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hairy potter - BIGOTRY[Cleared/closed]e84

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Re: hairy potter - BIGOTRY

Postby drunkmonkey on Thu Oct 07, 2010 1:24 pm

Actually, I was the one who first noticed hairy's wall. I was curious about the guy who started the unending b***hfest about an avatar. Jefjef saw my post and logged a complaint about it. I don't know how this complaining about intent even relevant?

At what point do we take the high road and walk away?
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Re: hairy potter - BIGOTRY

Postby Serbia on Thu Oct 07, 2010 1:24 pm

Before you turn this into a flame-fest jefjef, let me remind you that I'M the one who says you're baiting here, not MNDuke. So if you'd like to troll, bait and flame someone, it might as well be me.
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Re: hairy potter - BIGOTRY

Postby MegasWoman on Thu Oct 07, 2010 1:26 pm

MNDuke wrote:
MegasWoman wrote:Well now that Eddie and MNDuke have decided that trolling and baiting JJ is what this complaint is about-how 'bout the mods step in before all of ya get a vacation....

Kind of exactly like what you guys have been doing to me for the past 6 months. Alls fair in love and war.

sigh...."you guys"....why everything has to be turned around to be about you i don't know/understand but this complaint is about bigotry-so stay on topic. You have an issue with JJ go file your own complaint.
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Re: hairy potter - BIGOTRY

Postby MNDuke on Thu Oct 07, 2010 1:31 pm

jefjef wrote:
MNDuke wrote:
army of nobunaga wrote:Because they are not friends, they are quarrelsome assholes. You had a reason to post this thread. It is validated. I have a real intolerance for bigots. Its part of my "you are using my air and wasting it" mindset.

I think a few secretly (your "friends") and homophobes or even fear that deep down they too may be gay. So they lash out at you and side with the 12 year old bigot..


CC is fun because of the chaos and because of the drama people bring by just being people.

Please, do shed the light on the reason for this. I would love to hear your explanation as to why jefjef had to check out Hairy's wall and create this thread. The thread may be valid but the INTENT was not.

Well Duke. This issue came to my attenttion from this post in the owenshooter avi thread.

drunkmonkey wrote:Is using "the f-word" on a picture more or less offensive than using a derogatory slur against homosexuals on your profile?

This complaint is valid.
MNDuke wrote:
MegasWoman wrote:Well now that Eddie and MNDuke have decided that trolling and baiting JJ is what this complaint is about-how 'bout the mods step in before all of ya get a vacation....

Kind of exactly like what you guys have been doing to me for the past 6 months. Alls fair in love and war.

AND HERE IS YOUR INTENT. You are only trying to bait me...

Nope. Not at all. I don't do that. I'm only expressing my views and thoughts on the matter the way I see it. It is you and your friends, who are the doing the flaming the baiting.

If this is a true complaint and not an attempt to bait and flame, you can point out to us where you said hairy's remarks have offended you and that was your reason/intent for posting this.
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Re: hairy potter - BIGOTRY

Postby Metsfanmax on Thu Oct 07, 2010 1:40 pm

Bones2484 wrote:
Serbia wrote:
Bones2484 wrote:
Serbia wrote:"That's gay", "you're retarded", and similar phrases, can be described as insulting, hurtful, homophobic, insensitive, ignorant and stupid, but the phrase is not bigotry. If you want to force him to change it based on the fact that it's insulting, that's opening another Pandora's Box, but by definition it is not bigotry.

I don't mind disagreeing with you on whether it's bigotry or not, but isn't the bold exactly why they made Owen change his avatar?

Just sayin.

Agreed. I won't argue if he's forced to change it, I'm only arguing against the given reason.

Fair enough! Now that this is settled, let's go back to arguing about sports and why Michigan sucks in the G1 forums.

I said the same thing like three pages ago, and you chose to argue with me inanely when I said it...
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Re: hairy potter - BIGOTRY

Postby MegasWoman on Thu Oct 07, 2010 1:52 pm

MNDuke wrote:
jefjef wrote:
MNDuke wrote:
army of nobunaga wrote:Because they are not friends, they are quarrelsome assholes. You had a reason to post this thread. It is validated. I have a real intolerance for bigots. Its part of my "you are using my air and wasting it" mindset.

