Congrats to Ferrari drivers jwahl2 and Overlander for winning
Maps: Race Dependent (See List) Players 24 (12 Teams) + (3 Reserve Teams) Game Type: Doubles Play Order: Sequential Spoils: Escalating Reinforcements: Chained Fog of War: No Sorry Premiums only since the races may overlap
There will be 19 rounds to this tournament Each round with consist of qualifying and the race Qualifying will be 4 games of 2 v 2 v 2 (For each round teams will randomly be placed in a qualify game) Race will be 2 v 2 v 2 v 2 Your team must win the qualifying game to participate in the race
Points are only awarded individually for the race and are awarded in order of knockout
If both teammates are alive to end the game, whoever gets the last kill is the winner and the teammate finishes second No points are awarded for qualifying races Each round will start the week before the actual race or when the previous round ends, whichever is first
How to win
The individual with the most points at the end of 19 rounds is the Drivers Champion and the Team with the most points is the Constructors Champion and the team will receive the medal
Each team will play a minimum of 19 games and a max of 38
Please pick a manufacturer when you submit your team
You have 48 hours to join or your team will be excluded from that GP. If you miss 2 games you be replaced by a reserve team (if no reserve can be found that team will be excluded from the Championship). If you have to replace a driver, the new driver will assume the olds points but with a 5 point penalty
Anyone with less than 97% taken may be left out of the tourney without a decent excuse that they will play the games without missing turns.
I think that covers everything, feel free to ask questions
Last edited by Electricksabers on Wed Jan 05, 2011 11:13 pm, edited 24 times in total.