Conquer Club

2010 Skilled Diversity [Winners: See 1st Post]

Tournaments completed in 2010.

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Re: 2010 Skilled Diversity [Championship]

Postby Bigragooch on Mon Dec 21, 2009 8:27 pm

Which game didn't I post?

Game 6005329 posted on 12/14 at 10:22 pm CST
Game 6050539 posted on 12/17 at 12:19 am CST
Game 6050538 posted on 12/20 at 2:45 pm CST
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Re: 2010 Skilled Diversity [Championship]

Postby Bigragooch on Tue Dec 22, 2009 12:11 am

Are you saying that I didn't post which round we won in?

This is what is says about posting to get the bonus:
Blitzaholic wrote: Captain of your team will NEED to post in this thread with the game number to receive this bonus.

I posted the game number each time.

Later in the instructions (at the end of this whole paragraph), you say:

Blitzaholic wrote: After 72 hours when game is complete, if you have not posted the game win in rounds, you will not get the 0.5 bonus if you win under 10 rounds.

To me, this means if it has been over 72 hours, you must post the game win in rounds to get the bonus.

I know this is semantics, but it is ridiculous to take the half points from us over this and I believe this is exactly what you wrote.

If you wanted this handled differently, you should have said "Captain of your team will NEED to post in this thread with the game number and the number of rounds to receive this bonus. "
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Re: 2010 Skilled Diversity [Championship]

Postby Bigragooch on Tue Dec 22, 2009 12:18 am

In fact if you are going to be that ridiculous about the rules, then I think you should lose two half points as well due to the following two posts:

Re: 2010 Skilled Diversity [Championship]

Postby Big Whiskey on Wed Dec 09, 2009 3:53 pm
THOTA wins Game 6005328 Rd.6

Re: 2010 Skilled Diversity [Championship]

Postby Nephilim on Sat Dec 19, 2009 10:01 pm
THOTA wins Game 6050537 Rd.7

Neither of these two individuals are your team captain. Granted, you later confirmed their posts and quoted them, but you didn't POST the win and round number.

This has been a great battle Blitz and I think it would cheapen it to end up deciding the tournament on a technicality of the rules in either direction. Either let both .5 points count for both teams or neither for either team, but be reasonable on this one.

Personally, I think I followed the rules explicitly by posting the game number as the rules stated and I think all of the .5 points should be counted.
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Re: 2010 Skilled Diversity [Championship]

Postby Bigragooch on Tue Dec 22, 2009 2:06 am

Game 6050538 won in ROUND 7

I believe I followed the rules as they were written by posting the win, but under the NEW interpretation of the rules I am posting the round number of this win and am still within 72 hours of the win.
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Re: 2010 Skilled Diversity [Championship]

Postby Blitzaholic on Tue Dec 22, 2009 8:49 am

Bigragooch wrote:Which game didn't I post?

Game 6005329 posted on 12/14 at 10:22 pm CST
Game 6050539 posted on 12/17 at 12:19 am CST
Game 6050538 posted on 12/20 at 2:45 pm CST

Bigragooch wrote:Which game didn't I post?

Game 6005329 posted on 12/14 at 10:22 pm CST
Game 6050539 posted on 12/17 at 12:19 am CST
Game 6050538 posted on 12/20 at 2:45 pm CST

you posted you won, but you did NOT post the rounds you won in, if you win under 10 rounds and post it is a bonus of 0.5, you did this the entire tourney, but for some reason have not the last few games, check the whole thread, you always posted you wins and rounds you won in.

you and I and all in here have always posted the wins and rounds if under 10 rounds, check this entire thread.
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Re: 2010 Skilled Diversity [Championship]

Postby Blitzaholic on Tue Dec 22, 2009 8:50 am

Bigragooch wrote:Game 6050538 won in ROUND 7

I believe I followed the rules as they were written by posting the win, but under the NEW interpretation of the rules I am posting the round number of this win and am still within 72 hours of the win.

this is not new, it was always there, you can ask any and all the players in here, in fact you posted the rounds you won with the game every single game, go check back thru the thread. but, you did post under 72 hours the rounds, so I will add the 0.5, ok.
Last edited by Blitzaholic on Tue Dec 22, 2009 8:58 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: 2010 Skilled Diversity [Championship]

