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FOED v LOTZ (36-24 of 60) FINAL

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FOED v LOTZ (36-24 of 60) FINAL

Postby danryan on Wed Apr 21, 2010 3:49 pm

We've agreed a 60 game challenge, to be played in two batches, each consisting of:

5 dubs
5 trips
5 quads for each side.

No manual, no freestyle, no speed, no beta, no nukes. Max use of a home map is 3 times for the whole challenge.
Last edited by danryan on Wed Jun 02, 2010 7:17 am, edited 27 times in total.
Sergeant 1st Class danryan
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FOED Home Games (20-10)

Postby danryan on Wed Apr 21, 2010 3:50 pm

Batch 1:

1. Game 6882432 Oasis, Foggy, No Spoils, Chained. Innya & Hippie WIN
2. Game 6881958 Feudal War, Foggy, Esc, Chained. MNDuke & Steve the Mighty LOSS
3. Game 6881465 Poison Rome, Foggy, No Spoils, Chained, dan & brian WIN
4. Game 6882437 Conquerman, No Spoils, Chained. Innyafacce & Wolf LOSS
5. Game 6883639 Route 66, No Spoils, Adj, Foggy Jippd, Systemex14 WIN

1. Game 6881468 Eastern Hemisphere, Flat, Chained, Sunny. danryan, LMS, wolf WIN
2. Game 6881575 WW2 Poland, No Spoils, Chained, Foggy. HairyP, Panda, Innyafacce LOSS
3. Game 6882104 England, Esc, Chained, Fogy. Panda, MNDuke, Hippie WIN
4. Game 6881475 Third Crusade, Foggy, Esc, Chained. danryan, Hops, L M S LOSS
5. Game 6882547 WW2 Gazala, No Spoils, Chained, Sunny. perrbear, Hopscotcher, nippersean WIN

1. Game 6881572 WW2 Poland, No Spoils, Chained, Foggy. HairyP, uckuki, system, Steve LOSS
2. Game 6881485 Supermax, No Spoils, Chained, Foggy. danryan, panda, LMS, brian LOSS
3. Game 6885170 WW2 Europe, Esc, Chained, Foggy. nippersean, brian, panda, perrbear WIN
4. Game 6885177 Jamaica, No Spoils, Chained, Foggy. nippersean, HairyP, MNDuke, Hippiebroker WIN
5. Game 6881643 Age of Merchants, Esc, chained, Foggy. L M S, brian, panda, perrbear WIN

Batch 2
1. Game 6882715 Oasis, Foggy, No Spoils, Chained. Innya & Wolf WIN
2. Game 6902403 WW2 Poland, Foggy, No Spoils, Chained, HairyP & hippie WIN
3. Game 6901753 Operation Drug War, Foggy, No Spoils, Chained, dan & brian WIN
4. Game 6902817 CCU, Sunny, Esc, Chained. Steve the Mighty & Jippd LOSS
5. Game 6898968 Rail Europe, Foggy, No Spoils, Chained. Hops & Wolf WIN

1. Game 6919732 Feudal War, Foggy, No Spoils, Chained. Innya, Hippie, perrbear WIN
2. Game 6919722 Oasis, Foggy, No Spoils, Chained. Innya, wolf, Hippie LOSS
3. Game 6898983 USA Apocalypse Foggy, No Spoils, Chained Hops, brian, L M S WIN
4. Game 6898973 NYC, Foggy, No Spoils, Chained Hops, L M S, wolf WIN
5. Game 6902412 Midgard, Foggy, Esc, Chained. HairyP, uckuki, danryan WIN

1. Game 6882717 Feudal Epic, Foggy, No Spoils, Chained. InnyaFacce, perrbear, pander, wolf LOSS
2. Game 6902033 D-Day, Foggy, No Spoils, Chained. perrbear, nipper, MNDuke, Hippiebroker LOSS
3. Game 6916553 Bamboo Jack, Foggy, No Spoils, Chained. nippersean, danryan, Jippd, neanderpaul14 WIN
4. Game 6902602 WW2 Ardennes, Foggy, Esc, Chained. brian, L M S, pander, perrbear WIN
5. Game 6902225 Europe 1914, Foggy, No Spoils, Chained. Hippie, MNDuke, system, uckuki WIN
Last edited by danryan on Wed Jun 02, 2010 7:17 am, edited 23 times in total.
Sergeant 1st Class danryan
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LOTZ Home Games (16-14)

Postby danryan on Wed Apr 21, 2010 3:50 pm

Batch 1

Game 6880170 Rail USA, no spoils, chained, foggy - monkey/frog Hops/fletch WIN
Game 6880458 Greater China, esc, chained, foggy - jimmy/muss L M S/ nippersean LOSS
Game 6880174 Prohibition Chicago, no spoils, chained, foggy - monkey/muss Dan/HairyP WIN
Game 6881635 Arms Race, no spoils, chained, foggy - teddy/gray pwnder/ Duke LOSS
Game 6881165 Classic, esc, chained, sunny - muss/frog Jippd / Steve WIN

