by TaCktiX on Sat Jun 12, 2010 2:19 pm
Scores updated. The tournament is getting really close to Round 2, with the Narcoleptics just 2 games off of complete, the Hypochondriacs 4 games, and the Catatonics 11 games. The Schizophrenics still have 28 to go, but people in their group have started to earn their slot into the next round. The happenin' news is the scoring of the Narcoleptics' Terminator games. GreenBaize and rishark1969 tied for top killer at 31 kills, with badmoon barely behind at 28. Sadly, badmoon's really good Terminator effort isn't enough to offset his lower score, and thus he will be eliminated from the tournament.
benga, I'll be happy to do games "backwards," but it won't necessarily mean all the games finish at the same time. Each group finished games at a different rate (which is STILL faster than ESS:C's 4-month Round 1). Doing No Spoils first won't guarantee that everyone will finish all at once.