Moderator: Cartographers
snufkin wrote:My suggestion would be that you at least use the 3-5 largest cities of every country or area.. If you believe it´s impossible to do that and have healthy gameplay..
..then I fear that map wont be interesting at all to many Nordic cc players.
Tampere definitely needs to be in there.. it is not only Finland´s third largest city but also claimed to be the largest inland city in the whole Nordic region.
AndyDufresne wrote:Ahoy!
I won't comment too much on the graphics...right now it seems like you have a War Games-esque/computer style graphic. Which I think could work for the map, if you push it further.
I also think the current color scheme could use some rethinking. I'm not sure if anyone else if having a disconnect when trying to match the bonus legend to areas on the map, but I feel like it is taking longer than it should. Maybe experiment with similar regions (all Norway, all Sweden), etc, being gradations of similar colors? Maybe that wouldn't help. But I feel like something can be done here to speed of the recognition process.
I'd also make the islands of Aland and Gotland a little more color distinctive, so there is no question on which bonus zone they belong to.
Iceland and Northern Norway look strong.
North Sweden may be too strong (at +5). However, this may help people going after it, to combat the strong north (Iceland and Northern Norway, 3 borders for +6). I'd re-look at this area and see how you really want it to be.
Denmark looks like a nice starting point---except that it's expansion possibilities don't look as good as bonus zones in the north. Whoever starts here can't really expand and keep their borders down...they'll keep ending up with 3/4 borders and with minimal bonus gain from Denmark.
Estonia is somewhat similar, though slightly better off because of the near immediate acquisition possibility of grabbing the capital in South Finland. However, expansion from that capital out, and from out of Estonia, looks even worse off compared to Denmark.
Southern Norway, doesn't look like too bad of a start--mostly because the bonus zones near it probably won't have anyone going for them, so they have possibilities of expansion there. But still not great expansion.
Capitals feel like more of a superfluous addition to the map. Someone else mentioned using a couple of other Major Cities I think? Maybe that could help as well.
(P.S. On any map, I usually detest bonus zones with names like "North this" "South that" ---while sometimes helpful for locating an area on the map, they often feel unimaginative. However, such precise/technical names may fit with the "war games" style of graphics if that is developed further.)
The United Nations defines Northern Europe as including the following countries and dependent regions:[1][2]
* Denmark
o Faroe Islands
o Greenland
* Estonia
* Finland
o Åland Islands
* Iceland
* Republic of Ireland Ireland
* Latvia
* Lithuania
* Norway
o Norway Svalbard and Jan Mayen
* Sweden
* United Kingdom
o Isle of Man
o United Kingdom Channel Islands: Guernsey and Jersey
AndrewB wrote:You seem to miss quite a few contries from the Northern Europe:
The United Nations defines Northern Europe as including the following countries and dependent regions:
natty_dread wrote:Denmark looks like a nice starting point---except that it's expansion possibilities don't look as good as bonus zones in the north. Whoever starts here can't really expand and keep their borders down...they'll keep ending up with 3/4 borders and with minimal bonus gain from Denmark.
Do you think a connection between denmark and iceland would help it?
natty_dread wrote:Capitals feel like more of a superfluous addition to the map. Someone else mentioned using a couple of other Major Cities I think? Maybe that could help as well.
Maybe. As I said in my previous post I'm considering scrapping the interconnected cities ("new classic" style) and replacing them with more standard territories with borders, as several people have wished for this. However I'm not completely sure about it yet, as I quite like the city approach and feel that it fits in the map. What do you think?
Also another idea would be to scrap the +1 autodeploy for the capitals, instead I could add more big cities and make them a collectable bonus (+1 for 3, +2 for 4 and so on...)
Draq wrote:As a Swede I have some suggestions for the Swedish cities and some other stuff. Since you have choosen cities and not regions I think you should stick with that. First of all Gotland is just the name of the island so to make it more consistent you should rename that to Visby, which is the main city on Gotland. Åland should then be named Mariehamn and Saaremaa should be named Kuressaare.
