Few Notices:
There were some slight changes to the tourny format. Amazzony came up with the original idea, and it was designed for 1v1. The games were to be handed out in a scramble set up. I really think this is a progressive and cool way to do things, which is why I was so drawn to the tournament. However, I also wanted to do team games. So in combining the two, I made some changes.
First of all, I am not going to have people select games on their own. The reason for this is to eliminate confusion over which team joins which game, and possibly having teams mis-join.
Second of all, I know I originally said that Team Captains would have to send out games to their teams, so far I have been able to just send invites to everyone. So for now, the Team Captain is mostly responsible for getting their guys to actually join games, and any sort of issues that come up.
Now, since I wanted this tournament to not be about strict, scheduled match ups, but also could not have people randomly join games, I simply created 15 games (10 teams means 5 match ups times 3 equals 15). I think randomized all the teams, and the first two played game one, second two played game 2, etc. After all teams had a game, I randomized them again, did the same thing, until all games were filled.
So the match-ups are all random, in fact in the first round Tapir and Crocodile play each other twice, which is just how it worked out.
As for map selection, I picked 19 maps that were in some way related to the Jungle or Madness (

or at least in my bizarre way of seeing things). I am cycling them by alphabet, so in Round 1 we used 8 Thoughts, Africa.....up to Oceania. Next round I start with Philippines, South America... back to 8 thoughts, africa, etc. Since games are randomly determined it is also random which map you play on.
Sorry to change things from the original description, but I think you will find this does not materially alter the way the tournament is running, it just made it easier to get the games up and running. And thank Amazzony for watching over me and keeping me on track