by thewildmannimal on Wed Nov 10, 2010 9:16 pm
When Matrix said he was referring me to the admin I thought he was kidding... I guess not. Let me say a few things in my defense.
First, I'd just like to say I love CC and I'm pretty much addicted to it. Thanks to the creators. My wife hates you folks though, sorry.
Second, I'm not a racist. Never have been, never will be. I hate everyone.
Third, I was just creatively trash talking another player without using profanity and thought that "Malangster" (cross between Malaysian and gangster) would be a funny/creative razz to mess with Matrix based on his "potty mouth". Though I've never been there, I'm sure Malaysia is a great place filled with wonderful people. My intent was not to insult Malaysians. My intent was to insult Matrix.
Finally, CC chat is fun. I have been trash talked to, and trash talked to others. If you dish it out, you've got to be able to take it. I'm happy to do both. But crying racist when someone razzes you and then tattling is just sad. To those of you who saw though this nonsense, thank you. I would hate to be barred from this game I love so much.
I look forward to trying to beat all of you with the best I've got, and I would only hope you all try to do the same to me. Thats why I love the game.
See you in the club!
The Wild Malangster (Whoops!... Mannimal)
P.S. Matrix, your stink.