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[Online] Map XML Wizard

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[Online] Map XML Wizard

Postby chipv on Sat Jan 02, 2010 4:09 pm

Conquer Club Map XML Wizard



LINK: Map XML Wizard

What does it do

Provides a dynamic graphical interface on a web page (all major browsers) to build a complete CC Map XML file from scratch.
It allows you to play-test the map from start to finish with game simulation.

Try it out on existing CC Maps - just enter the 2 image URLs and the XML URL and press Load XML.

Main Features


  • Point and click adding of territories. Coordinates for CC Maps auto-calculated.
  • Coordinate centering using cursor keys.
  • Coordinate autoscaling for large maps.
  • Coordinate auto calculating when one image has been previously omitted.
  • Graphical interace for adding all XML features.
  • Dynamic Map Inspect - adjusts as you go along and also shows continents and objectives.
  • Dynamic counters of Territories, Continents, Objectives , and Reinforcements.
  • Complete support of all CC XML combinations including killer neutrals and starting positions.
  • Builds full xml and outputs in a window that can be cut and pasted to save.
  • Load from uploaded XML file or local file.
  • Performs full official CC XML validation.
  • Auto corrects invalid XML where possible.
  • Dynamic editing - can add and delete elements on the fly.
  • Test initial drop with any number of players. Includes calculations for starting positions and starting neutrals built in.
  • Map Inspect automatically highlights in player colours during drop testing.

Game Simulation
  • Map is fully loaded with the XML
  • Play with any number of players
  • Test initial drops accounting for starting positions and starting neutrals
  • Test borders and bombardments - attack and bombard at will according to XML rules
  • Full deployment bonus statistics
  • Test territory bonuses
  • Test continent bonuses
  • Test required and overrides
  • Test objectives
  • Test Killer Neutrals
  • Eliminate players for victory or hold objective
  • Test minimum reinforcement and reinforcements
  • Game log

What do I need?

2 map images preferably - one small, one large. The Wizard is a web page and has been tested in all the major browsers.

How do I build the entire XML from 2 images?

  • Step 1: Enter the 2 map image links in the text boxes provided. Select Map using the radio buttons.
  • Step 2: Map loads. Add territories by clicking on the map and entering territory names. Adjust position using cursor keys.
  • Step 3: Add borders and bombardments by clicking. Check using Map Inspect.
  • Step 4: Add additional territory XML (bonus=autodeploy, starting neutrals, starting position, killer neutrals).
  • Step 5: Add continents by clicking. Check Using Map Inspect.
  • Step 6: Add additional continent XML (bonus, overrrides, required).
  • Step 7: Add Objectives by clicking. Check Using Map Inspect.
  • Step 8: Add Reinforcements.
  • Step 9: Click on Show XML and copy and paste to file.
  • Step 10: Load file to perform XML validation.

You don't have to do things in this order necessarily and you can always save and load later.

Note: If you have forgotten to load both images and already done one set of coordinates,
use the new Auto xy button when you load in the second image after to auto calculate coordinates for
second image.

You should always load the images in advance so the Wizard can auto-calculate both sets of coordinates for you.

How do I test the gameplay of the XML?
  • Step 1:Select number of players and press play. Check initial drop and test any starting positions and starting neutrals.
  • Step 2:Attack or bombard territories for player whose turn it is. Check illegal borders/bombards/deadlock/out of bounds.
  • Step 3:Monitor deployment stats for minimum reinforcements and check reinforcement levels.
  • Step 4:Monitor stats for any territory bonuses by holding one of those territories
  • Step 5:Monitor stats for continent bonuses.See how easy or difficult to conquer.
  • Step 6:Check required and overrides work as intended.
  • Step 7:Check killer neutrals held at start of turn, make sure no deadlock is possible.
  • Step 8:Eliminate players and test victory conditions.



Adding and Deleting Territories

Add by clicking on the map. Adjust using cursor keys.
Delete by using SHIFT+click on an existing territory or click on the red X symbol for that territory.
Coordinates for CC maps are calculated automatically.
Type in territory name so it can be used for borders, bombardments, continents, and objectives.
Hover over territory on map to see name. Hover over territory row on table to see territory on map.

