There are no territory names. The pop-up attack box would just have countries like Inside-A, Middle-A, Outside-A, Inside-B, Middle-B, etc. My main concern is that people won't understand this, though I think it should be pretty obvious. Whaddayou guyses think?
I'd also like opinions on all the little charioteer graphics around the course. I could litter the whole map with these things, but I'd like to keep it below 12, if even that high. Which of the ones in there right now work best? I don't intend on keeping them all, but picking the best ones and doing variations on them around the course.
I tried putting directional indicators from territory to territory showing explicitly which could attack each other, but it became an unholy mess. I also wanted to stagger the territories so that the inside track had 12 territories, the middle 16 and the outside 20, so that you're actually going faster if you're on the inside, but it became very difficult to indicate which territories could attack which. Now, it's very minimalist, with only the explanation in the legend in the middle. Is it clear which attacks are possible from the words "directly forward and diagonally forward"?