I think a few secretly (your "friends") and homophobes or even fear that deep down they too may be gay. So they lash out at you and side with the 12 year old bigot..


CC is fun because of the chaos and because of the drama people bring by just being people.

Please, do shed the light on the reason for this. I would love to hear your explanation as to why jefjef had to check out Hairy's wall and create this thread. The thread may be valid but the INTENT was not.

Well Duke. This issue came to my attenttion from this post in the owenshooter avi thread.

drunkmonkey wrote:Is using "the f-word" on a picture more or less offensive than using a derogatory slur against homosexuals on your profile?

This complaint is valid.
MNDuke wrote:
MegasWoman wrote:Well now that Eddie and MNDuke have decided that trolling and baiting JJ is what this complaint is about-how 'bout the mods step in before all of ya get a vacation....

Kind of exactly like what you guys have been doing to me for the past 6 months. Alls fair in love and war.

AND HERE IS YOUR INTENT. You are only trying to bait me...

Nope. Not at all. I don't do that. I'm only expressing my views and thoughts on the matter the way I see it. It is you and your friends, who are the doing the flaming the baiting.

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Re: MNDuke/Ratings Abuse

Postby MNDuke on Sat Aug 28, 2010 1:51 pm

eddie2 wrote:omg if this is a clan v clan problem take it 2 the clan thread plz fight each other in a war. and grow up both clans

This is not a clan v clan problem. It is nothing more than a certain few individuals of TBOFM and their vindictive intentions to cause me problems. I have steered clear of them and they keep coming out of the woodwork every couple of months and bring up old issues. This is nothing new and is getting quite old. As far as I know, FOED does not and will not have anything to with TBOFM. So, that should be a non issue. "

Above are you last words of wisom.

Duke,please define "steering clear"....and practice what you preach. MOVE ON.

Some things offend some people-but not all people. It's all perception. And perception is reality.
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Re: hairy potter - BIGOTRY

Postby eddie2 on Thu Oct 07, 2010 1:54 pm

jefjef wrote:
Bones2484 wrote:

"1. A British derogatory term for a homosexual male. "

This says it all.

The "F" word is banned and punished. The "N" word is banned and punished. Slurs against nationalities are punished.

Recognized variations of slurs are also and should be punished regardless of if it is used directly at someone or not.

Interesting how my friends here at CC would rather defend bigoted slurs just to get at me by trying to make it look as if I'm being spurious.

ok lets put this 2 rest about what certain dictionaries or whatever other things say.

i am a brittish citizen and i will tell you this is how all things went.
1)things like the nursery rhyme bah bah black sheep was classified as racist. things like poof(in the meaning of homosexuals was banned) and saying im going 2 the chinkies for dinner were banned over ten years ago. here in the uk(this is the point you are makeing about it is a uk based word)

2)now since this all happened the word poof came back into general coversation and ask most brittish people what the word poof means.

poof is now used as a word 2 discribe someone that is weak when you are joking about with friends. or are chicken 2 do something.


you are working at a removal company one of your co workers cant lift something you can instead of saying you weakling you say you poof in jest.

this is from the english dictonary.

2 used to express contemptuous dismissal:ā€˜Oh, poof!ā€™ said Will. ā€˜You say that every year.ā€™
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Re: hairy potter - BIGOTRY

Postby eddie2 on Thu Oct 07, 2010 1:57 pm

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Re: hairy potter - BIGOTRY

Postby army of nobunaga on Thu Oct 07, 2010 2:03 pm

MegasWoman wrote:
MNDuke wrote:
jefjef wrote:
MNDuke wrote:
army of nobunaga wrote:Because they are not friends, they are quarrelsome assholes. You had a reason to post this thread. It is validated. I have a real intolerance for bigots. Its part of my "you are using my air and wasting it" mindset.

I think a few secretly (your "friends") and homophobes or even fear that deep down they too may be gay. So they lash out at you and side with the 12 year old bigot..


CC is fun because of the chaos and because of the drama people bring by just being people.

