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ccatman and demonthunder secret diplomacy/multi[noted]es

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ccatman and demonthunder secret diplomacy/multi[noted]es

Postby Nikotsy on Tue Jul 20, 2010 11:58 am



The accused are suspected of:

Being Multis
Conducting Secret Diplomacy

Game number(s):

Game 7335776


100% secret diplomacy, probably not multies, just friends helping each other out. At the start of the game, stopped ccatman from taking over a continent, suddenly demonthunder whipped my army out for no reason and left all the area unprotected for ccatman to capture and hold. This has obviously not been done for a card, as there were much easier spoils to grab. It has not been an amateur mistake, you can see the statistics of the player, he definitely knows what he is doing. The players have not attacked each other for the whole game, only to capture irrelevant territory for the card. Demonthiuder, after helpping ccatman out went to the other side of the continent to fight against blue.

I only make this judgement by the game I was involved in, I haven't gone into detail of any other games they played together, but it seems that they play a lot and most of the time ccatman wins.

I also noticed that ccatman has had been reported for possible multi before viewtopic.php?f=239&t=114465&p=2549000&hilit=ccatman#p2549000 , but case has been cleared as no substantial evidence found.
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Re: ccatman and demonthunder secret diplomacy or multi

Postby Arama86n on Tue Jul 20, 2010 12:20 pm

FIrst of all I'd like to point out that ccatman is a skilled player, and what you see as irational behavoir might just be uh.. complex strategy ;)

That said, to my suprise I found the two have a history of games together, obviously aquaintances if not friends, which can cloud the judgement and bring out favourisism in standard games from even the best players. (that's why I try to avoid standard games with friends).

Why am I not suprised that the game was flatrate, speed, lol? It seems to be a breeding ground for these sort of accusations. I can very much understnad you becoming suspicious in a game like that, I've seen it happen many times, but in most cases suspicion is unfounded. Better players often play flaterate in this manner, undefended borders, threat of force, unspoken truces, it's the way to go frankly.

I'd suggest withdrawing this accusation and instead studying the play of somone like ccatman, you might learn a thing or two, no offence.

Last edited by Arama86n on Tue Jul 27, 2010 9:01 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: ccatman and demonthunder secret diplomacy or multi

Postby Nikotsy on Tue Jul 20, 2010 4:38 pm

Arama86n, I understand what you are saying and of course I'm not as experiences as the players I am referring too. I understand unspoken truces, how there can mutual benefits in keeping undefended borders untouched and let other player to expand for your own means. Unfortunately, that was not the case with these players. There was a complete mutual cooperation with no benefit whatsoever for the helping hand player. That was disgrace, complete non sensible, mob rule Risk, where experienced players who know each other gang up on newbies to promote their rating.

I'm sorry if you know these players personally, but I feel disgusted by their behaviour as I would actually like to have a fair competitive ground to play Risk online and I hope that this case will be investigated.
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Re: ccatman and demonthunder secret diplomacy or multi

Postby Arama86n on Tue Jul 20, 2010 5:13 pm

Ok fair enough. Well your accusation is here for the record, and the multi hunters I'm sure will look into it and give you an answer.

For the record, no, I don't know either of the accused pesonally, have never spoken to them, I have however had my arse handed to me by ccatman a few times in games, thus from my limited experience of him ingame it is my opinion he has a certain level of skill.

Let justice be served.
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Re: ccatman and demonthunder secret diplomacy or multi

Postby lord voldemort on Wed Jul 21, 2010 3:17 am

i wouldnt call him a skilled player.

However bad play doesnt always equal secret diplomacy...pending at this time
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Re: ccatman and demonthunder secret diplomacy or multi

Postby Arama86n on Wed Jul 21, 2010 5:01 am

It's all relative haha, not gunna bother trying to define what I meant by skilled in this case.
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Re: ccatman and demonthunder secret diplomacy/multi[pending]

Postby demonthunder on Mon Jul 26, 2010 1:48 pm

I'm sure you can complain about any player in everyone of your games. Could it be they are all conspiring against you or maybe you just need to learn the game better? I break bonus when I can. I play aggressive. Only been playing for a short time so I do many dumb things but still have fun. There is no crying in Conquer Club. Lets be friends.
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Re: ccatman and demonthunder secret diplomacy/multi[pending]

Postby Evil Semp on Tue Jul 27, 2010 8:50 am

It is hard to prove secret diplomacy, one questionable move in one players opinion might not be questionable in the other players opinion. With history of games played together by the accused I can see where when all things are equal the attack would go against the player that they don't know. With that being said I am going to NOTE this report.
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