Conquer Club

Primevil60 and Sploxy [Noted] KS

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Primevil60 and Sploxy [Noted] KS

Postby HaireWolf1 on Fri Apr 30, 2010 4:14 pm


The accused are suspected of:

Being Multis
Conducting Secret Diplomacy

Game number(s):


Comments: I sort of suspected at the very least secret diplomacy in the game number listed above but I was certain of it when I read Primevil60's ratings received and Sploxy actually rated him and then in comments checked "good teammate". This was proof enough to me since these two have not teamed up "officially" in a game yet. They have only played two games together at this point so I'm not sure about multis but I am absolutely certain they conducted secret diplomacy in our game.
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Re: Primevil60 and Sploxy

Postby king sam on Fri Apr 30, 2010 5:22 pm

The tag may have been a slip up. These 2 are Cleared of being multis together.

As far as the secret diplomacy there was some supect moves in there but not enough to warrant a Block between the 2. There could be any number of reason that blue was not attacking red at his spaces, it was a terminator game and he could have been hoping the war between you and blue would leave an opening for him to wiggle in adn get some points somewhere. Either way this case will be Noted for SD against them,

Foe & Rate Accordingly.

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