BoganGod wrote:caymanmew wrote:BoganGod wrote:Might I suggest not picking on project firestorm or momenti mori. Both of which have a pretty solid roster, and have players that have played together for a long time/and or experienced team players, clan leaders. The Last Warriors weren't the easy beats that some might think. The Brethren of the Fat Mermaids clan war against them could have been a lot closer, we got lucky with dice, drop, and a few missed turns by the opposition.
Might I suggest getting everyone in your clan playing together, in public games, tournaments, maybe start a little in clan roster so everyone gets to play with everyone else in all team disciplines. That way you will find out who your stronger quad players, dbs players are etc. Also gives you all a chance to work on your communication skills. Also maybe set up a clan list/roster of account sitters. One of the avoidable mistakes new clans make frequently is missed turns in clan wars. In the last 3clan wars, there have been about 5games that the pirates should not have won, but we scraped through, thanks to missed turns and poor communication on the opposing sides.
we are playing public should know you kicked our asses 2 time
rofl, you helped a few pirates get unique defeats towards freestyle gold, thankyou..... You might note that freestyle generally isn't included in clan wars..... So maybe choose smarter settings
i get what i want