16 players (8 teams)
All games will be played on the Mongol Empire map
All games will be 2v2. All rounds will have 1 game.
The winner moves to the next round
All teams are randomly assigned to their games each round using random.org
Freemiums welcome
show: Past Tournaments
2v2 Series - British Isles (Winners: iamkoolerthanu & jrh_cardinal ) (Runners-Up: Enormastitz & Terry Nutkins ) 2v2 Series - Canada (Winners: osujacket & larsin ) (Runners-Up: shoop76 & decius mus ) 2v2 Series - Classic - (Winners: Conquistadores & join cad ) (Rnners-Up: coconutt & alt1978 ) 2v2 Series - Japan - (Winners: jefjef & megaswoman ) (Runners-Up: BluU & amirberner ) 2v2 Series - San Francisco (Winners: nesterdude & hwhrhett ) (Runners-Up: sdh & VioIet ) 2v2 Series - Scotland (Winners: sdh & ADBEELINHO ) (Runners-Up: patrickaa317 & seechster ) 2v2 Series - USA (Winners: BluU & amirberner ) (Runners-Up: sdh & ADBEELINHO )
show: settings
Automatic Sequential Escalating Chained Sunny
show: players
1 - sdh & sekretar 2 - Arama86n & Nicky15 3 - BluU & amirberner 4 - MyTurnToWin & conquerhero 5 - hagardunor & Pedrox 6 - HighlanderAttack & Krissan 7 - Leehar & pmchugh 8 - Rodion & thebest712
show: Round 1
Arama86n & Nicky15 - vs - Rodion & thebest712 Game 8019275 Leehar & pmchugh - vs - BluU & amirberner Game 8019274 HighlanderAttack & Krissan - vs - hagardunor & Pedrox Game 8019273 MyTurnToWin & conquerhero - vs - sdh & sekretar Game 8019272
show: Round 2
Leehar & pmchugh - vs - Rodion & thebest712 Game 8136986 MyTurnToWin & conquerhero - vs - hagardunor & Pedrox Game 8136984
show: Final
Leehar & pmchugh - vs - hagardunor & Pedrox Game 8184777