The accused are suspected of:
Other: Inappropriate profile image.
Comments: This image can be found offensive.
Moderators: Multi Hunters, Cheating/Abuse Team
Nudity and sexual material are not allowed.
* Any images or textual descriptions of sexual activity or nudity - nipples, areola, genitals, anuses etc - whether intended as artistic, erotic, pornographic or otherwise are not allowed.
* This includes content posted here and links to other sites. Posting NSFW - "Not Suitable For Work" - does not make it ok for posting.
* If it is ambiguous, we'll ask you to remove it anyway, so "It's a guy's nipple" isn't going to fly. You're just trying to be annoying at that point.
* Posting a painting from the 13th century with exposed nipples to claim that we're evil dictators when we ask you to remove it is also just being annoying, and you're probably just being a troll at that point.
leopardcat wrote:Accused:
The accused are suspected of:
Other: Inappropriate profile image.
Comments: This image can be found offensive.
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