 3:53 pm



The accused are suspected of:

Conducting Secret Diplomacy
Other: Coordinating assaults

Game number(s):

Game 7835029


This game only began to get curious when we got down to three players. At the start of round 56, green eliminated red from the game (reasonable enough). After this, every turn taken by the accused has been spent attacking me with not a single assault against each other. This includes NOT taking territories that would deny each other region bonuses. They have no assaulted each other in a way that would deny a bonus at all - any assaults that they have done since this became a four person game were spoil taking assaults on weak territories.

My question is this: in a game where they have not declared any truce, it's not a doubles game, and they have held the larger bonuses/higher troop numbers, does this rise to the level of secret diplomacy and/or coordinating assaults? I appreciate any help/insight from the C&A team on this.


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Re: Slanker70 / Martyboom

Postby theherkman on Wed Dec 29, 2010 4:18 pm

I was on your side when I saw that it was two low rankers... But you are winning dude... What the f*ck are you complaining about?

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Re: Slanker70 / Martyboom

Postby Evil Semp on Wed Dec 29, 2010 10:33 pm

It looks like your were getting the most troops each turn and you kept breaking the other players bonuses. It is understandable they would go 7after the strongest. Slanker70 and Martyboom are CLEARED.
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Re: Slanker70 / Martyboom[cleared]es

Postby Ishihara on Thu Dec 30, 2010 12:13 am

I thank you guys for the quick responses. At the time when their actions started to make me curious, I was the weakest player in the game - only bad dice on their part has kept me alive. I was really curious to know if their behaviour violated the spirit of the rules after I saw that they have played multiple games together - obviously, probably friendly towards each other.

Again, thanks for the quick response. I appreciate the work you guys do towards making this site as user friendly as it is.
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Re: Slanker70 / Martyboom[cleared]es

Postby theherkman on Thu Dec 30, 2010 12:33 am

Ishihara wrote:I thank you guys for the quick responses. At the time when their actions started to make me curious, I was the weakest player in the game - only bad dice on their part has kept me alive. I was really curious to know if their behaviour violated the spirit of the rules after I saw that they have played multiple games together - obviously, probably friendly towards each other.

Again, thanks for the quick response. I appreciate the work you guys do towards making this site as user friendly as it is.

No, problem. I try hard to make this site a better place.

8-) 8-)

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Re: Slanker70 / Martyboom[cleared]es

Postby Woodruff on Thu Dec 30, 2010 2:11 am

theherkman wrote:
Ishihara wrote:I thank you guys for the quick responses. At the time when their actions started to make me curious, I was the weakest player in the game - only bad dice on their part has kept me alive. I was really curious to know if their behaviour violated the spirit of the rules after I saw that they have played multiple games together - obviously, probably friendly towards each other.

Again, thanks for the quick response. I appreciate the work you guys do towards making this site as user friendly as it is.

No, problem. I try hard to make this site a better place.
8-) 8-)

Oh, you decided to try something different for a change?
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Re: Slanker70 / Martyboom[cleared]es

Postby theherkman on Thu Dec 30, 2010 4:35 am

Woodruff wrote:
theherkman wrote:
Ishihara wrote:I thank you guys for the quick responses. At the time when their actions started to make me curious, I was the weakest player in the game - only bad dice on their part has kept me alive. I was really curious to know if their behaviour violated the spirit of the rules after I saw that they have played multiple games together - obviously, probably friendly towards each other.

Again, thanks for the quick response. I appreciate the work you guys do towards making this site as user friendly as it is.

No, problem. I try hard to make this site a better place.
8-) 8-)

Oh, you decided to try something different for a change?

Thought I might try on the big boy pants. They don't fit too well. Now I'm off to have a glass of mead and terrorize another subforum.

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