Adding and Deleting Borders/Bombardments

Toggle between Borders and Bombardments by clicking on the green cell Borders.
Click on any territory in this column (light grey cells) to start adding territories.
Click on (now yellow) cell to stop adding.
Click on territories on map to add. SHIFT+click to delete territory from this list.
Use Map Inspect to check borders and bombardments look as intended by hovering over the territories involved.

Starting Neutrals, Killer Neutrals, Autodeploy, Starting Positions
For each territory, cycle through these XML tags by clicking on the green cell Coords.
Input starting neutral armies in the Neutrals column. Check box to set this as a killer neutral.
Add to the Bonus column for autodeploy bonus.
The Position column is where you can indicate if a territory is a starting position (use checkbox) and use
the textbox to add a starting number of armies.


Adding and Deleting Continents
Click on Add Continent button at the bottom to add, click on the red X symbol to delete.

Adding Components to Continents
Click on middle column light grey cell to start adding to that continent.
Click on (now yellow) cell to stop adding.
Click on continent name or territory on map to add component. SHIFT+click to delete.
Use Map inspect and hover over continent name to see components on map.

Overrides, Bonus, Required
Click on light green cell Territories to switch to Overrides.
Click on middle column light grey cell to start adding to that override.
Click on (now yellow) cell to stop adding.
Click on continent name to add continent.
For Bonus just type in number in right hand column. Switch to Required by clicking on light green cell Bonus.

Click on Add Objectives button at bottom.
Click on middle column light grey cell to start adding to that objective.
Click on (now yellow) cell to stop adding.
Click on territory on map to add component. SHIFT+click to delete.
Use Map inspect and hover over objective name to see components on map.

Click on Add Reinforcement button at bottom.
Enter minimum reinforcements, and lower, upper, and divisor values.

Saving, Loading and Validating

Click on ShowXML button. Click on XML text and copy and paste to file.

Enter URL of file to load or browse for local file.
Validation will begin, then all the relevant graphical elements will be filled in according to the XML.


Full official CC Validation is performed as well as auto correction. Tests are same as Mapmaker tests plus some additions.
The official CC schema check is done,as well as syntax checking.
The following is a complete list with exactly what auto corrections are done by the Wizard:

  • Warning: Territory X cannot be attacked (cannot be conquered)
    Action: None.
  • Warning: Territory X cannot attack (has no borders)
    Action: None.
  • Error: Territory X has border Y which does not exist as a territory
    Action: Territory Y is removed from border list of Territory X.
  • Warning: Territory X has border Y, but not vice versa
    Action: None.
  • Error: Territory X borders on itself
    Action: Territory X is removed from border list of Territory X.
  • Error: Territory X has mutiple border entries for Y
    Action: Duplicate instances of Territory Y are removed from border list of Territory X.
  • Error: Territory X has bombardment Y which does not exist as a territory
    Action: Territory Y is removed from bombardment list of Territory X.
  • Error: Territory X bombards itself
    Action: Territory X is removed from bombardment list of Territory X.
  • Error: Territory X has mutiple bombardment entries for Y
    Action: Duplicate instances of Territory Y are removed from bombardment list of Territory X.
  • Error: Territory X has mutiple entries
    Action: Duplicate instances of Territory X are removed.
  • Error: Territory X has territory Y as both a border and a bombardment.
    Action: None.
  • Error: Territory X has killer neutral and territory bonus.
    Action: None.
  • Warning: No continents found
    Action: None.
  • Error: Continent X has component Y which does not exist as a territory
    Action: Component Y is removed from component list of Continent X.
  • Error: Continent X has mutiple component entries for Y
    Action: Duplicate instances of Territory Y are removed from border list of Territory X.
  • Error: Continent X has component Y which does not exist as a continent
    Action: Component Y is removed from component list of Continent X.
  • Error: Continent X has itself as a component
    Action: Component X is removed from component list of Continent X.
  • Error: Continent X has required amount higher than number of components
    Action: None.
  • Error: Continent X has override Y which does not exist as a continent
    Action: Override Y is removed from override list of Continent X.
  • Error: Continent X has mutiple override entries for Y
    Action: Duplicate instances of Override Y are removed from override list of Continent X.
  • Error: Continent X overrides itself
    Action: Override X is removed from override list of Continent X.
  • Error: Objective X has component Y which does not exist as a territory
    Action: Component Y is removed from component list of Objective X.
  • Error: Objective X has component Y which does not exist as a continent
    Action: Component Y is removed from component list of Objective X.
  • Error: Objective X has multiple component entries for Y
    Action: Duplicate instances of Component Y are removed from component list of Objective X.
  • Error: Reinforcement X - Y has lower limit greater than upper limit
    Action: None.
  • Error: Reinforcement X - Y has divisor of zero
    Action: None.
  • Error: Position X has component Y which does not exist as a territory
    Action: Component Y is removed from Position X
  • Error: Position X has component Y with zero starting armies
    Action: None.
  • Error: Mutiple positions contain component X
    Action: Duplicate instances of Component X are removed from positions list.
  • Error: Reinforcements defined with no Minimum Reinforcements
    Action: None.
NOTE: One way attacks will always produce a warning under these rules. Ignore if intentional.