Please, do shed the light on the reason for this. I would love to hear your explanation as to why jefjef had to check out Hairy's wall and create this thread. The thread may be valid but the INTENT was not.

Well Duke. This issue came to my attenttion from this post in the owenshooter avi thread.

drunkmonkey wrote:Is using "the f-word" on a picture more or less offensive than using a derogatory slur against homosexuals on your profile?

This complaint is valid.
MNDuke wrote:
MegasWoman wrote:Well now that Eddie and MNDuke have decided that trolling and baiting JJ is what this complaint is about-how 'bout the mods step in before all of ya get a vacation....

Kind of exactly like what you guys have been doing to me for the past 6 months. Alls fair in love and war.

AND HERE IS YOUR INTENT. You are only trying to bait me...

Nope. Not at all. I don't do that. I'm only expressing my views and thoughts on the matter the way I see it. It is you and your friends, who are the doing the flaming the baiting.

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Re: MNDuke/Ratings Abuse

Postby MNDuke on Sat Aug 28, 2010 1:51 pm

eddie2 wrote:omg if this is a clan v clan problem take it 2 the clan thread plz fight each other in a war. and grow up both clans

This is not a clan v clan problem. It is nothing more than a certain few individuals of TBOFM and their vindictive intentions to cause me problems. I have steered clear of them and they keep coming out of the woodwork every couple of months and bring up old issues. This is nothing new and is getting quite old. As far as I know, FOED does not and will not have anything to with TBOFM. So, that should be a non issue. "

Above are you last words of wisom.

Duke,please define "steering clear"....and practice what you preach. MOVE ON.

Some things offend some people-but not all people. It's all perception. And perception is reality.

JAJAJAJA you are growing on me. Carry on soldier.
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Re: harry potter - BIGOTRY

Postby jefjef on Thu Oct 07, 2010 2:25 pm

eddie2 wrote:ok good catch then jefjef. be glad 2 see him go.

You posted this on page two after initially bashing and trying to bait me. You posted this as an English citizen knowing full well what the meaning of it is...

Now your in here trying to twist this all another direction. Again.

This thread is not about me. It is about a CC rules abuse and violation.
This post was made by jefjef who should be on your ignore list.
drunkmonkey wrote:I'm filing a C&A report right now. Its nice because they have a drop-down for "jefjef".
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Re: harry potter - SLUR

Postby Serbia on Thu Oct 07, 2010 2:58 pm

jefjef wrote:A SLUR is a SLUR.

Exactly! Not Bigotry.

Now all you have to do is change the heading on this thread.
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Re: harry potter - BIGOTRY

Postby MNDuke on Thu Oct 07, 2010 2:59 pm

jefjef wrote:This thread is not about me. It is about a CC rules abuse and violation.

...and you using the C&A to yet again try and get back at someone.
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Re: harry potter - BIGOTRY

Postby jefjef on Thu Oct 07, 2010 3:12 pm

MNDuke wrote:
jefjef wrote:This thread is not about me. It is about a CC rules abuse and violation.

...and you using the C&A to yet again try and get back at someone.

Stay on topic. This thread is not about me. If you want a thread that is about me then go create one but stop trying to bait me here.

This is about a BIGOTED SLUR which is an obvious rules violation. I'm not getting "back" at anyone. :roll:
This post was made by jefjef who should be on your ignore list.
drunkmonkey wrote:I'm filing a C&A report right now. Its nice because they have a drop-down for "jefjef".
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Re: harry potter - BIGOTRY

Postby MNDuke on Thu Oct 07, 2010 3:15 pm

jefjef wrote:
MNDuke wrote:
jefjef wrote:This thread is not about me. It is about a CC rules abuse and violation.

...and you using the C&A to yet again try and get back at someone.

Stay on topic. This thread is not about me. If you want a thread that is about me then go create one but stop trying to bait me here.

This is about a BIGOTED SLUR which is an obvious rules violation. I'm not getting "back" at anyone. :roll:

Then why not ask him to change it before creating a C&A and going straight to the mods? You are clearly trying to get back at him by attempting to get him trouble instead of doing the adult thing and asking him to change it because it is against the rules (because you obviously don't find it offensive).
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Re: harry potter - BIGOTRY

Postby jefjef on Thu Oct 07, 2010 3:22 pm

MNDuke wrote:
jefjef wrote:
MNDuke wrote:
jefjef wrote:This thread is not about me. It is about a CC rules abuse and violation.