Game 6880571 Europa, esc, chained, foggy - frog/muss/teddy brian/ Hops / uckuki WIN
Game 6888017 Feudal War, esc, chained, foggy - streaker/jester/jimmy Innya/ pander/ L M S LOSS
Game 6880181 Austerlitz, no spoils, chained, foggy - monkey/jester/jimmy L M S / nipper / system WIN
Game 6880188 Siege, no spoils, chained, foggy - monkey/streaker/muss wolf / perrbear/ nippersean LOSS
Game 6880588 Ottoman Empire, no spoils, chained, foggy - jimmy/jester/muss nippersean / system / wolf WIN

Game 6880190 Waterloo, no spoils, chained, foggy - frog/streaker/muss/monkey Geezer/pwnder/perrbear/ system WIN
Game 6881648 Route 66, no spoils, chained, sunny - jimmy/teddy/world dom/gray Jippd/Duke/Steve/Hops LOSS
Game 6880194 Fractured America, no spoils, chained, foggy - jester/monkey/teddy/frog L M S/ danryan / nippersean / HairyP LOSS
Game 6880200 Europe 1914, no spoils, chained, foggy - jester/monkey/jimmy/muss Hippie / Duke/ System / uckuki WIN
Game 6888029 Feudal, esc, chained, foggy - streaker/jimmy/jester/world dom Innya/Hippie/Duke/Steve WIN

Batch 2

Game 6932143 Greater China, esc, chained, foggy - jimmy/muss Steve/Jippd WIN
Game 6929086 Arms Race, no spoils, chained, foggy - teddy/gray Duke/ np14 LOSS
Game 6928469 Rail USA, no spoils, chained, foggy - monkey/frog Hops/fletch LOSS
Game 6928470 USA New England, no spoils, chained, foggy - monkey/muss pwnder/dan WIN
Game 6929126 Route 66, no spoils, chained, sunny - teddy/gray Jippd/MNDuke WIN

Game 6929140 Arms Race, no spoils, chained, foggy - jester/teddy/gray np14/pwnder/uckuki LOSS
Game 6928471 Austerlitz, no spoils, chained, foggy - monkey/jester/jimmy nippersean/L M S/system LOSS
Game 6932150 Feudal, esc, chained, foggy - streaker/jester/jimmy Innya/Steve/Hippie LOSS
Game 6928474 Siege, no spoils, chained, foggy - monkey/streaker/muss perrbear/wolf/fletchLOSS
Game 6932157 Benelux, no spoils, chained, foggy - jimmy/muss/yellow peril L M S/HairyP/Innyafacce LOSS

Game 6929185 Circus Maximus, no spoils, chained, sunny - jester/frog/teddy/streaker pander/Hops/HairyP/Steve WIN
Game 6928475 Europe 1914, no spoils, chained, foggy - monkey/jester/muss/jimmy Hippie/Duke/System/ wolf WIN
Game 6929208 Route 66, no spoils, sunny, chained - teddy/jimmy/world dom/gray Jippd/wolf/Steve/DukeLOSS
Game 6929234 World 2.1, esc, chained, foggy - frog/streaker/muss/teddy np14/perrbear/nipper/Hippie WIN
Game 6928476 Waterloo, no spoils, chained, foggy - frog/monkey/streaker nipper/pwnder/perrbear/system WIN
Last edited by danryan on Wed May 26, 2010 10:09 am, edited 21 times in total.
Sergeant 1st Class danryan
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Re: FOED v LOTZ (0 of 60) Starting Soon

Postby Culs De Sac on Wed Apr 21, 2010 6:00 pm

Those FOED boys are really bored I another War coming.. Foed win this 35-25
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Re: FOED v LOTZ (0 of 60) Starting Soon

Postby danryan on Wed Apr 21, 2010 6:43 pm

Culs De Sac wrote:Those FOED boys are really bored I another War coming.. Foed win this 35-25

Hey Culs, FOED!!! Good luck in the Conqueror's Cup, I see Legion is kicking ass and taking names right now.
Sergeant 1st Class danryan
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Re: FOED v LOTZ (0 of 60) Starting Soon

Postby Master Fenrir on Thu Apr 22, 2010 9:18 am

Good luck to both clans. Foed 38-22. No disrespect to the LOTZ, but my buds in FOED are going to be tough to handle.
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Re: FOED v LOTZ (0 of 60) Starting Soon

Postby denthefrog on Fri Apr 23, 2010 12:47 am

New postby Master Fenrir on Thu Apr 22, 2010 2:18 pm
Good luck to both clans. Foed 38-22. No disrespect to the LOTZ, but my buds in FOED are going to be tough to handle.

lets hope u wrong lol
we will do our best
good luck
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Re: FOED v LOTZ (0 of 60) Starting Soon

Postby chemefreak on Fri Apr 23, 2010 1:01 am

I think you FOED motherf*ckers owe the Legion a challenge. So you can feel the loss we dealt O&H without bailing midstream. How is that for diplomacy?

