Results courtesy of
OliverFA- Click image to enlarge.
Penalties and score changes/resets:
Third Crusade
Game 6218863, Etropal 0 points, all other players 5 points (major mistakes by Etropal)
Arms Race!
Game 6307622: -1 point to n00blet for breaking the AA rule
Game 6343085: -1 point to danalan for breaking the AA rule
WWII Ardennes
Game 6385499: -1 point to danalan, badpat for breaking the AA rule
San Francisco
Game 6433788: -2 points to acores2005 for breaking the AA rule, +2 points to denominator for being eliminated by the attack
New World
Game 6487981: -1 point to General Flashman for breaking the AA rule, -1 point to denominator for his sitter breaking the AA rule
Waterloo (2)
Game 6487983: -1 point to nemrehs1, acores2005, BADPAT for breaking the AA rule; +1 point to nemrehs1 for being taken down far by the rule violations (so sum of no point change for nemrehs1)
Feudal War
Game 6433780: -1 point to eddie2 for slimming OliverFA after taking a territory (see last post on page 5 for details)
Game 6634626: -2 points to tdbond_21 for breaking the AA rule twice; -1 point to denominator for his sitter breaking the AA rule; +1 point to Badpat for being taken out by denominator
Soviet Union
Game 6678423: -1 point to Tanarri for breaking the AA rule
Game 6813479: -1 point to nemrehs1 for breaking the AA rule; +1 point to General Flashman for being taken out by nemrehs1
Middle East
Game 6678424: -1 point to Brett2000 for breaking the AA rule
Age of Merchants
Game 6634623: 0 points to acores2005 (removed from tournament); 2 points each final score to nemrehs1 and jakewilliams
Game 6718887: -1 point to Lord Voldemort for slimming a territory after taking another
Feudal Epic
Game 6997274: -1 point to s_uperdave for breaking the AA rule
Game 6997270: final score 1 point to fumandomuerte, 3 points to NotNowKato (went on a kill run), 5 points to each of the rest of the players
Game 6343091: final score nemrehs1: 10 points, mitchivic69: 7 points, OliverFA: 5 points, japser_be: 3 points, s_uperdave: 2 points, denominator: 1 point
Age of Realms 3
Game 7107035: -1 point to NotNowKato for breaking the AA rule, -1 point to nemrehs1 for breaking the AA rule, +1 point to eddie2 for being the victim
Game 6916743: final 1 point to danalan, 3 points to nemrehs1 (went on a kill run), 5 points to each of the rest of the players
World Cup
Game 7279735: final score jakewilliams: 10 points, eddie2: 7 points, fumandomuerte: 5 points, s_uperdave: 3 points, Catarah: 2 points, General Flashman: 1 point
WWII Poland
Game 7230295: multiple mistakes, we're just going to strike this one.
Doodle Earth
Game 7374229: -1 point to Catarah, +1 point to danalan
Game 7279737: figure out points at game end
World 2.1
Game 7374227: final point standings: eddie2 10, Tanarri 7, fumandomuerte 5, NotNowKato 3, danalan 2, Catarah 0
Egypt: Nubia (random)
Game 7374228: -2 points to danalan, +2 points to -=- Tanarri -=-