Moderators: Multi Hunters, Cheating/Abuse Team
Timur the Lame an exceptinally poor sport. He was beat horribly and couldn't stand it so he decided to throw a temper tantrum. Here is the result. Except and extremly poor and whiny game from this guy. foe him for a better gaming experinence.
Timur the Lame wrote:If you look at the nature of Hacx's complaint its that we "ma(d)e a truce," an open and legal one i might add he pitched a fit. Check his other ratings and you will see what a poor sport this guy is. This is especially evident in the responses to the ratings that he did get.
Timur the Lame wrote:This is my last post because i feel we have wasted everyones time long enough so respond what you will.
So basically you came to the Cheating & Abuse forum to report what.... "Poor gaming?" You don't see anything wrong with that....a violation of posting guidelines maybe? What do you think the rating system is for? So that you can ignore it and come here to whine and complain?
By your own admission we did nothing wrong. We are only guilty of utilizing diplomacy to declare an open and legal truce. This then is the substance of your complaint against us? So horrific that you came to abuse the "Cheating & Abuse" forum?
You seem to forget that you and the other two players subsequently declared an alliance against the two of us.
GabonX wrote:The fact of the matter is that reality does not conform to your sense of political correctness.
Timur the Lame wrote:Aside from the fact of this lame BS that youve caused....maybe.
I just PMed both a MoD and Multi-hunter so hopefully this will be resolved soon.
GabonX wrote:The fact of the matter is that reality does not conform to your sense of political correctness.
Timur the Lame wrote:Has it crossed your mind that maybe its weird that this topic was started 5 days ago and I still haven't been banned or punished or anything? Deathwind, replace the dead hamster thats turning the wheels in your head because you're not thinking much.
Thank God Snowgun. Your the first person that hasn't automatically assumed the worst and has actually allowed for the possibility that I am legit. At least theres one or two people like you out there.
GabonX wrote:The fact of the matter is that reality does not conform to your sense of political correctness.
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