Initial Drop

The wizard performs all calculations for a random initial drop. Select number of players and press Test Drop.
Available territories including starting positions will be assigned taking into account all rules for starting neutrals.
You will see all territories light up in the player colour as you normally would.
Map Inspect will change colour automatically and will appear both on borders and Map Inspect Text.
Hover over territory rows, continent rows or objective rows to see usual highlights but with player colours.
In the continents tab, all territories are coloured. If a continent is held the left cell is highlighted in that colour so it's easy to find
assigned continents.

Playing a game

The objective is to see how the map changes after each territory is conquered or bombarded.

There are no dice or cards, you just click on the territory you want to conquer or SHIFT+click to bombard.
There is a green light next to the player if it is that player's turn in the grey statistics pane on the right.
Press End Turn to go to next player. This will be needed for territory bonuses and killer neutral testing).
Map Inspect is always on so you can see where a territory can be attacked from.
Illegals moves (according to the rules of the XML) produce an alert.
Every move updates the statistics and game log automatically.
Game log is a simple version in the Log tab.
Game ends when one player eliminates everyone else or an objective is held.
You can edit the XML to make adjustments mid-game, but it is currently recommended to clear, edit then play again.
Pressing Clear ends game.
Killer neutrals revert to neutral at start of holding player's next turn.

Player Statistics

Green light shows whose turn it is.

Regions: 4 Reinforce: 1 Continent: +0 Autodeploy: +80 TOTAL: 81

Regions: Number of regions held
Reinforce: Number of troops due from reinforcements alone.
Continent: Number of troops due from continent bonuses.
Autodeploy: Number of troops due from territory bonuses.
Total is what you would expect to receive on your turn if you were playing for real.

Getting players to hold continents will also help test overrides and required tags.
Last edited by chipv on Fri Feb 05, 2010 8:20 pm, edited 10 times in total.
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Re: NEW Map XML Wizard

Postby chipv on Sat Jan 02, 2010 5:12 pm


Load Local Files
Last edited by chipv on Sat Jan 02, 2010 6:06 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: NEW Map XML Wizard

Postby chipv on Sat Jan 02, 2010 5:13 pm

Tutorial: How To Build Classic.xml

Step 1

The small and large images for Classic are

Enter these in the text boxes and click on the radio button to the left of Small Map.

Step 2

For each territory click on the map. Use cursor keys to adjust position if needed. Enter territory name in right hand table.
The target marker is always coloured red so you know which one is being moved.

Step 3
Classic only has borders so this is quite easy.
For each territory click on the middle light grey column - that cell will now turn yellow.
Click on each yellow territory on the map that should be a border for this territory.
The names will fill up in the middle column. Use Map Inspect (hover over territory to check if borders are correct).
Note for Map Inspect, a border = attacks + attacked By so both territory borders must be defined otherwise it is a one way attack.
Once borders for a territory is complete either click on the yellow cell to stop adding or click on another grey cell to start adding to another territory.
There are no autodeploys either so this completes the territory stage. Skip Step 4.

