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Re: b00060

Postby Commander62890 on Thu Dec 09, 2010 9:55 am

I've been meaning to ask you... why do you play so many 1v1s?

They are so easy... why don't you fully master team games so you can kick ass in the clan world?
Last edited by Commander62890 on Thu Dec 09, 2010 9:56 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: b00060

Postby theherkman on Thu Dec 09, 2010 9:56 am

I did send you an invite to a quads game already. You refused. I will play you at any map or settings that help eliminate luck and increase skill. FS, fog, multiple players, no spoils/esc spoils, a complex map or a conquest map. These are what make a game fair or even. No one wants to play you at a flat rate 1v1 Arms Race and have the game decided by dice and dice alone.

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Re: b00060

Postby Commander62890 on Thu Dec 09, 2010 9:58 am

You know what, B00?

I'll leave this to Herkman. Looks like he's doing a better job here than I

Good luck, Herk
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Re: b00060

Postby Commander62890 on Thu Dec 09, 2010 9:59 am

Never really wanted to play you, anyway... really just trying to have a nice conversation and maybe get in a couple of practice games

B00, you wanna team up in a few games? What are your favorite maps? I'll play some trips with you and HA! :)
Last edited by Commander62890 on Thu Dec 09, 2010 10:00 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: b00060

Postby HighlanderAttack on Thu Dec 09, 2010 10:00 am

For the record:

I am not a noob

I lost 400 points in speed league last night because I sucked and was suicided to the point of actual death--somehow survived

I do challenge you that arms race 1v1 is skill--I have proven that

This whole thread is kind of funny :)

Have fun bashing each other and feel free to bash me--I always love it

And if you piss me off--which you probably won't--FUCK OFF :0
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Re: b00060

Postby Commander62890 on Thu Dec 09, 2010 10:02 am

I know you're not... I was just kidding

Up for a trips with me 'n B00?

Or we could add theherkman and make it quads!
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Re: b00060

Postby b00060 on Thu Dec 09, 2010 10:02 am

Herk, you let me know your settings and I will create 5 random map games.. Enough back and forth, I am here to play and not talk trash. You guys want to play, send me an invite, if you don't then so be it. Herk, using Commanders excuses, I shouldn't be playing you since you are so low in points anyways. Commander, our history tells me all I need to know about you. I am better, whether it is a team game or a singles. It is right there in black and white for anyone to research, juts look up games with both of us in them.
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Re: b00060

Postby Commander62890 on Thu Dec 09, 2010 10:07 am

Not gonna lie... this is probably the greatest thread in the history of the interwebz

With SCODALS being number 2
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Re: b00060

Postby HighlanderAttack on Thu Dec 09, 2010 10:09 am

And further more--with over 200 tourney games to be played--I don't have time for pick up games

Plus I have 120 T-X 1v1 games I have to join and play within the next week

Anyone got a good tourney Idea ?
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Re: b00060

Postby b00060 on Thu Dec 09, 2010 10:11 am

I have a good tourney idea. How about you create one where people just bitch about settings and maps and never actually play a game. Last person to send an invite is the winner. My money is on Herk!
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Re: b00060

Postby Commander62890 on Thu Dec 09, 2010 10:12 am

b00060 wrote:It is right there in black and white for anyone to research, juts look up games with both of us in them.

5-2 in trips and quads, biotch

And, incidentally, we are 2-0 on the same team... O:)
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Re: b00060

Postby theherkman on Thu Dec 09, 2010 10:14 am

Firstly, the point differenxce between Commander and yourself is near staggering. Our point difference is none on my good days and a few hundred at the most on my bad days. Secondly, I'm always up for team games everyone. Thirdly, lets play 5 random maps. Chained, Sequential, Esc/No spoils, Automatic, Foggy. You can set these up as dubs, trips or quads. I prefer trips as dubs can be overly simplistic and I don't excel at quads, but this is completely up to you. I realize why you want random maps. Don't think I haven't seen that you have played several games on ALL maps. This gives you a sizable advantage as you are reasonably guaranteed an understanding of whichever map is chosen. I don't mind this though and am willing to play you.

HA, 1v1 arms race is not skill. I know how to play it, so do you. B00 knows how to play it. The SAME strategies are used most of the time. It is decided by the dice when taking neutrals in the beginning to secure a +1 or +2 bonus. If there are cards then it is decided by the dice still as to whether or not you can get a card.

Commander, I like your style. I'm going to go set up some team games now.

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Re: b00060

Postby HighlanderAttack on Thu Dec 09, 2010 10:19 am

theherkman wrote:HA, 1v1 arms race is not skill. I know how to play it, so do you. B00 knows how to play it. The SAME strategies are used most of the time. It is decided by the dice when taking neutrals in the beginning to secure a +1 or +2 bonus. If there are cards then it is decided by the dice still as to whether or not you can get a card.

