Conquer Club

The Game of Life [WINNER: drunkmonkey]

Tournaments completed in 2010.

Moderator: Tournament Directors

Re: The Game of Life - Open to Reserves

Postby lostatlimbo on Thu Aug 05, 2010 8:44 pm

Two more alumni have Retired - porkenbeans & tauno - each with $40K in the bank. They are now eligible to be challenged at poker.
You must:

  • Have at least $20K in your bank account (10 for betting, 10 for living)*
  • PM me with the subject line "Poker: RETIREE'S NAME" (i.e. Poker: TheForgivenOne). Please specify which Retiree you are challenging. I won't randomly assign challenges. You may challenge multiple Retirees, if you send me separate PMs.
  • In the body of the PM, list your current wealth.
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Re: The Game of Life - Open to Reserves

Postby musicalmaven on Sun Aug 08, 2010 2:57 pm

this is to inform you that i won game # 7392029 against laidbaq, as he failed to appear for his last three turns.
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Re: The Game of Life - As of 8/6

Postby lostatlimbo on Mon Aug 09, 2010 1:43 am

Shaneback & xabigerrard are now sitting at the poker table.

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Re: The Game of Life - As of 8/6

Postby jwithington on Wed Aug 11, 2010 2:20 pm

Since my Russian bride and I are now homeless, I suppose this would be a good time to say this:

lostatlimbo, i REALLY hope you run this again. Top-notch. Such a cool idea. And I want another shot. :)
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Re: The Game of Life - As of 8/6

Postby ender516 on Wed Aug 11, 2010 10:32 pm

I would like another turn on the kharmic wheel, too. Super Max is a scary place.
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Re: The Game of Life - As of 8/6

Postby lostatlimbo on Thu Aug 12, 2010 7:57 pm

jwithington wrote:Since my Russian bride and I are now homeless, I suppose this would be a good time to say this:

lostatlimbo, i REALLY hope you run this again. Top-notch. Such a cool idea. And I want another shot. :)

Haha. Thank you. I will probably restart it after a little break. Its been fun and easier to manage than I expected.

For the next edition, returning players will start the game of life as their own heir. So I would be Lostatlimbo Jr. Though you'll still need to start at the beginning - no old money here - I'll add in some bonuses (such as... Retire and receive 25% of your "inheritance").
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Re: The Game of Life - As of 8/12

Postby lostatlimbo on Thu Aug 12, 2010 8:33 pm

General Flashman is now at the Poker Club
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Re: The Game of Life - As of 8/12

Postby drunkmonkey on Thu Aug 12, 2010 10:16 pm

Are there only 8 spots at the poker table? Or is it unlimited?
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Re: The Game of Life - As of 8/12

Postby lostatlimbo on Fri Aug 13, 2010 6:50 pm

The house will open up another private table when more players join the club.
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Re: The Game of Life - As of 8/30

Postby lostatlimbo on Mon Aug 30, 2010 11:00 pm

Welcome Moop & Dustin 800 to the Poker Club.

Moop was a tech engineer from Chicago who recently retired to the Great Lakes with $50K. Dustin was a successful entrepreneur from San Francisco who recently retired to the Dust Bowl with $70K.

Below you'll find an updated Poker Club tally. Drunkmonkey is still in the lead by a hair. There are but a few games left in play, so now is the time to make a play for #1 if you're looking to win this tournament!

On that note, an unforeseen dilemma has presented itself - as is often the case in life. The "Crime Boss" game which took so long to begin is now taking much longer to finish and there is no end in sight. When (or perhaps If) this game finishes, the winner will receive $80K - tied for the lead as it stands now. It was not, however, my intention for this to be the final game. I do not think it is fair to anyone if this player ends up winning the tournament despite having only won 2 games!

Because of this, I am making two executive decisions in order to keep this tournament fair and expedient.
1. An extension will be in place once the Crime Boss game has finished which will allow all players to make one final round of Poker game requests before the tournament officially ends.
2. If there is still a tie after the final round there will be a tiebreaker game on the Poker map to decide the winner.
3. Nearly a month and 15 rounds have passed since the Prison game has begun and only one player has been eliminated. Once players start stacking up armies, a game can take years and years to complete. I am not interested in waiting that long for this tournament to finish. As such, I am putting a deadline of Round 25 for this game to be completed. In the even that this game is still active after Round 25, I will allow for one final round of Poker games between the Retirees and then end the tournament. Next time I do this tournament I will change the game plan to avoid such delays. Sorry for the inconvenience.

Updated 8/30

You must:

  • Have at least $20K in your bank account (10 for betting, 10 for living)*
  • PM me with the subject line "Poker: RETIREE'S NAME" (i.e. Poker: TheForgivenOne). Please specify which Retiree you are challenging. I won't randomly assign challenges. You may challenge multiple Retirees, if you send me separate PMs.
  • In the body of the PM, list your current wealth and level (Marriage, Residence, etc)

When I create the next batch of games, I will send a Poker Club invite to you and the retiree. You will have only one chance to join your game. If you miss the invite, you will need to submit another PM and wait til the next batch to try again. If the retireee misses 2 consecutive invites and does not otherwise notify me of an absence, they will forfeit the game and lose the money.
Once your current Poker game with a Retiree has finished, you may send me another PM challenging that same Retiree.
Remember, Poker Club games are Foggy! Any questions?
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Re: The Game of Life - As of 8/30

Postby ender516 on Tue Aug 31, 2010 7:20 am

lostatlimbo wrote:On that note, an unforeseen dilemma has presented itself - as is often the case in life. The "Crime Boss" game which took so long to begin is now taking much longer to finish and there is no end in sight. When (or perhaps If) this game finishes, the winner will receive $80K - tied for the lead as it stands now. It was not, however, my intention for this to be the final game. I do not think it is fair to anyone if this player ends up winning the tournament despite having only won 2 games!

