The Voice wrote:Idiots like Oaktown, gimil, and MrBenn have effectively ruined our chances of seeing this map sent out of BETA because they're too busy whining rather than clarifying to a person whose first language is clearly not English...
Other than feeling ashamed for yourselves, you three I singled out should also resign.
Ha! Two of us already did resign, over a year ago!
For the record, I'd personally love to see this map pulled out of BETA. Just as I was thrilled to see that Das Schlos was finally re-released with gameplay fixes, I feel that this map remains a black mark on what I think was a generally productive run as a foundry moderator.
The conundrum that I faced at the time was this: do we stamp this map as is simply because time has passed, or do we hold this map to the same standards that we hold every other map on this site? CC's foundry process is an open one, which relies on community feedback and consensus to craft and perfect a map. Whether or not it's a good system, it's what we've got. When issues about a map's graphics or play are raised thoughtfully, they should be addressed.
The consensus opinion among the mods at the time was that a mapmaker should be willing
to at least discuss the concerns that users have about his or map. This has not been the case here, and so foundry standards and expectations have not yet been met. Attempts were made - by me and others - to engage the mapmaker in this discussion, but the mapmaker refused on the grounds that he had done enough work already.
Of course, there are new sheriffs in town now. Gimil and I have been out of the picture for over a year, and the current team has less of a history dealing with this mapmaker. If they think that the rules that apply to CC's other mapmakers should be suspended in this case, and that the concerns raised about this map are not worth discussing, then by all means they should stamp it.