Postby Blitzaholic on Tue Dec 22, 2009 8:52 am

Bigragooch wrote:In fact if you are going to be that ridiculous about the rules, then I think you should lose two half points as well due to the following two posts:

Re: 2010 Skilled Diversity [Championship]

Postby Big Whiskey on Wed Dec 09, 2009 3:53 pm
THOTA wins Game 6005328 Rd.6

Re: 2010 Skilled Diversity [Championship]

Postby Nephilim on Sat Dec 19, 2009 10:01 pm
THOTA wins Game 6050537 Rd.7

Neither of these two individuals are your team captain. Granted, you later confirmed their posts and quoted them, but you didn't POST the win and round number.

This has been a great battle Blitz and I think it would cheapen it to end up deciding the tournament on a technicality of the rules in either direction. Either let both .5 points count for both teams or neither for either team, but be reasonable on this one.

Personally, I think I followed the rules explicitly by posting the game number as the rules stated and I think all of the .5 points should be counted.

not true, because I said anyone can post the wins and rounds as long as the captain confirms it, as you can see in the posts afterwards, I quoted them and said confirmed and I did that with a post.
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Re: 2010 Skilled Diversity [Championship]

Postby Blitzaholic on Tue Dec 22, 2009 8:56 am

Blitzaholic wrote: After 72 hours when game is complete, if you have not posted the game win in rounds, you will not get the 0.5 bonus if you win under 10 rounds.

Bigragooch wrote:To me, this means if it has been over 72 hours, you must post the game win in rounds to get the bonus.

correct, and you have done this the entire year with every post you made, except these last couple games. I do see you went ahaed and posted the rounds, so, you do get your 0.5 bonus points because you did do it withing 72 hours. Nice Job.
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Re: 2010 Skilled Diversity [Championship]

Postby Blitzaholic on Tue Dec 22, 2009 9:00 am

Horsemen of the Apocalypse 192.5


Bigragooch and His Immortals 187.5

updated, I added you 0.5 bonus points for you rounds post.
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Re: 2010 Skilled Diversity [Championship]

Postby Bigragooch on Tue Dec 22, 2009 10:11 am

Thank you Blitz.

Comment made before realizing Blitz had only given me one of the two half-points.
Last edited by Bigragooch on Tue Dec 22, 2009 11:23 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: 2010 Skilled Diversity [Championship]

Postby Blitzaholic on Tue Dec 22, 2009 10:14 am

Bigragooch wrote:Thank you Blitz.

you are welcome my friend

Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to you and your family and all in your clan. =D>
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Re: 2010 Skilled Diversity [Championship]

Postby Bigragooch on Tue Dec 22, 2009 11:20 am

Hold on just a second. I just realized you only gave me one of the two half points. That is BS!

The rules clearly state that the "Captain of your team will NEED to post in this thread with the game number to receive this bonus."

It doesn't matter that I posted the rounds every other time. I think it is sneaky and deceitful if you were going to hold to this rule that you didn't say anything earlier. You saw my posts and responded to them. You could have easily said "don't forget to post the round number". I am truly disappointed that you are willing to keep us from winning this tournament by technicality that you could have easily prevented. I think you should be reasonable and give us the half-point and let who wins the best of our 9 series be the victor of this tournament.
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Re: 2010 Skilled Diversity [Championship]

Postby Blitzaholic on Tue Dec 22, 2009 11:26 am

Bigragooch wrote:Hold on just a second. I just realized you only gave me one of the two half points. That is BS!

The rules clearly state that the "Captain of your team will NEED to post in this thread with the game number to receive this bonus."

It doesn't matter that I posted the rounds every other time. I think it is sneaky and deceitful if you were going to hold to this rule that you didn't say anything earlier. You saw my posts and responded to them. You could have easily said "don't forget to post the round number". I am truly disappointed that you are willing to keep us from winning this tournament by technicality that you could have easily prevented. I think you should be reasonable and give us the half-point and let who wins the best of our 9 series be the victor of this tournament.

