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[CC 2010 Semis] TOFU vs KoRT [20-40 of 60]

Finished challenges between two competitive clans.

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Re: [CC 2010 Semis] TOFU vs KoRT [20-39 of 60]

Postby Dako on Sun Dec 19, 2010 8:30 am

josko.ri wrote:
InsomniaRed wrote:And how does 1 person = 1 clan? You're going to tell me that every single member of TOFU was 'insulting you multiple times''?

nope, I dont tell it. nor every single person's game is forfeited. forfeited are only games with the player who was "insulting me multiple times" and killed all my fun I had in this clan war with that. you still have 20 wins, no? earned by TOFU players, not by COFU players.

Kileld your fun, killed your fun... have you ever thought how much fun have you killed for us yourself? It is a pity you don't even try to look from the other point of view. Don't know why - either of inability to do so or for some other reason - but it is obvious.
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Re: [CC 2010 Semis] TOFU vs KoRT [20-39 of 60]

Postby josko.ri on Sun Dec 19, 2010 8:34 am

Dako wrote:You have never seen the TOFU topics and you cannot use the argument about who takes what games.

hmm, I dont use arguments who takes what games, I use arguments who takes how many games. "what" and "how many" has different meaning.

Dako wrote:And judging by your actions (ie penalty) is is your goal to win and advance, not ours.

I said before, what was played without fun, also ended without fun. I dont regret for anything, for me fun in this clan war was killed long before CoF joined 21st game.
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Re: [CC 2010 Semis] TOFU vs KoRT [20-39 of 60]

Postby Chariot of Fire on Sun Dec 19, 2010 8:41 am

Its obvious you are hoping Tofu takes you in the clan.

She was in the clan two days before you posted Mr.Observant.

I covered for stunna during some weekends, moonchild during his 7 days absence

This kind of says it all josko. I took 'a turn' for several players as their designated sitter (makes sense to have the person who is on CC more often than any other clan member). You on the other hand actually played the games on behalf of others.

Quite why you can't let this whole episode die is beyond me. Now it seems you want to start levelling insults about how TOFU's leadership works and the games that are taken up by clan members, yet you know nothing about the internal machinations of our clan, so I suggest you just shut up.

CC has already seen you and your kind for the cheating lowlives that you are. I'm surprised you have the temerity to lift your head, let alone open your mouth, for all it reveals is an ugliness spouting words that ring hollow.

Even your clanmates write and apologise about you. How must that feel :lol: (yeah, cruel)
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Re: [CC 2010 Semis] TOFU vs KoRT [20-39 of 60]

Postby josko.ri on Sun Dec 19, 2010 8:51 am

Chariot of Fire wrote:This kind of says it all josko. I took 'a turn' for several players as their designated sitter (makes sense to have the person who is on CC more often than any other clan member). You on the other hand actually played the games on behalf of others.

you didnt take only one turn for mentioned players, for some of them you played more turns. also, my sitting for stunna during weekends and for moon 7 days only made harder playing for them after returning and for me during sitting, due to different strategies we have and due to sometimes foggy games where it was not possible to see what was in previous rounds (snapshot in chat didnt exist at that time).

Chariot of Fire wrote:Quite why you can't let this whole episode die is beyond me. Now it seems you want to start levelling insults about how TOFU's leadership works and the games that are taken up by clan members, yet you know nothing about the internal machinations of our clan, so I suggest you just shut up.

I just gave my personal opinon about how leadership should be, and you may agree or disagree, it is just my opinion. I dont see where you find insults in that.

Chariot of Fire wrote:CC has already seen you and your kind for the cheating lowlives that you are. I'm surprised you have the temerity to lift your head, let alone open your mouth, for all it reveals is an ugliness spouting words that ring hollow.

Even your clanmates write and apologise about you. How must that feel :lol: (yeah, cruel)

apologize from anyone is better than apologize from noone. noone ever apologized for your insults =D>
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Re: [CC 2010 Semis] TOFU vs KoRT [20-39 of 60]

Postby josko.ri on Sun Dec 19, 2010 8:58 am

Dako wrote:have you ever thought how much fun have you killed for us yourself?

of course that winning 81% of games that I was played killed your fun, as your only fun is winning, so obviously that only 19% (4/21) of TOFU's wins in games that I was in the other team is not a lot of fun for the ones who has fun only in winning.
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Re: [CC 2010 Semis] TOFU vs KoRT [20-39 of 60]

Postby Chariot of Fire on Sun Dec 19, 2010 9:05 am

josko.ri wrote:
Dako wrote:have you ever thought how much fun have you killed for us yourself?

of course that winning 81% of games that I was played killed your fun, as your only fun is winning, so obviously that only 19% (4/21) of TOFU's wins in games that I was in the other team is not a lot of fun for the ones who has the only fun in winning.

