stealth99 wrote:Note to mods: This complaint is being made under the "Abuse" section of this forum. No cheating has occurred and despite the fact one of you issued me a formal warning for submitting an abuse complaint recently, and failed to enforce clear violations of site rules dealing with abuse claiming that no cheating had occurred or no game rules were broken, I'm doing it again. The reason is simple, when I went to the Community Guidelines to find out what to do about this guy, it was clear in telling me to submit a complaint here. Exactly what it told me to do last time. It didn't say that game cheating had to occur as well and was clear that abuse can stand alone as the reason for my complaint. Is there any process for me to appeal the past decision to issue a formal warning to the OP when the rules support the OP and not the decisions of the mod? I've sent an appeal to the mod and got no response so I'm thinking that wasn't the right process. I've also read and read again several times everything I can find to read about rules and the like and I've either forgotten the appeal process or can't find it. Thanks.
Because you were given the answer at least twice and I wasnt going to keep repeating myself. It seems you like to argue a point till you run out of breath especially when your wrong. As this case I havent reviewed it and wont cause of the already ill will you have for the much needed Warning you got last time.
But to set the record straight last time you got the Warning for Spurious reports becuase you made 2 reports after the same person and no violation was happening. Your intentions were solely to try to convict another player of a crime that wasnt being commited and drag his name in the mud. The retort you had was looked at and the decision that was made in the thread Warning you for the Spurious Report was validated.
I suggest you lighten up and enjoy the site and game for everyones sake. The Foe button is your friend and should be your first line of defense when you come across a player that "disrupts your gaming experience". If it is something above and beyond banter/trash talking & curse words then do what you did here and it will get looked at,
This will get looked at, I will PM another mod to give it the due attention. But your Warning before was solid.