Official 2010 CC World Cup
Brought to you by the Entertainment Team
Freemiums can participate, but will need 3 game slots open at all times.
This is the Singles tournament. To sign up as a doubles team, please go to the Doubles thread HERE. Remember you can only sign up for one of the tournaments, so think carefully!
The disclaimer being over, please get ready for South Africa 2010, and make sure you have plenty of fun taking part! Do you think you belt it like Bobby, pelt it like PelƩ, or just plain waltz through your opponents' entire team like a certain Argentine? No? Well you won't have to! You'll just have work your way through our special World Cup map and leave your opponents by the wayside in order to become the CC World Cup Champion and take the coveted trophy!
With wonderful prizes at stake, how could you pass up this wonderful opportunity to show off your prowess? Read the details below and post in this thread to sign up now!

Map: South Africa World Cup Map (limited edition map)
Players per game: 2
Game Type: Standard (1v1)
Initial Troops: Automatic
Play Order: Sequential
Spoils: Escalating
Reinforcements: Chained
Fog of War: Off
Round Length: Casual
This tournament consists of 3 stages - Preliminary Stage, Group Stage and Stage 2. The Preliminary Stage will see 6 players sign-up for each country represented in the World Cup. In the preliminary stage you are playing to represent the country in the group stage of the main tournament. Preliminary and Group Stages are round robins and stage 2 is a 16-player bracket where best of 3 games will decide advancing to next round. Preliminary round is made of 4 rounds where you will be playing everybody in your group twice. In group stage everybody will play 3 games, once against every other player in their group. Top 2 will advance to stage 2 which consists of 4 rounds: Round of 16, Quarter-finals, Semi-finals and Finals.
Scoring & Tiebreakers
- For each game you win, you'll earn 3 points. Losing a game gives you 0 points. There are no draw games.
- In case of a tie at the end of Group stage, the number of rounds will come handy and the team who won their games in less rounds advances (goals).
- Points/goals will not be carried on from one stage to next.
The Winner of the tournament will receive 1 year of Premium membership, the runner-up will be rewarded with 6 months Premium and third place will receive 3 months Premium. Top 3 teams will also be rewarded with a Contest Medal. Prizes are donated by Foundry, Tournament and Entertainment teams.
- If you do not post a preferred country on sign up then you will be randomly assigned randomly to an available choice. If you provide a country which has already taken, you will be assigned randomly to an available choice.
- Tournament begins on June 11, 2010; this is the date when first games are made and sent out.
- This tournament is part of Official 2010 CC World Cup Event.
- Everybody receives 2 invites for joining games. After missing 2 invites (2 times yellow
card = red
card) player will be replaced by a reserve. Yellow card does not move on to next match.
- Foe List is ignored in the tournament.
- Any issues will be solved by the tournament organisers (Pander88uk and Gilligan).