Seems to me you should run your own clan josko, seeing as you have such a strong opinion on how leadership should be. And with such an impressive! How does your school cap even fit on your head?
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Re: [CC 2010 Semis] TOFU vs KoRT [20-39 of 60]

Postby Dako on Sun Dec 19, 2010 9:11 am

josko.ri wrote:of course that winning 81% of games that I was played killed your fun, as your only fun is winning, so obviously that only 19% (4/21) of TOFU's wins in games that I was in the other team is not a lot of fun for the ones who has fun only in winning.

Nice. I never thought that a player can play 21 games in a challenge without being penalized.
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Re: [CC 2010 Semis] TOFU vs KoRT [20-39 of 60]

Postby josko.ri on Sun Dec 19, 2010 9:14 am

Chariot of Fire wrote:Seems to me you should run your own clan josko, seeing as you have such a strong opinion on how leadership should be. And with such an impressive! How does your school cap even fit on your head?

I would never change KoRT for other clan. in KoRt are excellent teammates and persons, and for me that is more important than any winning of any clan war.

@ Dako. 5 of these 21 was 1v1's, counted like 1 game.
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Re: [CC 2010 Semis] TOFU vs KoRT [20-39 of 60]

Postby InsomniaRed on Sun Dec 19, 2010 9:16 am

sjnap wrote:Oh please red. Stop the ass.... Its obvious you are hoping Tofu takes you in the clan.
Because we didnt take you in the clan doesnt means you must keep on going on with this.
About time everyone goes on with life and stop this bullshit.

Happy holiday all O:)

Believe me the greatest thing that ever happened to me was NOT being in your clan. Just because you are on the less respected end of this argument does not mean throwing around inane ideas to make you are your clan feel better will make your guys look tougher. The fact that any of you actually think I was ever upset about not being in that clan is laughable.

Either way I think this josko clan is a great idea, CoF, you'd think he'd have thought of it sooner... :lol:
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Re: [CC 2010 Semis] TOFU vs KoRT [20-39 of 60]

Postby trapyoung on Sun Dec 19, 2010 9:24 am

Um... quick question for Masli and Jpcloet, how come I get an official site warning for insinuating josko is a school boy, but he can come here and level insults at an entire clan and particularly towards COF and jack shit has happened?

If you want this topic to die, then don't just get your knickers in a bunch when someone from TOFU complains, but how about you step up and deal out some equitable justice. Just because Masli is a moderator for this forum and in KORT, your independent judgment regarding a situation such as this should not be affected. Either I am owed an apology for a prejudiced implementation of the paddle system or josko should be on a forum vacation that will coincide with his break from bad grammar school.

And to just bring it out in the open, I've been disappointed with how the moderating has been conducted and filed a ticket with Andy roughly a month ago that has seem to gone from nowhere to slightly past nowhere over the course of a month. So presently, I'm not sure if I'm most displeased with the integrity of some of the moderators in this forum, the failure to follow through by head moderators, or the petulant behavior of a minor child.

Maybe if the site publicized who was given forum warnings or bans and being forced to state reasons, the site would operate less like a gestapo where favoritism is clearly displayed and more like a paying site and viable community because either (1) the mods are overworked or (2) they are under brained and either situation reflects negative on the site, creates a poor atmosphere and community for players, and will ultimately lose you members.
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Re: [CC 2010 Semis] TOFU vs KoRT [20-39 of 60]

Postby josko.ri on Sun Dec 19, 2010 9:28 am

trapyoung wrote:Um... quick question for Masli and Jpcloet, how come I get an official site warning for insinuating josko is a school boy, but he can come here and level insults at an entire clan and particularly towards COF and jack shit has happened?

if you have problems with my insults that never occured (nice imagination), on this site are people who are higher in hierarchy than Masli and jpcloet, so feel free to report me ;)
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Re: [CC 2010 Semis] TOFU vs KoRT [20-39 of 60]

Postby trapyoung on Sun Dec 19, 2010 9:42 am

josko.ri wrote:Thanks Knight. nor I have any interest in playing another games with members of COFU clan (Chariot Of Fire Union).

fortunately, it also exists clan named TOFU with some great persons and players, and I would like to have some epic challenges in future vs that clan.

if we played vs TOFU, we would loose 32-28, but, unfortunately, we played vs COFU, so final result is 40-20. I hope in our next challenges the opponents will be TOFU clan, as I want to play the war which will really be epic, not only in the games but also outside of the games.

