cairnswk wrote:ender516 wrote:cairnswk wrote:eddie2 wrote:hi dont know if this is the right place for this but on the board it clearly states 3 troups for each marron but in play you have to have all 3 for a 3 bonus
no, this should be done in the map thread.
no, it states every maroon +3
that is taken as all maroons +3
no other way, that's how the foundry decided it to be worded.

Well, I would agree with
eddie2. "Every" could be read as "each" or "all". "All" has no such ambiguity in my eyes. Better yet, just say "3 Maroons +3". You can't get clearer than that, and it's consistent with phrases like "2 Bumbo (Rum)" and "Any 2 Food". Sorry to press you,
cairnswk, but the Foundry's not done with you yet.

Well you know ender516, i'm going to dig in again here.
This map had long enough in the foundry process for people to provide comments and feedback.
Unless there is outcry from at a great (huge) number of people about this, i am not going to waste my time again.
Seesm that those players on the over 500 games that have completed either haven't used that bonus, didn't notice the wording, or more importanly may have understood it.
So come back to me with substantial backing for the change and i'll move on it.

Well, I understand your reluctance to fiddle with this sort of thing at this point, and if it's only eddie2 and I that object, then fair enough, let it go. But at the risk of sounding pedantic, let me quote the Foundry Guidelines for the Final Forge regarding Beta (
emphasis mine):
Once the gameplay, graphics and XML stamps have been awarded, and the Foundry Foreman deems the map ready; your map will enter the Beta phase. This stage is the final testing ground to ensure that there are no critical graphical or gameplay concerns, and to catch any mistakes or omissions in the XML. Beta maps are not completely finished: It is possible that gameplay, graphics or the XML may need to be altered and tweaked in order to add further clarity and perfection to the map. The cartographer(s) must be willing to engage in updating their map, and if any bugs or imbalances that are found they must be attended to in a timely manner by the cartographer(s) or other people designated to fix and alleviate any issues that arise.
I'm not saying you are not willing to engage, and I suppose I missed the discussion on the wording of the bonus legend. Perhaps it occurred before I started following the map discussion topic, but a quick search didn't show why it was changed from All Maroons in V24 to Every Maroon in V26 [V25 seems to have been deleted from your photobucket]. Ultimately, the problem here may not be "critical". But when a member of the community at large comes into the Foundry with a reasonable suggestion, I feel we may need to have a better reason for declining to act on it than the fact that the foundry has already rendered a decision. If not, then we had best put more limits on what kind of comments are welcome, or why bother with Beta at all?