Moderators: Multi Hunters, Cheating/Abuse Team
owenshooter wrote:Accused:Calidrmr
The accused are suspected of: avatar abuse
Comments: CC has gone to great lengths to make sure that certain words are not visible within the forums and live chat, by having them auto-edited. this is because of the family nature of this site and the increased number of young adults that frequent the site. CC has also made a concerted effort to make sure that user avatars are not offensive, pornographic, etc, and there are several precedents of offensive avatars being removed and/or changed.
within Calidrmr's avatar, f*ck is clearly visible for several seconds at the conclusion of his avatars animation sequence. i believe this makes her avatar offensive, and it should be changed and/or removed. multiple members have had to remove their avatars for the very same offense, and Calidrmr's status as a CC volunteer should not make her exempt from the community guidelines that other members must adhere to.
it may seem trivial to some, but it is still an offense and the avatar should be changed and/or removed.-the black jesus
grifftron wrote:fixed there jebus, why you all up on cali? you trying to make avatar police squad?
drunkmonkey wrote:I'm filing a C&A report right now. Its nice because they have a drop-down for "jefjef".
owenshooter wrote:grifftron wrote:fixed there jebus, why you all up on cali? you trying to make avatar police squad?
there was nothing to fix... but thanks... oh wait, ONE pronoun!!! thanks!!! and i'm not trying to be the avatar police, it is just the rules. many of us have had to change what were deemed offensive avatars in the past, so as i said before, there is a precedent... the rules are the rules, regardless of if you are a volunteer or not...-the black jesus
grifftron wrote:But back to the case of avatar abuse, if CC were to say hey black jebus, you want to be a avatar police and hunt down all people with offensive avatars to change them or be banned and therefore having to change your own avatar because for sure some people find a black jebus offensive, BUT if that doesn't happen, i don't agree that 1 person has to change their avatar when hundreds of other CC players still have offensive avatars.
codeblue1018 wrote:Jesus was black? Ha - priceless!! Polish up on your history Owen before typing. It's a pity that one speaks of "fact" without knowing the "true facts". We'll leave it at that. Sorry to get off topic people, however, I had to speak my peace regarding this absurd claim.
lord voldemort wrote:i think this is reaching a bit...
Her avatar isnt offensive or flaming...And there is no rules against swearing as long as it isnt flaming
ronc8649 wrote:so if i have an animated avatar that says f*ck over and over, that is ok?
lord voldemort wrote:where is this precedent??
link me
AndyDufresne wrote:...whenever there is an avatar that breaks the forum guidelines, it is removed, as was also done in this case.
mpjh wrote:Yeah right, jesus was a caucasian with long, straight, light brown hair and blue eyes. lol
Still no one has produced an example of an avatar that was forced to change because f*ck was in it.
Gypsys Kiss wrote:So how come you can have usernames with the word fuck in them.
owenshooter wrote:multiple members have had to remove their avatars for the very same offense, and Calidrmr's status as a CC volunteer should not make him her exempt from the community guidelines that other members must adhere to.
gigity_gigity wrote:i am a serious athiest so dont have a dog in the fight, but i am a history buff. jesus was a jew, the only area where there are any number of black jews is ethiopia, jesus was not from ethiopia.
gigity_gigity wrote:i am a serious athiest so dont have a dog in the fight, but i am a history buff. jesus was a jew, the only area where there are any number of black jews is ethiopia, jesus was not from ethiopia. you can do the math, but if he was a historic figure it would be highly highly unlikely that he was black because the few black jews in the bible are pointed out as being black.
owenshooter wrote:i can not speak for brett, but it falls under the "art work" rule i was given by a mod. and as far as my avatar goes, ony 4 of you have complained about it, after you knew what it was. it is an award winning, government funded piece of artwork that the supreme court ruled was not offensive. art is art... and nobody would have known what it was had jbrettlip not pressed the issue trying to find out what the guidelines were. i have no intent to offend anyone, and my avatar is going to remain.-0
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