Mora should be replaced by Falun or Borlänge, I would go for Falun cause it's more well known, much larger then Mora and have strong ties to swedish culture and industry (Falukorv, Falu rödfärg). Linköping is a good choice in that region. Arjeplog could be replaced by Arvidsjaur, altough it's almost as tiny as Arjeplog it atleast it's a important railroad junction. I also think Östersund is to far north to be geographicaly correct.
Im also for the skipping estonia part and calling it The Nordic Countries.
Keep up the good work!
Evil DIMwit wrote:Perhaps a connection from Denmark to Stavangør/Gudvagen, and one from Stavangør/Gudvagen to Iceland. It wrecks S. Norway's holdability but I think that's worth making Denmark and Iceland more open.
Evil DIMwit wrote:I think anything special you do with the cities is just unnecessary. The map has enough going on without it.
Industrial Helix wrote:Alright, like everyone, I want a Scandanavia map to conquer on ect. So I really hope this map turns out well.
Most of crits are graphics but there is a gameplay in there as well.
First off... If you've read my post on Hijrah, I hate cities with lines connecting. I want to conquer large swaths of land and establish my cold, arctic empire. Cities are unrealistic, what about the partisans in the mountains? Is this a light occupation or a full occupation!?! But jokes aside, I prefer the visual recognition of captured territories with continuous borders rather the three lines in. It's just too hard for me to play and recognize what it is I'm doing. Quite simply, I probably wouldn't play this map if the territories were cities.
Plus, the title is Nordic countries and not Nordic cities, so if you insist on pursuing the ball and stick approach, change the name at least.
The name also implies that there are nation-states involved here but, for the sake of bonuses, I count eight instead of five. I understand the need for smaller bonus regions and agree, it needs to be broken up. But the graphics could go a long way to make it seem as if South Finland and North Finland are actually part of the same country. Make Finland two shades of white with blue writing. Make Sweden two shades of light blue with gold writing, ect. Add some theme into this map and it will go a long way.
Lastly, what's with the Nintendo Graphics? Blocky pixel letters and harsh connection lines? Go Viking or something, most especially in font.
And the one thing I don't liek about this map's gameplay is the lack of mountains. For whatever reason, I think of Nordic as cold, snowy and mountains. Whereas everything's kind of cool disco colors and at best, the connection lines could be interpreted as snow footprints or something.
Anyway, I think you've got the skills to pull this off. Good luck, we need a Scandinavia/Nordic map.
EDIT... you made some change while I posted![]()
Finland looks good, though losing the green would be best. Norway looks good too, except lose the yellow and go with either blue or white. I think my comments ont he font still stands and the sea lanes are a little blocky as well. You changed the city connections, but again, please go for territories.
Industrial Helix wrote:As for the classic map, Eh... I'm already hesitant to play it whenever it comes out. I really don't like lines. Classic Art will probably be my classic map of choice.
Nordic cities, you are using cities, yes? I read country as either a nation-state or country as in geographic area. If you plan to go ahead with cities, I think naming it Nordic Countries would be inaccurate.
As for Vikings, google images for Viking Countries maps tells me Norway is included somewhere with Sweden, so is Finland and Iceland reads something like a Nordic/Viking Colony. Wikipedia informs me Norway does in fact fall under Viking settled areas, however, Finland is labeled an area heavily raided.
Finland and parts of Norway were all part of the Kingdom/Empire of Sweden during the early modern era... Interestingly enough so was Estonia... it's a long shot but consider doing a historical Empire of Sweden map?
While Luxembourg and Netherlands do not have a "theme" they have very strong graphical cohesion as Netherlands relies heavily on the flag and Luxembourg uses a winning palette of blue hues. No, there isn't a theme per se, but it has all the cohesion of its own theme. I think this map, at this stage, does not have this.
As for the territories, keep the same gameplay cause you've already got it worked out. Just draw in territories that match it. If north Finland has 4 cities then break that down into four territories and keep the names.
I drew some quick territories on this map... the only connection i couldn't figure out is Arvisjaur and Umea... which if there's no mountains there I don't see how they couldn't attack each other.
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