Then you think you would have the same chance to beat me in let's say an 11 game series.

Put your money where your mouth is--lol

Nobody talks about my arms race--I will f*ck you up
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Re: b00060

Postby theherkman on Thu Dec 09, 2010 10:26 am

I am putting my money where my mouth is, HA. I am saying I won't play a series of 1v1 against you in a challenge because they are decided largely by the dice, drop, and luck. I stand by what I said.

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Re: b00060

Postby tdans on Thu Dec 09, 2010 10:32 am

HighlanderAttack wrote:
theherkman wrote:HA, 1v1 arms race is not skill. I know how to play it, so do you. B00 knows how to play it. The SAME strategies are used most of the time. It is decided by the dice when taking neutrals in the beginning to secure a +1 or +2 bonus. If there are cards then it is decided by the dice still as to whether or not you can get a card.

Then you think you would have the same chance to beat me in let's say an 11 game series.

Put your money where your mouth is--lol

Nobody talks about my arms race--I will f*ck you up

freestyle speed arms race 1v1 is all about dice if both players know what they are doing/.//
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Re: b00060

Postby b00060 on Thu Dec 09, 2010 10:32 am

Commander I love how you do not mention our overall records together and focus on the trips and quads? What about the dubs and singles? Herk, I sent you the invites on Random maps with YOUR settings. It can't get more tilted in your favor. Either way, it proves that I want to play games and not hide. If you win, then good, if I win, then great. I have lost over 10,000 games, I am not disputing that I can't lose. What I am disputing is that I am a coward, because that is ridiculous, this is a game for heavens sake and I do not back down from challenges like others and hide behind excuses.

Herk, good luck in our games and for the record, I have more than 400 points on you. Ask Commander if that is a lot and hard to maintain when you will actually play anyone?
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Re: b00060

Postby b00060 on Thu Dec 09, 2010 10:33 am

tDans, what part of RANDOM map at whatever settings they want is everyone not understanding? How much more can I give away?
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Re: b00060

Postby theherkman on Thu Dec 09, 2010 10:37 am

b00060 wrote:Herk, I sent you the invites on Random maps with YOUR settings. It can't get more tilted in your favor.

No you didn't. This is seriously funny that you just sent me five 1v1s. Wow...

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Re: b00060

Postby HighlanderAttack on Thu Dec 09, 2010 10:39 am

theherkman wrote:I am putting my money where my mouth is, HA. I am saying I won't play a series of 1v1 against you in a challenge because they are decided largely by the dice, drop, and luck. I stand by what I said.

Really-you sound like a dumb ass with that statement. The whole point of a series is it takes the luck part out. You won't get it even if I explained it to you in a third grade level so I will drop the subject--I was hoping to add a year onto my account, but as luck would have it--the girl is scared.
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Re: b00060

Postby HighlanderAttack on Thu Dec 09, 2010 10:41 am

tdans wrote:
HighlanderAttack wrote:
theherkman wrote:HA, 1v1 arms race is not skill. I know how to play it, so do you. B00 knows how to play it. The SAME strategies are used most of the time. It is decided by the dice when taking neutrals in the beginning to secure a +1 or +2 bonus. If there are cards then it is decided by the dice still as to whether or not you can get a card.

One day if I ever get out of the dinosaur age of computers I will put this notion to rest too.
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Re: b00060

Postby ljex on Thu Dec 09, 2010 10:50 am

Ill figure out who from my clan wants to play a team game and send you an invite latter b00060, also you might be interested in knowing that i havent played city mogul fs speed in a few months.
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Re: b00060

Postby theherkman on Thu Dec 09, 2010 11:04 am

ljex wrote:Ill figure out who from my clan wants to play a team game and send you an invite latter b00060, also you might be interested in knowing that i havent played city mogul fs speed in a few months.

I guess he only wants to play 1v1...

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Re: b00060

Postby Commander62890 on Thu Dec 09, 2010 11:09 am

ljex wrote:Ill figure out who from my clan wants to play a team game and send you an invite latter b00060

I'll be on B00's team. You're going down, Ljex

Edit: In truth, this thread was just about me, Herkman, and B00 trying to increase our post counts 8-[ :-$
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Re: b00060

Postby b00060 on Thu Dec 09, 2010 1:02 pm

Herk, I think you should stop posting. I outrank you, so points can't be an issue since you will win 50% right? I sent you 5 games on YOUR settings and you are scared to play me. I joined the game you sent me, you are the coward. You have no room to talk anymore.
Last edited by b00060 on Thu Dec 09, 2010 1:17 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: b00060

Postby b00060 on Thu Dec 09, 2010 1:12 pm

Sounds good ijex.
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