After years as both leader and member of the Imperial Dragoons, I've decided to venture out on a new challenge and form a new clan from scratch. I consider the work done with the Imperial Dragoons to be deemed quite successful after the near death and extinction of the clan a couple of years ago.
At this time, I am the only member of this clan and am looking for eager, capable Conquer Club patrons to help in building this new, competitive clan. My requirements are not extensive at this time, but I want the clan to become the newest wrecking ball to the current Conquer Club hierarchy. Lofty goals, but attainable.
* Able to log in daily
* Premium strongly encouraged
* No excessive negative gameplay ratings
* 1600+ gets more consideration than those below that watermark, however, I would like to bring in some lower than 1600 into training
* 1 Clan Rule enforced
* Leader feels your addition and/or training will be worthwhile
Looking forward to getting this started and become a force to be reckoned with on Conquer Club. Clan name is subject to change after formation of the clan.
Apply today.
01 - Fireside Poet
02 - DIXIE
03 - Mass Miracle
04 - mgourley
05 - Metsfanmax
06 - sdh
07 - ronc8649
08 - thegreekdog
09 - richardgarr
10 - fookeh
11 - hmsps
12 - Ronaldinho
13 - Falkomagno
14 - Corno4825
15 - MyrrhMan
16 - plash.ricrem
17 - Draigon
18 - dnucci
19 - atax
20 - alex951
21 - Uncle Death
22 - nothin_j
23 - artimis
24 - slax_fan
25 -