Yeah, I'm sure nowhere in this post are you insinuating that Chariot of Fire is a bad person. Just because the nature of verbal communication eludes you and the concepts of implication and reading between the lines are nowhere near your level of comprehension, it does not mean that the rational majority cannot clearly see your attack on COF. By the way, this was just the first post I came across, I'm not super keen on feeding the troll with finding each instance which I'm sure people could just scan the last two pages of the thread to find. I've got better shit to do.

Let's see what happens with this post - Everyone in JORT (Josko of Round Table) is an 17 year old ass whose mum still dictates his bed time. Fortunately, there are people in KORT who are not complete assholes and I would like to play them although they would lose 81% of previously won games.

Now let's all guess at who I am calling out!
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Re: [CC 2010 Semis] TOFU vs KoRT [20-39 of 60]

Postby Chariot of Fire on Sun Dec 19, 2010 9:48 am

josko.ri wrote:COF is full of shit and can't play Risk to save his life
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Re: [CC 2010 Semis] TOFU vs KoRT [20-39 of 60]

Postby josko.ri on Sun Dec 19, 2010 9:52 am

trapyoung wrote:
josko.ri wrote:Thanks Knight. nor I have any interest in playing another games with members of COFU clan (Chariot Of Fire Union).

fortunately, it also exists clan named TOFU with some great persons and players, and I would like to have some epic challenges in future vs that clan.

if we played vs TOFU, we would loose 32-28, but, unfortunately, we played vs COFU, so final result is 40-20. I hope in our next challenges the opponents will be TOFU clan, as I want to play the war which will really be epic, not only in the games but also outside of the games.

Yeah, I'm sure nowhere in this post are you insinuating that Chariot of Fire is a bad person. Just because the nature of verbal communication eludes you and the concepts of implication and reading between the lines are nowhere near your level of comprehension, it does not mean that the rational majority cannot clearly see your attack on COF. By the way, this was just the first post I came across, I'm not super keen on feeding the troll with finding each instance which I'm sure people could just scan the last two pages of the thread to find. I've got better shit to do.

Let's see what happens with this post - Everyone in JORT (Josko of Round Table) is an 17 year old ass whose mum still dictates his bed time. Fortunately, there are people in KORT who are not complete assholes and I would like to play them although they would lose 81% of previously won games.

Now let's all guess at who I am calling out!

using term "COFU" is with the same sense like almost whole your clan used term "CORT". if I called CoF bad person with this, then almost whole your clan called whole KORT bad persons using "CORT" term. the same thing.

again, as I said, you or anyone else may report me to official persons if feel that I insulted someone.
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Re: [CC 2010 Semis] TOFU vs KoRT [20-39 of 60]

Postby trapyoung on Sun Dec 19, 2010 9:52 am

trapyoung wrote:Um... quick question for Masli and Jpcloet, how come I get an official site warning for insinuating josko is a school boy, but he can come here and level insults at an entire clan and particularly towards COF and jack shit has happened?

If you want this topic to die, then don't just get your knickers in a bunch when someone from TOFU complains, but how about you step up and deal out some equitable justice. Just because Masli is a moderator for this forum and in KORT, your independent judgment regarding a situation such as this should not be affected. Either I am owed an apology for a prejudiced implementation of the paddle system or josko should be on a forum vacation that will coincide with his break from bad grammar school.

And to just bring it out in the open, I've been disappointed with how the moderating has been conducted and filed a ticket with Andy roughly a month ago that has seem to gone from nowhere to slightly past nowhere over the course of a month. So presently, I'm not sure if I'm most displeased with the integrity of some of the moderators in this forum, the failure to follow through by head moderators, or the petulant behavior of a minor child.

Maybe if the site publicized who was given forum warnings or bans and being forced to state reasons, the site would operate less like a gestapo where favoritism is clearly displayed and more like a paying site and viable community because either (1) the mods are overworked or (2) they are under brained and either situation reflects negative on the site, creates a poor atmosphere and community for players, and will ultimately lose you members.