...and you using the C&A to yet again try and get back at someone.

Stay on topic. This thread is not about me. If you want a thread that is about me then go create one but stop trying to bait me here.

This is about a BIGOTED SLUR which is an obvious rules violation. I'm not getting "back" at anyone. :roll:

Then why not ask him to change it before creating a C&A and going straight to the mods? You are clearly trying to get back at him by attempting to get him trouble instead of doing the adult thing and asking him to change it because it is against the rules (because you obviously don't find it offensive).

In your eyes every one who files a complaint is only to "get back" at someone. No. Some things, like bigotry and racism and cheating, should be publicly dealt with and a history established so it does not continue. Now as far as asking hairy potter to remove it. He did. Then he put it back on and it is still there... ;)
This post was made by jefjef who should be on your ignore list.
drunkmonkey wrote:I'm filing a C&A report right now. Its nice because they have a drop-down for "jefjef".
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Re: harry potter - BIGOTRY

Postby MNDuke on Thu Oct 07, 2010 3:35 pm

jefjef wrote:
MNDuke wrote:
jefjef wrote:
MNDuke wrote:
jefjef wrote:This thread is not about me. It is about a CC rules abuse and violation.

...and you using the C&A to yet again try and get back at someone.

Stay on topic. This thread is not about me. If you want a thread that is about me then go create one but stop trying to bait me here.

This is about a BIGOTED SLUR which is an obvious rules violation. I'm not getting "back" at anyone. :roll:

Then why not ask him to change it before creating a C&A and going straight to the mods? You are clearly trying to get back at him by attempting to get him trouble instead of doing the adult thing and asking him to change it because it is against the rules (because you obviously don't find it offensive).

In your eyes every one who files a complaint is only to "get back" at someone. No. Some things, like bigotry and racism and cheating, should be publicly dealt with and a history established so it does not continue. Now as far as asking hairy potter to remove it. He did. Then he put it back on and it is still there... ;)

Now you are putting words in my mouth. I never said anything of the sort. That line is completely false and you are once again attempting to bait and flame, but I wouldn't expect anything less as I am used to your antics by now.

I'm guessing he only put it back up to spite you for starting this thread. Had you given him the chance he very well could have removed the phrase not realizing the problems he was creating. Yet, you did not give him such a chance and immediately ran crying to the mods in typical fashion. I mean why should he take it down as you've already proved he posted it and he is pending trouble. What's the point of taking it down at this point?

Not everything needs to be dealt with publicly. We can act like adults and ask first, respond second. If it is an ongoing problem that's when you take it courts. Otherwise, be the adult male I know you can be and try doing the neighborly thing for a change. You could try asking the dickwad next door to shut his fucking dog up before calling the cops, even if he did call your husband/life partner a poof.
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Re: harry potter - BIGOTRY

Postby eddie2 on Thu Oct 07, 2010 3:43 pm

jefjef wrote:
eddie2 wrote:ok good catch then jefjef. be glad 2 see him go.

You posted this on page two after initially bashing and trying to bait me. You posted this as an English citizen knowing full well what the meaning of it is...

Now your in here trying to twist this all another direction. Again.

This thread is not about me. It is about a CC rules abuse and violation.

ok i posted that before i read what the actual bit of bigotry was. and what i have read throughout this post. by yourself and other members that are saying this is not ok. now for the following. here are some points i want 2 make 2 you Mr JefJef.

1)throughout this thread you have highighted that the word poof is offensive word in the uk. you are an american citizen so you have no offense to the word.

2)you have highlighted the fact that he started a post about one of your friends on this site.

3)i have responded appropriatly for your posts and others in this thread. but once again you sir are baiting and trolling another player were you dont need 2 be involved with him because you had foed him.

