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First Nations of North America [Quenched]

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Re: First Nations of North America

Postby MrBenn on Thu Dec 24, 2009 5:35 am

Esn wrote:Is it just me, or is this map particularly conducive to 3-way ties that last a long time?

This is symptomatic of a well-balanced map - and in my opinion is pretty standard in 3-player games in any case ;-)
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Re: First Nations of North America

Postby Bruceswar on Thu Dec 24, 2009 7:32 am

MrBenn wrote:
Esn wrote:Is it just me, or is this map particularly conducive to 3-way ties that last a long time?

This is symptomatic of a well-balanced map - and in my opinion is pretty standard in 3-player games in any case ;-)

Better the map is well balanced than lopsided.
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Re: First Nations of North America

Postby ender516 on Thu Dec 24, 2009 8:09 pm

Bruceswar wrote:
MrBenn wrote:
Esn wrote:Is it just me, or is this map particularly conducive to 3-way ties that last a long time?

This is symptomatic of a well-balanced map - and in my opinion is pretty standard in 3-player games in any case ;-)

Better the map is well balanced than lopsided.

Very true. If you don't want long games, try escalating spoils. Sooner or later someone will cash in for an overwhelming number of troops. Sure, it's a matter of luck at that point, but the skill comes in being ready.
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Re: First Nations of North America

Postby Esn on Fri Dec 25, 2009 3:34 am

MrBenn wrote:
Esn wrote:Is it just me, or is this map particularly conducive to 3-way ties that last a long time?

This is symptomatic of a well-balanced map - and in my opinion is pretty standard in 3-player games in any case ;-)

One of the games started as 6-player, the other as 5-player, but both are 3-player now and look like they're going to stay that way for some time. I was referring more to the fact that there seem to be 3 stable "bases" long-term (if you play flat rate or no spoils), and any player who doesn't manage to get into one of those 3 positions will be eliminated sooner or later.

This isn't a complaint, just a hypothesis about the strategic side. Have any other people noticed the same thing?
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Re: First Nations of North America

Postby the.killing.44 on Fri Dec 25, 2009 8:41 am

Esn wrote:
MrBenn wrote:
Esn wrote:Is it just me, or is this map particularly conducive to 3-way ties that last a long time?

This is symptomatic of a well-balanced map - and in my opinion is pretty standard in 3-player games in any case ;-)

One of the games started as 6-player, the other as 5-player, but both are 3-player now and look like they're going to stay that way for some time. I was referring more to the fact that there seem to be 3 stable "bases" long-term (if you play flat rate or no spoils), and any player who doesn't manage to get into one of those 3 positions will be eliminated sooner or later.

This isn't a complaint, just a hypothesis about the strategic side. Have any other people noticed the same thing?

Sorry, but if you play any decently large map on 3, 5+ players, with no spoils or flat rate, you're probably going to get a stalemate.
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Re: First Nations of North America

Postby Risky_Stud on Wed Jan 06, 2010 2:27 pm

This probably should come out of Beta now. 8-)
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Re: First Nations of North America

Postby Ace Rimmer on Fri Jan 08, 2010 11:31 am

Risky_Stud wrote:This probably should come out of Beta now. 8-)

You're biased ;)
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Re: First Nations of North America

Postby Risky_Stud on Fri Jan 08, 2010 12:45 pm

jakewilliams wrote:
Risky_Stud wrote:This probably should come out of Beta now. 8-)

You're biased ;)

So! What's your point? :D
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Re: First Nations of North America

Postby Tisha on Tue Jan 19, 2010 3:26 pm

lost in BETA land forever... :(
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Re: First Nations of North America

Postby MrBenn on Tue Jan 19, 2010 4:43 pm


---The Beta period has concluded for the First Nations of North America Map. All objections have had their time. The Foundry and I hereby brand this map with the Foundry Brand. Let it be known that this map is now ready to be released into live play.

ImageCongratulations Tisha, your shiny new medal is well-earned =D>

Conquer Club, enjoy!

