The accused are suspected of:
Being Multis
Conducting Secret Diplomacy
Game number(s):
Game 6474647
Game 6496672
I noticed senken and Horoo are playing without attacking each other, and do not fortify the borders with each other. They only occasionally attack each other if losing one territory is useful for the other player. They rather work together on eliminating others, like in a double game, when it's just a standard game.
Game 6474647 is still being played but it should be susepnded, in my opinion, for breaking the rules. When Senken clearly had an enormous advantage Horoo just supported him, and kept attacking other players. I noticed they do not bombard each otehr and do not fortify the borders with each other.
The same happened in game 6496672 where, anyway, another player managed to get the upper hand. But I noticed that somethign strange was happening in the beginning as their common strategy allowed them to grow very fast.
They clearly know each other well or are the same person as they often play in doubles, like in games 6404896, 6469771, 6432145. They are also both from Canada. If they are not the same person they are friends at best, and play in a non-correct way. I think the situation should be corrected...they can play doubles that way, but they cannot play singles together and have that huge advantage.