Seems I should have checked my email first, I was sent a response by Andy regarding my situation but I am less than pleased with the determination. But, figured I should indicate that fact seeing how I brought up the fact I filed the ticket.
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Re: [CC 2010 Semis] TOFU vs KoRT [20-39 of 60]

Postby InsomniaRed on Sun Dec 19, 2010 9:53 am

josko.ri wrote:using term "COFU" is with the same sense like almost whole your clan used term "CORT". if I called CoF bad person with this, then almost whole your clan called whole KORT bad persons using "CORT" term. the same thing.

again, as I said, you or anyone else may report me to official persons if feel that I insulted someone.

Well in that case, eveyone was getting in trouble for calling kort the ..... 'c word'. It was deemed baiting. Does this mean that you are, in fact, baiting? :-s
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Re: [CC 2010 Semis] TOFU vs KoRT [20-39 of 60]

Postby josko.ri on Sun Dec 19, 2010 9:54 am

trapyoung wrote:Let's see what happens with this post - Everyone in JORT (Josko of Round Table) is an 17 year old ass whose mum still dictates his bed time. Fortunately, there are people in KORT who are not complete assholes and I would like to play them although they would lose 81% of previously won games.

I didnt hear for clan JORT. are you member of that clan? just checking.
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Re: [CC 2010 Semis] TOFU vs KoRT [20-39 of 60]

Postby trapyoung on Sun Dec 19, 2010 10:01 am

josko.ri wrote:
trapyoung wrote:Let's see what happens with this post - Everyone in JORT (Josko of Round Table) is an 17 year old ass whose mum still dictates his bed time. Fortunately, there are people in KORT who are not complete assholes and I would like to play them although they would lose 81% of previously won games.

I didnt hear for clan JORT. are you member of that clan? just checking.

Unfortunately, no I am not. I'm not flexible enough to pat myself on my own back. Enjoy the holidays,
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Re: [CC 2010 Semis] TOFU vs KoRT [20-39 of 60]

Postby timmy1 on Sun Dec 19, 2010 11:21 am

Am I the only one that finds irony in the fact that this still isn't updated properly?
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Re: [CC 2010 Semis] TOFU vs KoRT [20-39 of 60]

Postby Foxglove on Sun Dec 19, 2010 11:49 am

This is painful.

jp or masli - please lock this thread.
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Re: [CC 2010 Semis] TOFU vs KoRT [20-39 of 60]

Postby Dako on Sun Dec 19, 2010 11:59 am

Foxglove wrote:This is painful.

jp or masli - please lock this thread.

The thread was not painful for 10 days before josko started posting here for some reason. Do not lock the thread because I guy is nagging everyone else - deal with the guy instead and everything will be ok.
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Re: [CC 2010 Semis] TOFU vs KoRT [20-39 of 60]

Postby eddie2 on Sun Dec 19, 2010 12:14 pm

plz don't lock it i am enjoying reading this with my glass of wine.
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Re: [CC 2010 Semis] TOFU vs KoRT [20-39 of 60]

Postby tyche73 on Sun Dec 19, 2010 12:21 pm

josko.ri wrote:
our main goal is fun, so we always try to have fun as much as possible spreaded to our clan memebers, to everyone have as much as possible fun. less games have only players who were apsent for some period. obviously TOFU's only goal is winning, not having fun, so playing skills determines who will play the most games.

Come on now josko
Firstly any comments in thread are futile
Secondly you should know better, we concede that you advanced to the finals, albeit true an administration error, we thought common sense might prevail and a fairer penality might have been enforced.

I'm more surprised at Kort as a whole, taking the whole 21 game penality, considering the quality of your players and level they have played take a cheap win like they did.
One of your players mentioned in thota v kort thread ''it is kort's time to shine'' i personally don't see it !

Disappointed would sum up this challenge for me, disappointed with myself for expecting fairness

So you can't really accuse TOFU of ''winning is our only goal'' and Kort ''only play for fun'' that washed when the finals started.
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Re: [CC 2010 Semis] TOFU vs KoRT [20-39 of 60]

Postby Foxglove on Sun Dec 19, 2010 12:41 pm

Dako wrote:
Foxglove wrote:This is painful.

jp or masli - please lock this thread.

The thread was not painful for 10 days before josko started posting here for some reason. Do not lock the thread because I guy is nagging everyone else - deal with the guy instead and everything will be ok.

Josko has been the target of every angry TOFU poster's venom. He has taken the brunt of all the insults leveled at us, and I respect him for not replying to personal insults with the same cruelty as has been shown to him.

This challenge has been the least fun experience I've ever had on CC. I would imagine I'm not alone in saying that.
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