Step 5
Click on Add Continent Button. Add Asia, Africa etc.
For each continents click on middle light grey column - cell turns yellow.
Click on yellow territory that should be in this continent.
Use Map Inspect to hover over continent name to check.
Once a continent is complete click on yellow cell or another grey cell to start adding elsewhere.

Step 6
Add all continent bonuses in right hand column.

No objectives or reinforcements so go to Step 9

Step 9
Click on Show XML, click on text, cut and paste to file. Upload.

Step 10
Load XML from uploaded location to validate then check everything using Map inspect.
Last edited by chipv on Sat Jan 02, 2010 6:24 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: NEW Map XML Wizard

Postby TaCktiX on Sat Jan 02, 2010 6:09 pm

Holy shite, crazy good work here chipv. I'll directly appreciate it in 2 months, though. ;)
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Re: NEW Map XML Wizard

Postby chipv on Sat Jan 02, 2010 6:28 pm

Ok , done typing , comments welcome!

Any good ideas will go in, simple.
Anything wrong with it will get fixed so please point this out, as there will probably be some tweaking needed.

Thanks very much to MrBenn and WidowMakers for helping and constructively appraising it!
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Re: NEW Map XML Wizard

Postby natty dread on Sat Jan 02, 2010 6:32 pm


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Re: NEW Map XML Wizard

Postby ender516 on Sat Jan 02, 2010 10:30 pm

natty_dread wrote:Impressive!


Seconded. I have noticed that using the cursor keys to edit the text of a territory (we all make typos) also moves the location, so it might be good to be able to lock the location, or set up separate editing modes, but if this is the only problem, then we have one excellent tool here.
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Re: NEW Map XML Wizard

Postby captainwalrus on Sat Jan 02, 2010 10:31 pm

Nice. Very nice.
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Re: NEW Map XML Wizard

Postby chipv on Sun Jan 03, 2010 10:07 am

ender516 wrote:
natty_dread wrote:Impressive!


Seconded. I have noticed that using the cursor keys to edit the text of a territory (we all make typos) also moves the location, so it might be good to be able to lock the location, or set up separate editing modes, but if this is the only problem, then we have one excellent tool here.

The location is now fixed when editing any textbox, thanks for feedback, much appreciated.
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Re: NEW Map XML Wizard

Postby Industrial Helix on Sun Jan 03, 2010 11:17 am

Very nice indeed. I look forward to using this. Nice work and thanks for the contribution!
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Re: NEW Map XML Wizard

Postby sully800 on Sun Jan 03, 2010 5:20 pm

Chip, you rock the world!
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Re: NEW Map XML Wizard

Postby natty dread on Sun Jan 03, 2010 5:32 pm

I have a feeling there will be no more medals handed for making XML:s...

With this tool it'll be so easy for each mapmaker to make his own XML:s, nobody will bother to share the glory... ;)
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Re: NEW Map XML Wizard

Postby captainwalrus on Sun Jan 03, 2010 6:57 pm

It is amazing! I did the xml for the Africa map (the small version only) in literally 20 minutes! Holy shit!