Maybe the universe is trying to tell us that life isn't fair, crime can pay, and nice guys finish last!

(Hmm, I'm not usually this cynical.)

Your changes are a good idea. Still having fun.
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Re: The Game of Life - As of 8/30

Postby YoBFelip on Tue Aug 31, 2010 11:35 am

we have a crime boss
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Re: The Game of Life - As of 8/30

Postby lostatlimbo on Wed Sep 01, 2010 8:18 pm

Hahaha... guess I should have waited another day before creating a Plan B. :)

Congrats to the new crime boss

phillipm wrote:we have a crime boss
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Re: The Game of Life - As of 9/1

Postby lostatlimbo on Wed Sep 01, 2010 8:43 pm

Congrats to Phillip M - who shivved several other criminals in order to take his place as the Crime Boss. When you're at the top, crime really does pay.

You may now challenge Phillp to a poker game for $20K each. Please follow the same instructions as below in order to request a game with the Crime Boss.

Updated 9/1
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Re: The Game of Life - As of 9/6

Postby lostatlimbo on Mon Sep 06, 2010 1:57 pm

The final two Life Games have been sent. Now is your last chance to make a poker challenge! After the final 3 active games finish, no more poker requests will be honored. Poker games still in play will be completed and tallied towards the player's total wealth.

In the event of a tie, highest finish in Life will be the tiebreaker, followed by poker record, and finally a tiebreaker game TBD, if necessary.

Please also welcome scottishleaf to the table. He recently retired in the Great Lakes with $60K.

Updated 9/6
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Re: The Game of Life - As of 9/6

Postby YoBFelip on Mon Sep 06, 2010 2:22 pm

drunkmonkey please
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Re: The Game of Life - As of 9/6

Postby lostatlimbo on Tue Sep 07, 2010 3:05 pm

phillipm wrote:drunkmonkey please

Not sure what this is about. If it is a poker request, this is not the proper format.

At any rate, the Crime Boss cannot challenge other players to poker games. If you want to play drunkmonkey, you'll need to contact him and have him PM me with a request.

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Re: The Game of Life - As of 9/6

Postby YoBFelip on Tue Sep 07, 2010 4:30 pm

oh, am i sorry,
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Re: The Game of Life - As of 9/6

Postby YoBFelip on Tue Sep 07, 2010 4:38 pm

rules have changed again? what 3 times?
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Re: The Game of Life - As of 9/6

Postby drunkmonkey on Wed Sep 08, 2010 12:15 am

Well, the rules say you can challenge, but retirees don't have to accept. At this time, I would decline a challenge. So, it's really a moot point.
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Re: The Game of Life - As of 9/6

Postby lostatlimbo on Wed Sep 08, 2010 12:42 am

I'm sorry, but I don't have time to email a player and figure out if they want to accept your challenge. If you want to challenge someone you'll have to convince them on your own and have them PM me. No reason for me to be the middle man.

I don't know what rules have changed except for the Prison deadline, which was (also) a moot point.
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Re: The Game of Life - As of 9/6

Postby lostatlimbo on Mon Sep 13, 2010 6:08 pm

All games have now finished and I believe we have a winner, but I am going to tally everything before announcing. Work is swamped so please bear with me - should have a final announcement this week.
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Re: The Game of Life [WINNER: drunkmonkey]

Postby lostatlimbo on Tue Sep 14, 2010 9:01 pm

Wow - what a close finish! Despite taking very different paths, both drunkmonkey & dustin800 finished the tournament with a cool $110K in the bank. This is an impressive feat by both players:

  • drunkmonkey fended off several players eager to take his money - winning 8 of his 14 Poker games
  • despite retiring in the Dust Bowl, dustin800 aggressively took his $60K to the tables and won 6 of 8 to nearly double his wealth.

While both are impressive stories, there can be only one winner in the game of life and - as noted - one's place in the hierarchy holds more water than one's poker prowess. With that, I'm happy to anoint CCU Alumni Drunk Monkey as the first Game of Life winner. Hearty congratulations. Please remain seated while we take a quick look at Mr. Monkey's journey.

Drunk Monkey graduated in the top of his class from Conquer Club University. He went on to start his own business in the City. He took his first spouse on a European Honeymoon, but the marriage didn't last. His second honeymoon was to the Caribbean and was a definite success. The happy couple moved to San Francisco and bought a condo where they raised twins. After touring the United States by train, Drunk Monkey retired and moved his family to the Caribbean - but he wasn't finished yet. He used his experience to become an influential businessman in the Caribbean - building and owning several luxurious resorts.

Many thanks to all who joined and participated. Please feel free to post your own "journey" through life here in the tournament thread. I look forward to reading them.

I hope to bring you 2.0 of this tournament (with some of the kinks worked out and some fun additions) after a short break and those of you who managed to reproduce will get the first invites. Keep an eye out!

Updated 9/14

Updated 9/14
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Re: The Game of Life [WINNER: drunkmonkey]

Postby drunkmonkey on Tue Sep 14, 2010 10:11 pm

Thanks for hosting this, lostatlimbo. It was a lot of fun. Definitely the most nervous I've been in a tournament, as I was checking poker results several times a day.
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