also, standings will be up in a few hours (after I send out invites and figure out everyone's record

Moderator: Tournament Directors
jwithington wrote:Hey jrh--
I'm having a hard time keeping up with the games in this tourney, especially because of summer scheduling, and for that reason, I'd like to drop out.
Now, I won't leave you hanging, so I can stay in if you don't have a reserve. Otherwise, I'd like to bow out.
Thanks so much.
VestedPower wrote:is there still room? If you have a world 2.1 map w/fog and spoils, put me in.
jrh_cardinal wrote:ok, I know I'm late on this guys. I made the games today, sent out 1 group of invites. The rest will have to wait until tomorrow, sorry.
Ugly_Moose wrote:I see several Battle for Iraq games was I suppose to get an invite? or have I been eliminated?
jrh_cardinal wrote:jrh_cardinal wrote:ok, I know I'm late on this guys. I made the games today, sent out 1 group of invites. The rest will have to wait until tomorrow, sorry.
god, i said this on tuesday, haven't done anything since. All right I'm going to stay on today and do it. You'll get your invites over the next few hours
edit- clearly, it didn't happen. really really sorry guys, I'll do it soon
jrh_cardinal wrote:i'm really sorry for the delay guys, all of the invites are out. I'll deal with any problems people have tomorrow night
flexmaster33 wrote:any updated standings? Not to be a bother...just curious if I held my lead through round 2
jrh_cardinal wrote:k, we've got 5 people not joined
Mass Miracle (Group 2) is joining when he returns from vacation (the 24th)
Egel (Group 16) is also joining when he returns from vacation (a week? I'll invite him next Sunday the 22nd)
other three, I'll have to send new invites. They'll be replaced by reserves if they don't join
babagonosh wrote:bamboo jack please
nesterdude wrote:Is this going to be updated?
flexmaster33 wrote:any update on standings...just picked up a couple big wins in set 3 and wondered if I was still at the top of my group?
good tourney...having a blast.
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