*EDIT* about you guys become an 1st Tier clan...and we might consider it :lol:
:twisted: ChemE :twisted:
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Re: FOED v LOTZ (0 of 60) Starting Soon

Postby danryan on Fri Apr 23, 2010 7:59 am

chemefreak wrote:I think you FOED motherf*ckers owe the Legion a challenge. So you can feel the loss we dealt O&H without bailing midstream. How is that for diplomacy?

*EDIT* about you guys become an 1st Tier clan...and we might consider it :lol:

Damn, freak, so touchy. I'd be happy to give you guys your shot once you get eliminated from the Conqueror's Cup. :lol: Should be soon.
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Re: FOED v LOTZ (0 of 60) Starting Soon

Postby drunkmonkey on Fri Apr 23, 2010 9:59 am

FOED by 8 games, huh? It's cool...I like being the underdog. ;)

Can't wait for this one.
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Re: FOED v LOTZ (0 of 60) Starting Soon

Postby L M S on Fri Apr 23, 2010 4:10 pm

chemefreak wrote:I think you FOED motherf*ckers owe the Legion a challenge. So you can feel the loss we dealt O&H without bailing midstream. How is that for diplomacy?

*EDIT* about you guys become an 1st Tier clan...and we might consider it :lol:

Awwww Man..... Does this mean I'm gonna have to go through my FOE list again and allow some of your members the privilege of playing (with or against) me and my boys?
Perhaps you should reconsider cheme, I'm pretty sure you don't want any part of the beatdowns we are handing out at present.

Good luck LOTZ.
You are gonna need it.
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Re: FOED v LOTZ (0 of 60) Starting Soon

Postby WPBRJ on Sat Apr 24, 2010 9:25 am

i think chem is a little bitter lol

foed 43 to lots 17
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Re: FOED v LOTZ (0 of 60) Starting Soon

Postby Blitzaholic on Sat Apr 24, 2010 11:15 am

is danryan now in the FOED clan?
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Re: FOED v LOTZ (0 of 60) Starting Soon

Postby brian fletcher on Sat Apr 24, 2010 2:51 pm

Blitzaholic wrote:is danryan now in the FOED clan?

Get with the times Blitzy. We split away from O&H ages ago. :lol: :roll:
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Re: FOED v LOTZ (0 of 60) Starting Soon

Postby L M S on Sat Apr 24, 2010 6:17 pm

brian fletcher wrote:
Blitzaholic wrote:is danryan now in the FOED clan?

Get with the times Blitzy. We split away from O&H ages ago. :lol: :roll:

The Cup is melting his brain...which is probably what CHUUUUUUUUUUUUCK was hoping for, lol.
Yes Senor Blitzy. Danryan and Brian Fletcher are our illustrious leaders.

Gee that's a large beetle I wonder if it's poisonous.
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Re: FOED v LOTZ (0 of 60) Starting Soon

Postby danryan on Sun Apr 25, 2010 2:28 pm

Blitzaholic wrote:is danryan now in the FOED clan?

I am. I tricked them with a lot of doppelbock and blowing smoke up their skirts. :D
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Re: FOED v LOTZ (0 of 60) Starting Soon

Postby chemefreak on Mon Apr 26, 2010 11:44 am

danryan wrote:
chemefreak wrote:I think you FOED motherf*ckers owe the Legion a challenge. So you can feel the loss we dealt O&H without bailing midstream. How is that for diplomacy?

*EDIT* about you guys become an 1st Tier clan...and we might consider it :lol:

Damn, freak, so touchy. I'd be happy to give you guys your shot once you get eliminated from the Conqueror's Cup. :lol: Should be soon.

Hey! We should give TOFU or BOFM a great fight...I wouldn't be too quick to dismiss for you FOED guys, we can't wait to beat you again under your new banner. LOTZ should not be taken lightly. We warred with them a couple of months ago and they were tough. I say 32-28 FOED...but it could easily go the other way. Good luck to all. See? I'm a lot more diplomatic when I am not wasted...clear your foe lists ladies ;)
:twisted: ChemE :twisted:
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Re: FOED v LOTZ (0 of 60) Starting Soon

Postby danryan on Mon Apr 26, 2010 11:53 am

chemefreak wrote:
danryan wrote:
chemefreak wrote:I think you FOED motherf*ckers owe the Legion a challenge. So you can feel the loss we dealt O&H without bailing midstream. How is that for diplomacy?