4)i have explained what the word poof is used for nowadays in the uk. and the only people in the uk that might be slightly offended by it are homosexuals but i think you will find they are not offended by this word anymore. like the last few of you c and a reports the offender is found 2 be not guilty of the origonal charge but are warned or banned because of there comments in the thread you start. what you do because i have looked at previous cases is you pick on players that have had arguements with players you get on with or yourself. who have a short fuse. so you can start a spurious report about them knowing that they are gonna flame in the thread you then sit there waiting for them to do it and start screaming and shouting flameing and baiting me. i personally think the mods on this site need 2 take a close look at what you actually do and start giving you disiplinary action for your lets not say spurious reports but what they are is baiting reports. you open them knowing that they are going 2 be found not guilty with the charge you put in the hope that they flame you.

enough said and yes i will open a report about this.
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Re: hairy potter - BIGOTRY

Postby tkr4lf on Thu Oct 07, 2010 3:47 pm

Yeah, well, I know quite a few homosexuals here in the states that would take offense to the word "poof." Even here in America, the word "poof" is a slur against homosexuals. This should be dealt with.
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Re: hairy potter - BIGOTRY

Postby tkr4lf on Thu Oct 07, 2010 3:48 pm

OH, I forgot to add, I am offended by the word. I am also offended by hairy potter's avatar. I think he should have to change it.
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Re: hairy potter - BIGOTRY

Postby army of nobunaga on Thu Oct 07, 2010 5:00 pm

Im actually offended by the child porn one of the duchess's.
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Re: hairy potter - BIGOTRY

Postby hairy potter on Thu Oct 07, 2010 5:12 pm

it seems clear to me that jef is nothing but a cheap troll. i feel confident that he will be dealt with appropriately
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Re: hairy potter - BIGOTRY

Postby army of nobunaga on Thu Oct 07, 2010 5:14 pm

lol, I think its funny that eddie and duke have aligned themselves with such a [edit]... I feel confident that life will deal with you appropriately.
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Re: hairy potter - BIGOTRY

Postby jefjef on Thu Oct 07, 2010 5:34 pm

I find all forms of racism and bigotry offensive. I also believe Conquer Club does not want nor need any of it here.

Now some people are in here screaming baiting and flaming by my reporting it.


Now when a complaint becomes a WARNING or NOTED that confirms the validity of the complaint. Some in here are IGNORING that FACT.

Now. You are only trying to bait me by screaming BAITS AND FLAMES.

Where are the flames? They do not exist.

I'm not going to play your game. Now stop trolling me and stop trying to bait me by slinging unfounded accusations.

THIS THREAD IS NOT ABOUT ME. Its about a rules violation.
This post was made by jefjef who should be on your ignore list.
drunkmonkey wrote:I'm filing a C&A report right now. Its nice because they have a drop-down for "jefjef".
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Re: hairy potter - BIGOTRY

Postby owenshooter on Thu Oct 07, 2010 6:31 pm

jef... go look at any of my reports that end in someone being warned or banned... if i make it, the thread becomes about me and how i'm being vindictive, etc... you made your argument, just let the mods do the rest... lucky for you, your username is not owenshooter, so you may have a fair shot at getting some C&A justice...-the black jesus

jefjef wrote:I find all forms of racism and bigotry offensive. I also believe Conquer Club does not want nor need any of it here.

Now some people are in here screaming baiting and flaming by my reporting it.


Now when a complaint becomes a WARNING or NOTED that confirms the validity of the complaint. Some in here are IGNORING that FACT.

Now. You are only trying to bait me by screaming BAITS AND FLAMES.

Where are the flames? They do not exist.

I'm not going to play your game. Now stop trolling me and stop trying to bait me by slinging unfounded accusations.

THIS THREAD IS NOT ABOUT ME. Its about a rules violation.
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Re: hairy potter - BIGOTRY

Postby hairy potter on Thu Oct 07, 2010 6:32 pm

army of nobunaga wrote:lol, I think its funny that eddie and duke have aligned themselves with such a [edit]... I feel confident that life will deal with you appropriately.

[edit] = hero?
People are beginning to see that the first requisite to success in life is to be a good animal - Herbert Spencer

owenshooter wrote:go ahead and report me, you will get nowhere...-0
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