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Re: Video Gamers United

Postby Master Chief on Thu Dec 16, 2010 12:48 am

We now have 10 members!!! Can someone tell me what I do now to make this damned thing official!? THANKS!!
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Re: Video Gamers United

Postby Master Chief on Thu Dec 16, 2010 11:20 am

E-ticket sent. I shall pm all members on my roster when we have our private forum.
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Re: Video Gamers United

Postby tdans on Thu Dec 16, 2010 11:28 am

Master Chief wrote:E-ticket sent. I shall pm all members on my roster when we have our private forum.

awesome.. and tbh, I wanted a ps3, but a friend gave me a 20 inch hd tv with a ps3, I coudnt say no :P
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Re: Video Gamers United

Postby Gold Knight on Thu Dec 16, 2010 11:39 am

I would just like to ask that if this is going to turn into a bunch of guys breathing heavily over Black Ops, im going to be asked to be removed... :lol:

God i hate that game, even some of my COD-loving friends have returned it...
xxtig12683xx wrote:yea, my fav part was being in the sewer riding a surfboard and wacking these alien creatures.

shit was badass
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Re: Video Gamers United

Postby maasman on Thu Dec 16, 2010 12:01 pm

Gold Knight wrote:I would just like to ask that if this is going to turn into a bunch of guys breathing heavily over Black Ops, im going to be asked to be removed... :lol:

God i hate that game, even some of my COD-loving friends have returned it...

I own 0 fps's, so don't worry, not all of us will be talking about black ops.
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Re: Video Gamers United

Postby Master Chief on Thu Dec 16, 2010 12:11 pm

Gold Knight wrote:I would just like to ask that if this is going to turn into a bunch of guys breathing heavily over Black Ops, im going to be asked to be removed... :lol:

God i hate that game, even some of my COD-loving friends have returned it...

Not if I can help it my friend. The purpose of this usergroup is to share in our love for ALL video games, not just 1 or 2.
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Re: Video Gamers United

Postby Commander62890 on Thu Dec 16, 2010 12:16 pm

Super Smash Bros for N64

I played it with Ljex every day in college... we got very good

Mario Kart is good, too; but not half as good as Smash.
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Re: Video Gamers United

Postby Master Chief on Thu Dec 16, 2010 12:25 pm

Commander62890 wrote:Super Smash Bros for N64

I played it with Ljex every day in college... we got very good

Mario Kart is good, too; but not half as good as Smash.

LOL, yeah, I was surprised, but when I visited my cousin one time at his college, the 2 favorite games at that time were Halo 3, and Super Smash, I kicked ass at Melee but lost horribly at the original. I just hadn't played it in forever, and the mechanics were so much different.
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Re: Video Gamers United

Postby ljex on Thu Dec 16, 2010 1:10 pm

Commander62890 wrote:Super Smash Bros for N64

I played it with Ljex every day in college... we got very good

Mario Kart is good, too; but not half as good as Smash.

Without you there no one is as good as me so it is not as much fun...also mario kart is much better than i first thought back when we used to play it freshman year.
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Re: Video Gamers United

Postby Master Chief on Thu Dec 16, 2010 1:24 pm

If and when we do get our own private forum, I'm going to make this my first post, but I thought I should say this now so we can get the ball rolling sooner.

INVITE YOUR FRIENDS! If you know someone that loves video games and also plays CC, INVITE THEM. The whole point of this is to talk about games with a bunch of people that share the same love for games. 10 people is a great start, but not nearly the amount I'm hoping for. Spread the word!

Thanks for helping to make this dream into reality!

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Re: Video Gamers United

Postby Gold Knight on Thu Dec 16, 2010 4:21 pm

Master Chief wrote:If and when we do get our own private forum, I'm going to make this my first post, but I thought I should say this now so we can get the ball rolling sooner.

INVITE YOUR FRIENDS! If you know someone that loves video games and also plays CC, INVITE THEM. The whole point of this is to talk about games with a bunch of people that share the same love for games. 10 people is a great start, but not nearly the amount I'm hoping for. Spread the word!

Thanks for helping to make this dream into reality!


This was a dream? Need to set your goals a little higher... :mrgreen:

And all this Mario Kart talk is for naught if we arent bringing back Super Nintendo, I demolished on the original Kart...
xxtig12683xx wrote:yea, my fav part was being in the sewer riding a surfboard and wacking these alien creatures.

shit was badass
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Re: Video Gamers United

Postby Master Chief on Thu Dec 16, 2010 4:41 pm

Gold Knight wrote:
Master Chief wrote:If and when we do get our own private forum, I'm going to make this my first post, but I thought I should say this now so we can get the ball rolling sooner.

INVITE YOUR FRIENDS! If you know someone that loves video games and also plays CC, INVITE THEM. The whole point of this is to talk about games with a bunch of people that share the same love for games. 10 people is a great start, but not nearly the amount I'm hoping for. Spread the word!

Thanks for helping to make this dream into reality!


This was a dream? Need to set your goals a little higher... :mrgreen:

And all this Mario Kart talk is for naught if we arent bringing back Super Nintendo, I demolished on the original Kart...

One of several, but thanks for making me feel all warm and fuzzy. Makes me like you more..... *cough*

Yeah, the GBA and SNES were my least favorite, but I like how the newer ones (DS and Wii) have brought back the Retro maps. I hated Boo's Boardwalk (or whatever it was) on the SNES version. And rainbow road for that matter.
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Re: Video Gamers United

Postby Bruceswar on Thu Dec 16, 2010 4:56 pm

I think I qualify to be in... lets hope this one is better than the last attempt...

