Amazzony’s Assassinations V [TPA]

This is a Tournament Players Association (TPA) event, and is governed by its rules, guidelines, and judgments. All are welcome to join and participate in the association. You need do nothing more than join one or more of the TPA events that will be announced each Monday. Check back on the TPA scoreboard in the Tournaments--> General Info forum to see how you're doing.
Queen or King of Assassins is waiting to be crowned. This crown has been worn by several great monarchs (Bones2484, dittoeevee8888, Lindax and ZionT). Now it's time for you to claim it.... Of course, if you feel worthy of it!
***Everybody with 1 open slot is welcome***
(1-2 open slots for finals)
All games are Sequential & 4, 5 and 6-player Assassin (+ Casual, Sunny, Escalating, Manual & Unlimited).
Step 1 map: Bamboo Jack
Step 2 map: USA
Step 3 map: Duck and Cover
Finals: Amazzony's favourite maps (for example: British Isles, Crossword, Space, Brazil, South America)
Round 1
Step 1 Six 6-player games, made randomly with random.org. Winner of each game advances to Round 2.
Step 2 Six 5-player games. Losers will play once again and winner of each game advances to Round 2.
Step 3 Six 4-player games. Losers will play once again and winner of each game advances to Round 2.
*Now we have 18 players for Round 2*
Round 2
Step 1 Three 6-player games, made randomly with random.org. Winner of each game advances to Finals.
Step 2 Three 5-player games. Losers will play once again and winner of each game advances to Finals.
*Now we have 6 players for Finals*
2 games will be played at once. Overall minimum 3 games, maximum 13 games. When 1 player reaches 2 wins then 1 game will be played at once. First player who achieves 3 wins in final games (all games must be finished), is the winner of the tournament.
TPA Scoring
If you are knocked out in the first round you will be tied for 19th place.
If you are knocked out in the second round you will be tied for 7th place.
If you win the tournament you will finish in 1st place.
Other finalists will be ordered in the number of wins and will be put to places 2...6.
- Notes
- I'm your Goddess and what I say, goes in this tournament. If I feel that something needs changing then I have the right to do if it's fair to everybody and is in the benefit of the tournament.
- If you wish to drop out from the tournament then be polite - let me know about it. Don’t just deadbeat.
- If you need more time to joining games then let me know. I’m sure we can work out something.
- Questions? Comments? Turn to me either by PM or posting to this thread.
- Notification list! If you wish to get a message when I launch a new tournament (I'm letting people know ~48 hours after I've launched the tournament) then please let me know about it - post about it to this thread or send me a private message. If you deadbeat in my tournament then I will automatically remove you from the list.