*EDIT* about you guys become an 1st Tier clan...and we might consider it :lol:

Damn, freak, so touchy. I'd be happy to give you guys your shot once you get eliminated from the Conqueror's Cup. :lol: Should be soon.

Hey! We should give TOFU or BOFM a great fight...I wouldn't be too quick to dismiss for you FOED guys, we can't wait to beat you again under your new banner. LOTZ should not be taken lightly. We warred with them a couple of months ago and they were tough. I say 32-28 FOED...but it could easily go the other way. Good luck to all. See? I'm a lot more diplomatic when I am not wasted...clear your foe lists ladies ;)

No one is taking LOTZ lightly! :D We plan to bring out the heavy artillery for this one.
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Re: FOED v LOTZ (0 of 60) Starting Soon

Postby L M S on Mon Apr 26, 2010 2:48 pm

danryan wrote:
chemefreak wrote:
danryan wrote:
chemefreak wrote:I think you FOED motherf*ckers owe the Legion a challenge. So you can feel the loss we dealt O&H without bailing midstream. How is that for diplomacy?

*EDIT* about you guys become an 1st Tier clan...and we might consider it :lol:

Damn, freak, so touchy. I'd be happy to give you guys your shot once you get eliminated from the Conqueror's Cup. :lol: Should be soon.

Hey! We should give TOFU or BOFM a great fight...I wouldn't be too quick to dismiss for you FOED guys, we can't wait to beat you again under your new banner. LOTZ should not be taken lightly. We warred with them a couple of months ago and they were tough. I say 32-28 FOED...but it could easily go the other way. Good luck to all. See? I'm a lot more diplomatic when I am not wasted...clear your foe lists ladies ;)

No one is taking LOTZ lightly! :D We plan to bring out the heavy artillery for this one.

I hope the shipments of predator drones and stinger missiles don't get stuck in customs this time like they did for the BSS war.
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Re: FOED v LOTZ (0 of 60) Starting Soon

Postby wolfpack0530 on Mon Apr 26, 2010 4:48 pm

Thanks for the challenge LOTZ!!! Should be lots of fun!

Also good to see we have some cheerleaders in this thread :lol: :lol:
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Re: FOED v LOTZ (0 of 60) Starting Soon

Postby ScaryTeded on Tue Apr 27, 2010 6:51 pm

WPBRJ wrote:
foed 43 to lots 17

WP I hope these Prediction`s are as accurate as the one`s during DYNASTY & Grim Reapers Challenge ;) ...

No walk in the park for sure alot of good players in FOED good luck M8`s look forward to the great games and Thanks for the challenge ..
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Re: FOED v LOTZ (0-0 of 60)

Postby danryan on Tue Apr 27, 2010 7:58 pm

We're just waiting on LOTZ home games 1st batch and games will be posted.
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Re: FOED v LOTZ (0 of 60) Starting Soon

Postby Jimmy V on Tue Apr 27, 2010 8:58 pm

chemefreak wrote:
danryan wrote:
chemefreak wrote:I think you FOED motherf*ckers owe the Legion a challenge. So you can feel the loss we dealt O&H without bailing midstream. How is that for diplomacy?

*EDIT* about you guys become an 1st Tier clan...and we might consider it :lol:

Damn, freak, so touchy. I'd be happy to give you guys your shot once you get eliminated from the Conqueror's Cup. :lol: Should be soon.

Hey! We should give TOFU or BOFM a great fight...I wouldn't be too quick to dismiss for you FOED guys, we can't wait to beat you again under your new banner. LOTZ should not be taken lightly. We warred with them a couple of months ago and they were tough. I say 32-28 FOED...but it could easily go the other way. Good luck to all. See? I'm a lot more diplomatic when I am not wasted...clear your foe lists ladies ;)

You got it backwards... this will be the time when LOTZ begins bringing the pain...
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Re: FOED v LOTZ (0-0 of 60)

Postby drunkmonkey on Tue Apr 27, 2010 11:33 pm

danryan wrote:We're just waiting on LOTZ home games 1st batch and games will be posted.

Just sent them off. Good luck to you.
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Re: FOED v LOTZ (0 of 60) Starting Soon

Postby Hopscotcher on Wed Apr 28, 2010 3:15 am

chemefreak wrote:Hey! We should give TOFU or BOFM a great fight...I wouldn't be too quick to dismiss for you FOED guys, we can't wait to beat you again under your new banner. LOTZ should not be taken lightly. We warred with them a couple of months ago and they were tough. I say 32-28 FOED...but it could easily go the other way. Good luck to all. See? I'm a lot more diplomatic when I am not wasted...clear your foe lists ladies ;)

youre a lot more fun when your on the chemical diet, though! :lol:

good luck to all those involved! Now On with the war and Off with the gloves :!:
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