Bigragooch wrote:Subject: 2010 Skilled Diversity [Championship]

Bigragooch wrote:Hold on just a second. I just realized you only gave me one of the two half points. That is BS!

The rules clearly state that the "Captain of your team will NEED to post in this thread with the game number to receive this bonus."

It doesn't matter that I posted the rounds every other time. I think it is sneaky and deceitful if you were going to hold to this rule that you didn't say anything earlier. You saw my posts and responded to them. You could have easily said "don't forget to post the round number". I am truly disappointed that you are willing to keep us from winning this tournament by technicality that you could have easily prevented. I think you should be reasonable and give us the half-point and let who wins the best of our 9 series be the victor of this tournament.

no it does not big :roll: it clearly states in order to get bonus of 0.5 you must win under 10 rounds and post the rounds, you have done this and posted the rounds every single win you won throughout the entire tourney within 72 hours except that one time. check all your posts, you put in the rounds every time. sorry, but, you clearly knew this and have posted them every post you made, rules are rules and I have been fair to all, I cant change this for you now on that one game of a half point, if so, then I would need to go back and do it for all other teams bro. I mean c'mon. no way to justify this at all, since you have posted every win with rounds. ;)
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Re: 2010 Skilled Diversity [Championship]

Postby Bigragooch on Tue Dec 22, 2009 11:29 am

Any explanation as to why you chose not to reply to my posts to point out that I left off the number of rounds?'

Rules are rules ... and being willing to win on a technicality you could have prevented is deceitful when you are the one enforcing the rules.
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Re: 2010 Skilled Diversity [Championship]

Postby Blitzaholic on Tue Dec 22, 2009 11:39 am

Bigragooch wrote:Any explanation as to why you chose not to reply to my posts to point out that I left off the number of rounds?'

Rules are rules ... and being willing to win on a technicality you could have prevented is deceitful when you are the one enforcing the rules.

lol, big, are you high? or drugs?

the entire tourney has been based on posting wins and the rounds, all knew this and you have done this every single time you won, you posted the win and the rounds. here, just look at some of them in this thread. here you go,

Bigragooch wrote:Bigragooch and His Immortals win Game 5277150 in 6.

On a separate note, one of our team members (Haggis) has left CC for a while. We are working on getting a replacement player, but I wanted to give you the heads up.


ultraman wrote:outsiders win game 5277146 in rd 6

Easy n Dirty wrote:Game 5246996

Game 5246997

Both won by the Von Trapps, both in round 5.


Bigragooch wrote:Bigragooch and His Immortals win Game 5277149 in 10

Nola_Lifer wrote:round 9 Game 5246983 like you didn't know :D

Iccinot Nabrus wrote:Game 5277152 win by The Gray Matters in round 7.

jgalioto wrote:Bigragooch and His Immortals won game 5277148 with 2 players remaining in round 13.

king sam wrote:UPDATE From Above:
Game 5277161
    Won in Round 10 by LOD

Iccinot Nabrus wrote:Game 5516153 won by The Grey Matters in round 6.

sour wrote:The TeePees win game 5516152 in round 5

Bigragooch wrote:Bigragooch and his Immortals win Game Game 5516150 in Round 7.

Easy n Dirty wrote:Game 5516155 Von Trapps in round 6.

Bigragooch wrote:Bigragooch and his Immortals win Game 5516149 in Round 5.

Bigragooch wrote:Bigragooch and his Immortals win

Game 5203814 in round 5 (>72 hours)
Game 5203813 in round 6 (>72 hours)
Game 5203812 in round 8 (<=72 hours)

this last one here is from you and proof you knew, go check the entire thread, and ask all in here

you must post the wins and rounds you won in if under 10 rounds, you clearly did do this as well as the rest of every one has done.

