Conquer Club

Triples World League [Winners: josko.ri/Moonchild/Bruceswar]

Tournaments completed in 2010.

Moderator: Tournament Directors

Re: TRIPLES WORLD CUP ( premium only ) reserves only

Postby ljex on Wed Apr 28, 2010 2:00 pm

josko.ri wrote:sorry wrong game. right game is Game 6456180.

1)ok, I will do it then as soon as possible, probably tomorrow.

Lol i took congo to take a bonus(meaning it was a 1) then green attacked me the next round...when he says bad rolls and i say bad strategy in the chat, that is what it means. I dont see how this is me giving the game to red when green made a bad play by attacking me when he couldn't kill me giving the game to red...
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Re: TRIPLES WORLD CUP ( premium only ) reserves only

Postby Commander62890 on Wed Apr 28, 2010 4:05 pm

2010-02-13 01:05:12 - ljex received 3 troops for 8 regions
2010-02-13 01:05:14 - ljex deployed 3 troops on Sarah Desert
2010-02-13 01:05:15 - ljex assaulted Conga from Sarah Desert and conquered it from ~barnygumble~
2010-02-13 01:05:22 - Commander62890 received 3 troops for 6 regions
2010-02-13 01:05:38 - Commander62890 deployed 3 troops on Europe
2010-02-13 01:05:38 - Commander62890 assaulted UK from Europe and conquered it from ~barnygumble~
2010-02-13 01:05:41 - Commander62890 assaulted Greenland from UK and conquered it from ~barnygumble~
2010-02-13 01:05:46 - Commander62890 assaulted USA from Greenland and conquered it from ~barnygumble~
2010-02-13 01:05:46 - Commander62890 eliminated ~barnygumble~ from the game

Maybe you were pissed that Green broke you?
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Re: TRIPLES WORLD CUP ( premium only ) reserves only

Postby josko.ri on Wed Apr 28, 2010 5:18 pm

ljex wrote:
josko.ri wrote:sorry wrong game. right game is Game 6456180.

1)ok, I will do it then as soon as possible, probably tomorrow.

Lol i took congo to take a bonus(meaning it was a 1) then green attacked me the next round...when he says bad rolls and i say bad strategy in the chat, that is what it means. I dont see how this is me giving the game to red when green made a bad play by attacking me when he couldn't kill me giving the game to red..., green didnt attacked you next turn, green was killed after that. after you took conga, commander killed green, and he wouldnt kill him if you didnt take conga, that is the way you helped him. you should attack conga for bonus in rounds 2,3,4 but you didnt,you did it when commander needed your favor to finish the game. check the log, green never attacked any region in africa in that game, so no way that green broke your bonus like commander said.

Commander62890 wrote:Maybe you were pissed that Green broke you?

green didnt broke him, he had conga from the beginning and conquered only regions in america, so didnt broke africa bonus.

We can write here arguments with no ending, logically is that you will always find some explanation because you will never say "yes, we were cheating". as this is thread of Triples World Cup, I will report my doubts about cheating in C&A reports. when C&A moderators decide if it was cheating or not, then I will write here what was the final decision, so everybody can see who had wrong, you or me. I will do it in next Wednesday probably, as I need some time to check more your games together in searching for evidences of possibly cheating.
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Re: TRIPLES WORLD CUP ( premium only ) reserves only

Postby Commander62890 on Wed Apr 28, 2010 5:46 pm

You're right, we should do this elsewhere. Good luck with your research.

We'll be at least 16-4 here, but I think it's leaning towards 17-3...
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Re: TRIPLES WORLD CUP ( premium only ) reserves only

Postby josko.ri on Wed Apr 28, 2010 5:55 pm

Commander62890 wrote:We'll be at least 16-4 here, but I think it's leaning towards 17-3...

I can see you stays good vs brazil and probably win 2-0 which means my team (ireland) will probably take the lead. we will have also 16-4 or even 17-3 in better solution after this set of games. it will be very interesting matches brazil-ireland and france-ireland, directly fight for the title :)
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Re: TRIPLES WORLD CUP ( premium only ) reserves only

Postby Commander62890 on Wed Apr 28, 2010 6:35 pm

Yeah, you guys are going 16-4 or 17-3; one game is even at the moment. Looking forward to taking you on.
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Re: TRIPLES WORLD CUP ( premium only ) reserves only

Postby josko.ri on Thu Apr 29, 2010 5:02 pm

SNARF17WD, which are tie breaking rules? if 2 (or more) teams finish with the same number of points?
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Re: TRIPLES WORLD CUP ( premium only ) reserves only

Postby SNARF17WD on Sun May 23, 2010 2:55 am

josko.ri wrote:SNARF17WD, which are tie breaking rules? if 2 (or more) teams finish with the same number of points?

Head to head , if that's even , you go again against each other
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Re: TRIPLES WORLD CUP ( premium only ) reserves only

Postby SNARF17WD on Sun May 23, 2010 3:01 am


I Have no problem with someone jumping in as an account sitter , i do it myself , if someone is going away for an extended holiday / vacation , all they have to do is drop me a pm , i will hold their games back .
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Re: TRIPLES WORLD CUP ( premium only ) reserves only

Postby SNARF17WD on Sun Jun 20, 2010 3:55 am


Well done to France for giving them a hell of a fight in the run in =D>
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Re: TRIPLES WORLD CUP ( premium only ) reserves only

Postby Bruceswar on Sun Jun 20, 2010 5:21 am


Well done to France for giving them a hell of a fight in the run in =D>

Thanks for hosting :)
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Postby josko.ri on Sun Jun 20, 2010 5:41 pm

Thanks for hosting, it was pleasure to participate in. final games vs France was really epic fight :)
we will be glad to defend the title in second edition (if it comes).

about that written above of my doubts to commander and ljex's cheating, I am apologize to them and to all of you who read that. it was my personal doubts with some evidences that are not so strong, so I changed my attitude after checking chats of some other their 3-player games.
really sorry, commander and ljex :(
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