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[Abandoned] - Exodus

Abandoned and Vacationed maps. The final resting place, unless you recycle.

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Re: Exodus V3.2, pg12 Still need game play disscussion!

Postby Victor Sullivan on Tue Sep 28, 2010 2:19 pm

isaiah40 wrote:
MarshalNey wrote:... perhaps Aaron could 1-way attack any plague? (Aaron can start the plagues, Moses ends them, a little artistic license here I know)

If you do this, increase Pharoah's/Aaron's neutral value to 4 perhaps.

I think I will leave Aaron as he is and then do the increase for Pharaoh to the neutral 4.

(I inserted the word, "leave" cuz I assumed that's what you meant.)

So, Aaron does nothing? Nothing at all? Seems rather odd, considering he eventually takes over for Moses and actually leads the Israelites into the Promised Land. Even from a gameplay perspective, what's the benefit of controlling him?

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Re: Exodus V3.2, pg12 Still need game play disscussion!

Postby isaiah40 on Tue Sep 28, 2010 6:14 pm

Victor Sullivan wrote:So, Aaron does nothing? Nothing at all? Seems rather odd, considering he eventually takes over for Moses and actually leads the Israelites into the Promised Land. Even from a gameplay perspective, what's the benefit of controlling him?


Actually Aaron never sees the promised land. Joshua leads the Israelites into the promised land. He is there as part of 'An Audience with Pharaoh' bonus because Aaron is the one that actually did the talking to Pharaoh. There is very little info on him and what he did while they were there.
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Re: Exodus V3.2, pg12 Still need game play disscussion!

Postby Victor Sullivan on Tue Sep 28, 2010 7:35 pm

isaiah40 wrote:
Victor Sullivan wrote:So, Aaron does nothing? Nothing at all? Seems rather odd, considering he eventually takes over for Moses and actually leads the Israelites into the Promised Land. Even from a gameplay perspective, what's the benefit of controlling him?


Actually Aaron never sees the promised land. Joshua leads the Israelites into the promised land. He is there as part of 'An Audience with Pharaoh' bonus because Aaron is the one that actually did the talking to Pharaoh. There is very little info on him and what he did while they were there.

#-o I knew that! Ah, okay. I just think it would be kinda cool for each of the three to have their own thang.
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Re: Exodus V3.2, pg12 Still need game play disscussion!

Postby iancanton on Sat Oct 02, 2010 2:23 am

isaiah40 wrote:
MarshalNey wrote:I'm also thinking that some (or most) of the neutral values should go down. Particularly on the small settlements like Tarah, which are way too high at 5. Maybe 2, perhaps even 1. Think about places where you could put 2s and 1s, even on the Pyramids, to let the game flow and players get somewhere even in the early rounds. Then put up a few choice higher neutrals- like 4s or 5s- to act as 'obstacles'.

Iancanton suggested that they should be at least a 4 or 5 to help any early elimination. Now i can reduce some of them to 2's. AS for the choice higher neutrals, I will use them as 'obstacles' to slow people down in getting bonuses.

ideally, i'd like to see 10 neutrals between all starting points, to stop someone from being killed before his first turn in quads. if some of the 5s are reduced to 2s, then there are at least two ways u can accomplish this: the first is to have at least 3 regions between each pair of starting points, while the second is to have 16, instead of 8, randomly-allocated starting points. the advantage of having 2 starting points per player is that fewer neutrals are required, while a disadvantage is that good and bad drops will be much more of a factor in winning games. either way, u need to create more tabernacles, unless u let some of the pyramids act as starting points (which creates its own set of difficulties!).

ian. :)
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Re: Exodus V3.2, pg12 Still need game play disscussion!

Postby isaiah40 on Sun Oct 24, 2010 11:49 am

Please put this on a long vacation as I just had a house fire and lost everything, so until I get a new computer and CS5, this will be on hold. :(
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Re: Exodus V3.2, pg12 Still need game play disscussion!

Postby Victor Sullivan on Sun Oct 24, 2010 11:55 am

isaiah40 wrote:Please put this on a long vacation as I just had a house fire and lost everything, so until I get a new computer and CS5, this will be on hold. :(

:!: :o :cry:
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Re: Exodus V3.2, pg12 Still need game play disscussion!

Postby ender516 on Fri Oct 29, 2010 10:12 pm

Victor Sullivan wrote:
isaiah40 wrote:Please put this on a long vacation as I just had a house fire and lost everything, so until I get a new computer and CS5, this will be on hold. :(

:!: :o :cry:

I am as speechless as Victor, but the smilies pretty much say it all. I hope no one was hurt in the fire. Property damage is so much easier to fix.
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Postby thenobodies80 on Sat Oct 30, 2010 10:50 pm

isaiah40 wrote:Please put this on a long vacation....

As requested by mapmaker I put this map on [VACATION].
When things will go better, if you want to continue with the map, then one of the Foundry Moderators will be able to help put the thread back into the Foundry system, after an update has been made.
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