Bigragooch wrote:Bigragooch and his Immortals win

Game 5203814 in round 5 (>72 hours)
Game 5203813 in round 6 (>72 hours)
Game 5203812 in round 8 (<=72 hours)

you even posted the time of 72 hours right here, you clearly were under 72 in 2 of these 3 games but over in one of them, you never complained, no one did the entire tourney. you did not post the rounds in a game within 72 hours when it was under 10 rounds, so you only get 5 points, not 5.5.
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Re: 2010 Skilled Diversity [Championship]

Postby Bigragooch on Tue Dec 22, 2009 11:43 am

Again, just to clarify my stance, the rule that states:

"After 72 hours when game is complete, if you have not posted the game win in rounds, you will not get the 0.5 bonus if you win under 10 rounds."

when read in combination with the beginning of the paragraph that states:

"Captain of your team will NEED to post in this thread with the game number to receive this bonus."

can be interpreted as meaning that in the first 72 hours, you must post only the game number (as the rules originally state). After the first 72 hours ... you must post the game win in rounds to get the 0.5 bonus.
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Re: 2010 Skilled Diversity [Championship]

Postby Chariot of Fire on Tue Dec 22, 2009 11:46 am

the entire tourney has been based on posting wins and the rounds

funny, I always thought a tourney was based on results, fair play and good sportsmanship
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Re: 2010 Skilled Diversity [Championship]

Postby Bigragooch on Tue Dec 22, 2009 11:49 am

Blitzaholic wrote:you even posted the time of 72 hours right here, you clearly were under 72 in 2 of these 3 games but over in one of them, you never complained, no one did the entire tourney. you did not post the rounds in a game within 72 hours when it was under 10 rounds, so you only get 5 points, not 5.5.

I knew about the 72 hours rule. The reason I posted the rounds every other time is to make your life easier. This time, we were playing you guys, so I figured you knew which round we won in.

The only reason I am bothering to fight this technicality is that you could have easily pointed out to me on any of those posts the last few days that I wasn't going to get the 0.5 point, but you didn't bother to do that.
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Re: 2010 Skilled Diversity [Championship]

Postby Bigragooch on Tue Dec 22, 2009 11:54 am

Chariot of Fire wrote:
the entire tourney has been based on posting wins and the rounds

Thank you CoF. That is all that I am asking that the final results be based on this series of games and not a technicality that the person running this tournament could have prevented.

Blitz -- If you were not our opponent in the finals, I would feel that you were being impartial and that you had no responsibility to correct my apparent "mistake" of not posting the rounds.
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Re: 2010 Skilled Diversity [Championship]

Postby Blitzaholic on Tue Dec 22, 2009 11:57 am

Bigragooch wrote:
Blitzaholic wrote:you even posted the time of 72 hours right here, you clearly were under 72 in 2 of these 3 games but over in one of them, you never complained, no one did the entire tourney. you did not post the rounds in a game within 72 hours when it was under 10 rounds, so you only get 5 points, not 5.5.

I knew about the 72 hours rule. The reason I posted the rounds every other time is to make your life easier. This time, we were playing you guys, so I figured you knew which round we won in.

The only reason I am bothering to fight this technicality is that you could have easily pointed out to me on any of those posts the last few days that I wasn't going to get the 0.5 point, but you didn't bother to do that.

big, the entire tourney, everyone in here always posted the wins and rounds in every single game, it has never changed. you and all esle have done this every single time.

you forgot one game, it is a half a point, it is your responsibility, all in here know this, even in the championship round, you Bigragooch posted your win with the rounds in your 1st game that you won. you have no case.
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Re: 2010 Skilled Diversity [Championship]

Postby Bigragooch on Tue Dec 22, 2009 12:08 pm

Blitzaholic wrote:big, the entire tourney, everyone in here always posted the wins and rounds in every single game, it has never changed. you and all esle have done this every single time.

It doesn't matter that I did it every other time. I can still make the argument that the rules weren't a 100% clear. The only reason even making this argument is because you are not being reasonable.

Let's try a different tact.

What is the purpose of having the rule that teams post the game # and round # in here?

1) To make things easier on the tournament director who has to check hundreds of games that he is not involved in.

2) To give the tournament director an advantage because he is playing in the tournament and is guaranteed to get all the 0.5 points since he is running things

Assuming it is #1, not posting the round # doesn't really make things more difficult for you since we are playing you in those games.