Code: Select all
<?xml version="1.0"?><map>
<name>Horn of Africa</name>
<territory>Port Sudan</territory>
<territory>East Sudan</territory>
<territory>East Zaire</territory>
<territory>West Zair</territory>
<territory>Sao Tome</territory>
<territory>Central Republic</territory>
<name>West Coast</name>
<territory>Western Sahara</territory>
<territory>Birkina Faso</territory>
<name>South Africa</name>
<territory>South Africa</territory>
<name>Southeast Coast</name>
<border>West Sudan</border>
<border>Port Sudan</border>
<border>West Sudan</border>
<border>Western Sahara</border>
<name>Western Sahara</name>
<border>Western Sahara</border>
<border>Birkina Faso</border>
<border>Birkina Faso</border>
<name>Birkina Faso</name>
<border>Birkina Faso</border>
<border>Sao Tome</border>
<border>Central Republic</border>
<border>West Sudan</border>
<name>West Sudan</name>
<border>East Zaire</border>
<border>Central Republic</border>
<name>Port Sudan</name>
<border>West Sudan</border>
<border>East Sudan</border>
<border>Port Sudan</border>
<border>East Sudan</border>
<name>East Sudan</name>
<border>West Sudan</border>
<border>Port Sudan</border>
<border>East Sudan</border>
<border>East Sudan</border>
<border>South Africa</border>
<border>South Africa</border>
<name>South Africa</name>
<border>South Africa</border>
<border>South Africa</border>
<border>West Zair</border>
<border>East Zaire</border>
<border>Sao Tome</border>
<border>East Zaire</border>
<name>East Zaire</name>
<border>West Zair</border>
<border>West Sudan</border>
<border>Central Republic</border>
<name>West Zair</name>
<border>East Zaire</border>
<border>East Zaire</border>
<border>West Zair</border>
<border>Sao Tome</border>
<name>Sao Tome</name>
<border>Central Republic</border>
<name>Central Republic</name>
<border>East Zaire</border>
<border>West Zair</border>
<border>West Sudan</border>
<border>West Sudan</border>
<border>East Sudan</border>
<border>East Zaire</border>
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Re: NEW Map XML Wizard

Postby Evil DIMwit on Sun Jan 03, 2010 7:19 pm

Nooo... My immaculate perl skills are useless now :cry:
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Re: NEW Map XML Wizard

Postby ender516 on Sun Jan 03, 2010 7:34 pm

natty_dread wrote:I have a feeling there will be no more medals handed for making XML:s...

With this tool it'll be so easy for each mapmaker to make his own XML:s, nobody will bother to share the glory... ;)

Well, now the two possible medals can be shared between an artist and an idea man.

Say, this might be worth a special contribution medal for chipv.

Getting back to the tool itself, I am pleased to see that chipv has attempted to auto-scale coordinates between map sizes. Am I correct that this happens only when the territory is initially created, and adjustments to each are made separately?
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Re: NEW Map XML Wizard

Postby WidowMakers on Sun Jan 03, 2010 7:43 pm

Evil DIMwit wrote:Nooo... My immaculate perl skills are useless now :cry:

Well as cool as this tool is (very cool) , I would never want to do the XML for the Hive that way. Some maps (i.e. poker club, Hive) could be easier another way
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Re: NEW Map XML Wizard

Postby chipv on Sun Jan 03, 2010 7:46 pm

ender516 wrote:Getting back to the tool itself, I am pleased to see that chipv has attempted to auto-scale coordinates between map sizes. Am I correct that this happens only when the territory is initially created, and adjustments to each are made separately?

Yes I had to do that otherwise you would get changes on one affecting the other. Since there is probably always going to be a rounding error,
as most map sizes are not direct multiples, one map can have territories one pixel out, so if I kept on auto-calculating then you would never get it right.

So if you have 2 maps loaded, adding a territory to one map also auto-adds it to the other but thereafter they are left alone for manual
adjusting separately.

Best thing is to always load both maps, do all territories on one, then adjust the ones you need on the other map which shouldn't take long.
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Re: NEW Map XML Wizard

Postby ender516 on Sun Jan 03, 2010 7:49 pm

WidowMakers wrote:
Evil DIMwit wrote:Nooo... My immaculate perl skills are useless now :cry:

Well as cool as this tool is (very cool) , I would never want to do the XML for the Hive that way. Some maps (i.e. poker club, Hive) could be easier another way

You're quite right, there are maps with regular patterns where generated XML would be simpler. The great thing about this tool is that you could generate all the stuff with a pattern, then load that XML into this tool, and point and shoot to put in the odd bits.
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Re: NEW Map XML Wizard

Postby natty dread on Sun Jan 03, 2010 8:01 pm

It would be very helpful if you could also scroll the map image sideways. Currently when you work on the large image, you can only scroll up and down, and so the editing window covers part of the image... so you'll have to zoom out which makes the positioning of coordinates hard.
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Re: NEW Map XML Wizard

Postby chipv on Tue Jan 05, 2010 3:42 am

natty_dread wrote:It would be very helpful if you could also scroll the map image sideways. Currently when you work on the large image, you can only scroll up and down, and so the editing window covers part of the image... so you'll have to zoom out which makes the positioning of coordinates hard.

