Hi, a map about my country, funny
Some idea's on the Gameplay...This map is called battle of languages.
maybe you should place the map in the '60 when there was a lot going around about the independence of language of universities, schools, factories, etc..(i mean, some dutch speaking people worked in the walloon area but caused problems because they spoke dutch. and some uni's and factorys in flanders where led by french speaking industrials...it led to the 'Leuven Vlaams' revolt in '68) also a lot was going on about Voeren and Komen/comines...i would love to see more focus on the battle of languages, with problems such as 'where to draw the language-line' (in '63), voeren, Komines etc...also, the german-speaking part realy needs to make part of this map, we are speaking 3 languages in this tiny country. Also, since Brussels is the capital of the EU a lot is going around to make English an official language....more ideas..i will follow this map, GL with it! check out
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Language_legislation_in_Belgium and the Belgium-page on wiki (in dutch- you find more info on the languages and 'leuven vlaams' on the dutch page
