jj3044 wrote:L M S wrote:Snowgun wrote:L M S wrote:---------------------------------------------------------------------------
There was a time when I had a ton of respect for Empire, actually I still do for the most part; however you sir, are treading very close to perma-foe territory... You can have all the opinions you want and crazy theories you want but, your disrespectful undertone is unwelcome, unwarranted and unnecessary.
Back off.

Typical LMS overreaction. Dude, if you can't handle trashtalk, don't post in a war thread.
(now watch him blow up at me here

Anyway, I am really interested in this matchup, since I think nemesis is solid, i'm wondering what kind of sand FOED really has. Despite differences I have with some of their members, guys like LMS and Dan (and sure, mnduke to an extent) are damn dangerous as quad and trip teams, and solid players all around.
Though I'm thinking nemesis FTW, the extent of their win will be of great interest. Good luck both clans, hope the dice are fair.

Will somebody invent a sarcasm font already.
Don't worry LMS... I think I have a shovel around here for you somewhere...

lol, The truth of the matter is this.
Feel free to talk as much shit as you want, trust me I can handle it and dish out a little myself too, if you knew me you would understand the level of trashtalk that I am capable of

. You have to believe me (I guess you don't) when I tell you that much of what I write that appears to be me taking shit way too seriously (wrote in this case, and EVERY time I tangle with Snopeas no matter what) is designed to see if I can get a written reaction, for my own entertainment, without flaming, baiting etc, etc......its all in fun (most of it

), if I was truly pissed off you would know it.
I have no problem with any of that stuff. However, if there is anything I cant tolerate is disrespect, and suggesting that O&H got lucky
in anyway during the beatdown of LoW (by 10 games mind you in a 36 game challenge) in fact does piss me off. That challenge was won by a group of people with superior team play and a well thought out gameplan for the war as a whole.
I got no real beef with you Luby...just so you know, Empire is my second favorite clan around here; I look forward to the day we get to drink you guys under the table too.
Just Sayin'