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2009-10 NCAA Football 1v1 [Winner: nick_la_trique]

Tournaments completed in 2011.

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Re: 2009-10 NCAA Football 1v1 [Needing Reserves]

Postby Sir Sinclair on Fri May 07, 2010 9:21 pm

im in

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Re: 2009-10 NCAA Football 1v1 [Needing Reserves]

Postby TheMissionary on Sat May 08, 2010 1:17 am

Sir Sinclair wrote:im in

We know :lol:
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UPDATE - 2009-10 NCAA Football 1v1

Postby amazzony on Sat May 08, 2010 6:29 am

Thank you everybody for joining, welcome! I'll try to get the invites out later today. I was hoping that we'll have more players by now so I could replace everybody who are needed but I won't delay it anymore for now and start replacing first players who are missing in action :)

Still accepting more reserves who get to play almost immediately.
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UPDATE - 2009-10 NCAA Football 1v1

Postby amazzony on Sat May 08, 2010 6:42 am

Replacements who have been included in the tournament:

RickyJamesy [in for edgeone]
darth emperor [in for dreamcastrocks]
murphy16 [in for manc]
Aesop Jones [in for riptide]
growler [in for xcboy]
SuicidalSnowman [in for colton24]
kratos644 [in for kingpin01]
totalacid1 [in for elmerfudd]

I'm missing at least 2, maybe 3 reserves (plus a couple for future drop outs).ā‚¬

TheMissionary wrote:I can send some messages out to some others if you'd like.

If you have a list who to send then you can do it but if you don't have time then I have one more backup plan to get players.

I've also update my week 6 schedule (here) with new team managers. After week 6 is properly over with all replacements made, I'll be sending updated list to TM who hopefully has time to update the first post with correct teams/managers.
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Re: 2009-10 NCAA Football 1v1 [Needing Reserves]

Postby bigm1234 on Sat May 08, 2010 10:23 am

lemme get in as a reserve?
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Re: 2009-10 NCAA Football 1v1 [Needing Reserves]

Postby bjf5893 on Sat May 08, 2010 6:59 pm

put me as reserve if you need
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Re: 2009-10 NCAA Football 1v1 [Needing Reserves]

Postby Tennisie on Sat May 08, 2010 11:56 pm

Mission, I can be a reserve.
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Re: 2009-10 NCAA Football 1v1 [Needing Reserves]

Postby vragus on Sun May 09, 2010 1:21 am

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UPDATE - 2009-10 NCAA Football 1v1

Postby amazzony on Sun May 09, 2010 1:30 am

Thank you everybody for joining! :) I'll take a look again who needs replacing in the evening (so in 10 or so hours).
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Re: 2009-10 NCAA Football 1v1 [Needing Reserves]

Postby Gromph on Sun May 09, 2010 8:44 am

add me as reserve
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Re: UPDATE - 2009-10 NCAA Football 1v1

Postby TheMissionary on Sun May 09, 2010 12:13 pm

amazzony wrote:Replacements who have been included in the tournament:

RickyJamesy [in for edgeone]
darth emperor [in for dreamcastrocks]
murphy16 [in for manc]
Aesop Jones [in for riptide]
growler [in for xcboy]
SuicidalSnowman [in for colton24]
kratos644 [in for kingpin01]
totalacid1 [in for elmerfudd]

I'm missing at least 2, maybe 3 reserves (plus a couple for future drop outs).ā‚¬

TheMissionary wrote:I can send some messages out to some others if you'd like.

If you have a list who to send then you can do it but if you don't have time then I have one more backup plan to get players.

I've also update my week 6 schedule (here) with new team managers. After week 6 is properly over with all replacements made, I'll be sending updated list to TM who hopefully has time to update the first post with correct teams/managers.

I updated all reserves to date. Going to put the remainder that said they would help out in the reserves column for easier reference.