To me, it keeps coming back to the point that you could have easily said ... "Big, don't forget to note the round # in your post"

We have been friendly throughout this entire tournament and I have respected the way you have run things. Now that we are in the finals, do you really think it is "fair" to take the win on a technicality?
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Re: 2010 Skilled Diversity [Championship]

Postby Blitzaholic on Tue Dec 22, 2009 12:16 pm

Chariot of Fire wrote:
the entire tourney has been based on posting wins and the rounds

funny, I always thought a tourney was based on results, fair play and good sportsmanship

they are CoF, but, every tourney has rules, and all read and knew the rules when they signed up, including you who quit this tourney.

Chariot of Fire wrote:jpeter15
Chariot of Fire (capt)
Shatners Bassoon

JP Daryth's Chariot of Shat

Thanks Blitz :D

Chariot of Fire wrote:Sorry Blitz, JP Daryth's Chariot of Shat withdraws from this tourney. Not going in -3 pts, thanks.

this caused me a lot of headache, but, I got over it.

The fact is, throughout this entire thread, every single captain of their team has always posted the wins and the rounds in every single game. Never has it been an issue. Now, bigroogooch forgot to post one game with the rounds he won in within 72 hours?

so, they get rewarded 5 points, not 5.5 points. they lose half a point. There is no need to argue about it, the rules never changed, they stayed the same throughout the entire tourney and all in here know of this. You can ask any of them. There was no issue, now all of a sudden bigroochooch forgot to post the rounds he won in within 72 hours and he calls me deceitful? That is very disrespectful. why should I be to blame? He and all in here were very responsible the entire tourney and all ran great and smoothly. he forgot one game, get over it. move along and CoFyou quit this tourney for losing points early, so you have no business commenting in here, because you are a quitter, at least bigrooch didn't quit, he just insulted me. I do not get you guys. :roll:

Merry Christmas all
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Re: 2010 Skilled Diversity [Championship]

Postby Blitzaholic on Tue Dec 22, 2009 12:19 pm

Bigragooch wrote:
Blitzaholic wrote:big, the entire tourney, everyone in here always posted the wins and rounds in every single game, it has never changed. you and all esle have done this every single time.

It doesn't matter that I did it every other time. I can still make the argument that the rules weren't a 100% clear.

I would say they were and are clear since you and every other person in this entire tourney has always posted the wins and rounds this way. ;)
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Re: 2010 Skilled Diversity [Championship]

Postby Blitzaholic on Tue Dec 22, 2009 12:30 pm

Horsemen of the Apocalypse 192.5


Bigragooch and His Immortals 187.5


3 games ongoing
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Re: 2010 Skilled Diversity [Championship]

Postby Blitzaholic on Tue Dec 22, 2009 12:52 pm

bigragooch, is this fair?

I will make 7 more games for us to all play if the tourney comes down to less then one point? I had no idea it wold come down to this. We all fought so long and exhausting and for it to come down to less then 1 point, well, that is crazy. So, to keep the integrity of the tourney and the games, I can create 7 more games if you agree.

Here was the layout for the entire tourney on page 1:

The tournament will feature 20 Quads teams who can have up to 6 players per team (in order for all 6 to get a MEDAL for Winning it all all 6 players MUST participate in @ least 1 game, 80 to 100 players counting 2 reserve teams if needed; who will face off in 6 Rounds. Each round you will play 9 Games, there will be about 250 Games played in combined tourney!!!!! Your team may play in a Total of 54 Games if you are skillful enough to get to last few rounds. Each team Win is Equal to 5 points. 1st round of games in the tournament with 20 Teams will be on the Age of Merchants Map, the 2nd round will feature the Top 16 Teams out of the 20 with the most points (as 4 teams will be knocked OUT). If there is any tie (they will face each other in 1 game on IRAQ map. The top 16 teams that are left will then all play 9 Games on American Civil War, 3rd round will consist of 12 Teams and 9 Games played on King of Mountains, 4th round will host 8 Teams with 9 Games played on Seige, again, 4 teams TKO'd or knocked out, 5th round will host the Final 4 teams on Solar System map and finally the CHAMPIONSHIP will be the final 2 Teams with the most points and will face off in 9 Games on WWII Ardennes map. ALL points carry over and the team with the most points in the very end is crowned LEGENDS--Champions of the Tournament of the YEAR 2010.

I can create one game on each of those maps which is 7 more games? Is this a fair compromise and sound reasonable to you?
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