Eastern Rise of Powers Doubles Tourny!
(premium required)
In the East, powers compete for dominance, but who will come out on top? Choose a partner, start small and work your way up to the grand battle on Eastern Hemisphere!
For round 1, I will randomly place teams (via random.org) into one of the four starting positions. From there, you will do a best 2of3 with your opponent, and the winner moves on. 3 Teams will advance per starting position, as there are 6 teams at each starting position.
Round 2!
The 3 top placing teams from the prior round battle it out on their respective Round 2 map, expanding their reach onto a larger area until ONE team has two wins on said map. That team then advances to the final round.
Round 3!
You're a growing eastern power, but now it's time to compete with the best of the rest. The final fight is on Eastern Hemisphere in an all out 2v2v2v2, winner takes all!
The general bracket looks kinda like this:

(*The 1v1v1 in Soviet Union and Greater China are supposed to be 2v2v2's, sorry lol)
All of the Eastern Powers come together....
All Round1 games will be:
- Doubles
All Round2 Games will be:
- Doubles
Final Game will be:
- Doubles
No Spoils