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Re: First Nations of North America

Postby Tisha on Tue Jan 19, 2010 5:54 pm

thanks MrBenn =D>
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Re: First Nations of North America

Postby Bruceswar on Tue Jan 19, 2010 6:02 pm

sweet :D Well done tisha !
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Re: First Nations of North America

Postby ChDaemon on Sun Feb 14, 2010 7:07 pm

A couple suggestions for realism, in case they aren't made yet. First, where are the Cherokee? I'm part Cherokee, and am a little disappointed to not have my people represented here. Second, the Taino indians are not from Republica Dominicana, they're Puerto Rican, you might want to add PR in there beside the Republica. (I'm part Puerto Rican myself, so...) Other than that, its good to me.
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Re: First Nations of North America

Postby army of nobunaga on Sat Feb 27, 2010 1:02 am

how many north american maps till you guys say enough? ... bog
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Re: First Nations of North America

Postby Tisha on Sat Feb 27, 2010 10:12 am

ChDaemon wrote:A couple suggestions for realism, in case they aren't made yet. First, where are the Cherokee? I'm part Cherokee, and am a little disappointed to not have my people represented here. Second, the Taino indians are not from Republica Dominicana, they're Puerto Rican, you might want to add PR in there beside the Republica. (I'm part Puerto Rican myself, so...) Other than that, its good to me.

if you are so into your native side, perhaps you should study it a bit. the Cherokee didn't refer to themselves as Cherokee way back when.
Read about Taino history while you're at it.
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Re: First Nations of North America

Postby Esn on Thu Mar 11, 2010 6:48 pm

*sigh*... 115 rounds and no sign of an ending to the stalemate.

The other game took 81 rounds, and that was with players who made large mistakes...

The thing is, it's impossible to make small gains on this map. Notice how the territories in the middle all give you 7 or 8 troops? As soon as anyone takes one of those, he immediately begins getting much more than the other two players & they gang up on him.

I recommend playing only with escalating cards on this map. Anything else becomes very tedious unless there are big skill disparities between the players, or someone takes the lead early enough in the game that his troop advantage for 1 turn will offset the others teaming up against him.
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Re: First Nations of North America

Postby alster on Sun May 23, 2010 4:46 pm

Is Nimiipuu for some reason supposed to start with 2 neutrals (and not 3)?
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Re: First Nations of North America

Postby MrBenn on Thu Jun 03, 2010 5:59 pm

alstergren wrote:Is Nimiipuu for some reason supposed to start with 2 neutrals (and not 3)?

Yes, it's deliberate :P
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Re: First Nations of North America [Quenched]

Postby Robis on Thu Oct 07, 2010 7:16 am

Nice map. Maybe it is a bit unbalanced towards the south, where there are the 2 almost sure bonus to begin with. Who begins there, if lucky, has a greater chance to win the game.
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Re: First Nations of North America [Quenched]

Postby lostatlimbo on Thu Jan 12, 2012 2:33 am

Move along, moron at work. Nothing to see here.
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Re: First Nations of North America [Quenched]

Postby pamoa on Thu Jan 12, 2012 3:20 am

hey man
you are playing with ADJACENT reinforcements
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Re: First Nations of North America [Quenched]

Postby DiM on Thu Jan 12, 2012 5:25 pm

muahahahahhahahahaha :lol:
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Re: First Nations of North America [Quenched]

Postby lostatlimbo on Thu Jan 12, 2012 10:55 pm

Oh my... I am such an idiot.

I never play with that setting, so that never occurred to me. Doh!
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Re: First Nations of North America [Quenched]

Postby dfadcock5 on Sat May 06, 2023 3:00 pm

I am a noob and this is the first game i have created. But even with map size set to small I can only see the Northern part of the map.
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Re: First Nations of North America [Quenched]

Postby iancanton on Sun May 07, 2023 5:28 pm

welcome to conquer club! do u have a game number, so that someone can take a look?

ian. :)
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