*Edit: I looked at open games and made substitutions in the following areas:
UTEP - bigm1234 for blacky44
Northern Illinois - bjf5893 for Hacx5nine
SMU - Tennisie for jeffstain

games/teams with no word that haven't joined game.
ultidominator - Maryland Game 6924154
s_uperdave - Arkansas St. Game 6924132

That leaves 1 sub remaining, 2 teams unknown on status.
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Re: 2009-10 NCAA Football 1v1 [Needing Reserves]

Postby jontheman on Sun May 09, 2010 12:57 pm

in pls
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Re: 2009-10 NCAA Football 1v1 [Needing Reserves]

Postby csward82 on Sun May 09, 2010 4:29 pm

if u still need, i'll play
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Re: 2009-10 NCAA Football 1v1 [Needing Reserves]

Postby Z-Rambo on Sun May 09, 2010 10:11 pm

I will reserve.
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Re: 2009-10 NCAA Football 1v1 [Needing Reserves]

Postby billclinton13 on Mon May 10, 2010 12:43 am

I'll be a reserved but not for anyone in the big 12 Go Huskers!!!!!!
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Re: 2009-10 NCAA Football 1v1 [Needing Reserves]

Postby perchorin on Mon May 10, 2010 3:42 am

I'll be a reserve thanks.
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Re: 2009-10 NCAA Football 1v1 [Needing Reserves]

Postby dballz on Mon May 10, 2010 7:11 am

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Re: 2009-10 NCAA Football 1v1 [Needing Reserves]

Postby DresdenSooner on Mon May 10, 2010 7:29 am

Still looking for reserves? If so sign me up.

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UPDATE - 2009-10 NCAA Football 1v1

Postby amazzony on Mon May 10, 2010 10:11 am

TM, please update the reserve list once again when you find time and add Joe B. who I got from the reserve topic.

amazzony wrote:
Joe B. wrote:If you need another player/reserve, let me know. Let me know if we have a choice of teams too. Thanks, Joe B.

No choice, sorry. Currently we are nicely booked with reserves but never know when we might need you so I'll add you to reserve list, thanks! :)

I should be getting back my privileges real soon, I'll send out invites where needed as soon as it happens (I can't invite people to games when I don't have privileges). Also, I'll make final replacements then so we could get back to normal pace :)

Edit. Here's current reserve list (from both this topic and the reserve topic).

  1. vragus
  2. Gromph
  3. jontheman
  4. csward82
  5. jontheman
  6. csward82
  7. Z-Rambo
  8. billclinton13
  9. perchorin
  10. dballz
  11. DresdenSooner
Last edited by amazzony on Mon May 10, 2010 11:22 am, edited 1 time in total.
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UPDATE - 2009-10 NCAA Football 1v1

Postby amazzony on Mon May 10, 2010 11:22 am

Got privileges back :D (TM, you can change the name of the topic and delete NS's edit in first post).

Following replacement has been made:
Extraterrestrial in for ultidominator (Maryland).

Invites have been sent out so hopefully all week 6 games will be active shortly. As soon as all games with freemiums have ended, we'll move on to week 7 to get things running smoothly.
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Re: 2009-10 NCAA Football 1v1 [Needing Reserves]

Postby Kid Moe on Mon May 10, 2010 12:41 pm

Game 6924207 won by Stanford
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Re: 2009-10 NCAA Football 1v1 [Needing Reserves]

Postby RickXJamesX on Mon May 10, 2010 11:16 pm

Game 6924104 won by rickyjamesy
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UPDATE - 2009-10 NCAA Football 1v1

Postby amazzony on Tue May 11, 2010 10:58 am

All games have started :) There's currently 13 games active (1 with freemium player). As soon as the freemium-game ends, I'll send out week 7 games.
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UPDATE - 2009-10 NCAA Football 1v1 [Week 7]

Postby amazzony on Wed May 12, 2010 8:23 am

As there's just 7 games active from Week 6 then I've decided that it's time to move on. The faster we move the better it is for everybody.

Below you can find Week 7 schedule and at the end of it there's a list of those who are having byes this week. I've created all games and will start sending them out slowly. It might take some time but I'll get it done in the next couple of hours.

Week 7
show: games of week 7
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UPDATE - 2009-10 NCAA Football 1v1

Postby amazzony on Wed May 12, 2010 9:02 am

Week 7 games have been sent out! If for some reason you aren't on the bye-list nor have received a game, please drop a line in here so we could take a look at it.
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