Click image to enlarge.
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Re: Video Gamers United

Postby Campin_Killer on Thu Dec 16, 2010 5:20 pm

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Re: Video Gamers United

Postby maasman on Thu Dec 16, 2010 5:25 pm

Bruceswar wrote:I think I qualify to be in... lets hope this one is better than the last attempt...

Click image to enlarge.

Solid retro collection.
Anything newer?
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Re: Video Gamers United

Postby Bruceswar on Thu Dec 16, 2010 5:34 pm

OFC.... I also have expanded that collection since that photo... I have had tons of new systems... Even a rare 3DO... Black Ops is nice, but old games are where it is at. ;)
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Re: Video Gamers United

Postby maasman on Thu Dec 16, 2010 6:33 pm

Bruceswar wrote:OFC.... I also have expanded that collection since that photo... I have had tons of new systems... Even a rare 3DO... Black Ops is nice, but old games are where it is at. ;)

You sound like my brother. I think he has every system except for the neo geo, but he may have picked that up since I last talked to him about it, which was several years ago.
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Re: Video Gamers United

Postby Gold Knight on Thu Dec 16, 2010 9:01 pm

Bruceswar wrote:I think I qualify to be in... lets hope this one is better than the last attempt...

Click image to enlarge.

That row under Jeopardy is solid. I see both the original Gaunlet and Zelda just from the different colors... 8-)

Dont even know how many times ive beaten both of those...
xxtig12683xx wrote:yea, my fav part was being in the sewer riding a surfboard and wacking these alien creatures.

shit was badass
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Re: Video Gamers United

Postby Master Chief on Thu Dec 16, 2010 9:05 pm

I think I still have the original gold Zelda 1 and 2, and the original gauntlet and tetris before they changed the cartridges. My sis took them to college and they, along with the rest of my old systems, are somewhere collecting dust in storage. Every time I ask to get them back, she yells at me.

Bruce, what do you mean you hope this goes better than last time... did someone try to do this before?

2 new members added to the list. Keep em coming guys!
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Re: Video Gamers United

Postby Master Chief on Thu Dec 16, 2010 9:07 pm

I haven't heard back about the e-ticket... are they usually quick about responding to these things? We have a few mods in here.... anyone know?
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Re: Video Gamers United

Postby Master Chief on Thu Dec 16, 2010 9:08 pm

Gold Knight wrote:
Bruceswar wrote:I think I qualify to be in... lets hope this one is better than the last attempt...

Click image to enlarge.

That row under Jeopardy is solid. I see both the original Gaunlet and Zelda just from the different colors... 8-)

Dont even know how many times ive beaten both of those...

TOOBIN!!! I just noticed that! I used to love that game!!! I played it so many times!!!!
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Re: Video Gamers United

Postby lilrvrgrl on Thu Dec 16, 2010 9:15 pm

Mystical Ninja! lol Woot Woot!
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Re: Video Gamers United

Postby Victor Sullivan on Fri Dec 17, 2010 2:51 pm

Wow... Two days and 4 pages! Methinks we've got a group, eh, Master Chief? :)

Here's a list of the systems I have:

PS3 (My fave)
Xbox 360
N64 (I freaking love the original Smash - I still play it with my friends. *Jigglypuff ftw*)
Gameboy Color
Atari 7800 (Lol, not even sure if it works anymore)
Atari Flashback (If that even counts)


P.S. Yes, I have a problem...
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Re: Video Gamers United

Postby Master Chief on Fri Dec 17, 2010 3:10 pm

Victor Sullivan wrote:Wow... Two days and 4 pages! Methinks we've got a group, eh, Master Chief? :)

Here's a list of the systems I have:

PS3 (My fave)
Xbox 360
N64 (I freaking love the original Smash - I still play it with my friends. *Jigglypuff ftw*)
Gameboy Color
Atari 7800 (Lol, not even sure if it works anymore)
Atari Flashback (If that even counts)


P.S. Yes, I have a problem...

Here's mine:

Gameboy Advance SP
Gameboy Color
Sega Genesis
Sega Game Gear
Gameboy Pocket

I've never played PS and never will. I still haven't forgiven PS for killing Sega (although they kind of shot themselves in the foot with that a bit too)

Also, FYI, the mods got back to me, and we should have our own forum shortly! And there was much rejoicing! =D>
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Re: Video Gamers United

Postby Master Chief on Fri Dec 17, 2010 3:12 pm

I also wanted to copy and paste this:

I'm a big fan of most things Nintendo, Mario (3 for NES, SNES, N64, Gamecube), Oldschool donkey kong country (3 SNES, N64, and new one on Wii I have yet to play), super mario RPG, Paper mario (all 3), Mario and Luigi (all 3, handheld only), Super Mario Galaxy (haven't played the 2nd), All of the Zelda games, (2 NES, SNES, 2 N64, 3 Gameboy, 3 Gamecube, Wii, 2 DS, 2 GBA), Metroid games (NES, SNES, 2 GBA, 2 Gamecube, 2 Wii), No More Heroes (2 Wii), Golden Sun (Joint effort of Camelot and Nintendo, 2 GBA and DS sequel soon), Mario Kart (SNES, GBA, N64, Gamecube, DS, Wii), Super Smash (N64, Gamecube, Wii), Mario Sports games (Golf, Baseball, Tennis), Mario Party games (Owned all 8 at one point), and a few others I'm probably forgetting right now. lol. Does anyone feel the way I do? :)
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