Ok I will look into it.

I'm looking for ideas for extra warnings/errors in the XML validation as we can put is as many as we need.

Current suggestions:

Warning: Continent X contains Continent Y which it does not override
Error: Continents X overrides continent Y which it does not have as a component. (Not the same as that continent not existsing)

More suggestions welcome.
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Re: NEW Map XML Wizard

Postby yeti_c on Tue Jan 05, 2010 1:29 pm

Awesome stuff Chip...

As said - a few maps you wouldn't want to do the terits/continents - but you probably still want to do the co-ords with this... the cursor key moving is simply the best bit of that - at the moment it's a right arse to move an army number 1 pixel - then another etc...

chipv wrote:Error: Continents X overrides continent Y which it does not have as a component. (Not the same as that continent not existsing)

Shouldn't be an error (Warning is fine)... can be desired. (Pretty sure I use that in Poker Club for instance)


Error : Territory X has the same co-ordinates as Territory Y.
Warning : Territory X is too close to territory Y
(might need to work out what "too close" is)
Error : Territory X has Killer Neutral and Territory Bonus
Error : Territoy X borders & bombards territory Y
(does this one already get checked for?)

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Re: NEW Map XML Wizard

Postby chipv on Tue Jan 05, 2010 6:16 pm

yeti_c wrote:
chipv wrote:Error: Continents X overrides continent Y which it does not have as a component. (Not the same as that continent not existsing)

Shouldn't be an error (Warning is fine)... can be desired. (Pretty sure I use that in Poker Club for instance)


Error : Territory X has the same co-ordinates as Territory Y.
Warning : Territory X is too close to territory Y
(might need to work out what "too close" is)
Error : Territory X has Killer Neutral and Territory Bonus
Error : Territoy X borders & bombards territory Y
(does this one already get checked for?)


Ok so we want

Warning: Continents X overrides continent Y which it does not have as a component.
Warning: Continent X contains Continent Y which it does not override
Error: Territory X has Killer Neutral and Territory Bonus

Error: Territory X has territory Y as both a border and a bombardment -
No, the mapmaker does not check for this according to its list, so we need this.

Error:Territory X has same co-ordinates as Territory Y (does this happen that often?)

Dunno about territories too close to each other - do we have a specification on this?

Some more:

Continent X has no bonus specified
Continents X has no components
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Re: NEW Map XML Wizard

Postby ender516 on Tue Jan 05, 2010 10:50 pm

I don't think there is a specification about how close territories can be to each other, but I know that in cases like Rail Europe, it can be very difficult to point at one number and see the map inspection markers (bars, boxes, brackets, etc.) on the neighbours.
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Re: NEW Map XML Wizard

Postby Evil DIMwit on Tue Jan 05, 2010 10:52 pm

chipv wrote:Dunno about territories too close to each other - do we have a specification on this?

Presumably, if one territory's army count coincides with another territory's army count. That would be if they're within 12 pixels vertically or -- using four digits as the maximum length (which it will be for the vast, vast majority of cases) -- 33 horizontally. That would be the strictest specification.
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Re: NEW Map XML Wizard

Postby yeti_c on Wed Jan 06, 2010 1:04 am

Evil DIMwit wrote:
chipv wrote:Dunno about territories too close to each other - do we have a specification on this?

Presumably, if one territory's army count coincides with another territory's army count. That would be if they're within 12 pixels vertically or -- using four digits as the maximum length (which it will be for the vast, vast majority of cases) -- 33 horizontally. That would be the strictest specification.

Something like that - although I think we force to 3 digits rather than 4 (except for CC City Mogul (where we forced to 4 because of the numbers involved))

chipv wrote:Error:Territory X has same co-ordinates as Territory Y (does this happen that often?)

It does when I'm writing the XML - because I copy n paste that section and sort it out afterwards... Could combine this with the above though?

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