Conquer Club Map Rank GL
If you have the old Map Rank script then uninstall that first
Note There is a quick link to this post next to the Map Rank GL text in the left menu.
(It's the current version number but will jump to this page when you click on it.)
User Guide
Map Rank GL User Guide
You must be running Firefox with Greasemonkey installed.
Full instructions for Firefox and Greasemonkey from scratch: viewtopic.php?t=41487
No facility for autologin is yet implemented so you do need to be logged in or you can use the
Auto-login script
Click on this link (with Firefox and Greasemonkey installed)
Conquer Club Map Rank GL
Click on Install and that's it.
Once installed you'll see this in the left hand menu , depending on what order your scripts are in.

What does it do
GL = Greased Lightning. Players with lots of games will enjoy this script.
Calculates ranking, points,medals status,unique defeats, and win/loss ratio for any player on any specified map.
This is not the same as ordinary ranking which gives a total ranking for all maps.
You can use this to see how good any player is at a particular map.
You can also see how far away from your next medal you are (or anyone else for that matter).
Will produce stats from selections in the game finder.
Can now save game finder Map Rank GL selections for re-use (see below)
Medal Icons are displayed next to player names on games listings pages (mygames, game finder) showing
which players you have defeated per medal (used for calculating unique defeated opponents).
See Medal Icons for defeated opponents section below.
Kill Ratio - see kill ratio section below.
Relative Rank - see Relative Rank section below.
Charts for tracking Points and Winning/Losing Streaks - see Charts section below.
Summary/Lists - displays full details of data such as Maps not played,
Frequently Played Maps, Missing Log links - see Summary/Lists section below.
Comprehensive Medal Summary - see Medal Summary section below.
How to use it
Map Rank GL appears in the left sidebar menu.
Type in player name underneath "Player" and then select from the map dropdown.
You can select "All" from the dropdown to view rankings on all maps.
Press Map Rank.
The script will calculate the rank for that player specifically on the map selected,
present total points on that map , win/loss ratio and unique opponents defeated on that map.
Points to next rank and next rank displayed in the table.
There is a button at the bottom of the game finder page ("Map Rank")
This will use all of your selections in game finder and produce a list of win/loss/rank stats based on those selections.
You can also save these selections for re-use.

When the scanning has finished, the OK button will turn green and then you can close the results box.
Then you will get totals and the unique defeat total will be coloured like the medals.
The box is now a window so you can move it, minimise it and more importantly cancel current operations.
What do the results mean?
You get a list of maps where you have played alongside statistics for that map.
Everything in the results is specific to the map in the same row.
Options - gives any additional options you selected in the game finder. This defines what results you get for each map.

For each map row:
Map - map name
Rank - gives a calculated rank based on just that map. Based on the real points allocation at game end for maps of this type only.
The little number next to the rank name gives the number of points needed for the next rank.
Points - real points won/lost on that map based on the real points allocation at game end for maps of this type only
Win/Loss - Number of wins, losses and a percentage played on this map
Unique Defeats - number of unique opponents defeated in a win on maps of this type.
This number will be coloured after scanning is complete. (See totals and medals sections below).
The number of missing logs for which map rank is unable to calculate points only for is indicated like this:

The little numbers in superscript (top right) indicate number of logs missing for that map or total.
Kill Ratio - this is a measure of how good a player is at defeating opponents regardless of the number of players against you.
0% - 9% Victim
10% - 24% Petty Thug
25% - 49% Murderer
50% - 74% Serial Killer
75% - 79% Tyrant
80% - 89% Warmonger
90% - 94% Grim Reaper
95% - 100% Angel Of Death
To increase your kill ratio, lose less games and defeat more people.
The little number to the right of the percentage tells you how many kills without losing any games
you need to go up a kill ratio level.

In this example 6 kills without losing a game are needed to go up from Warmonger to Grim Reaper.
9 kills without losing a game are needed to go up from Grim Reaper to Angel Of Death.
Note Kills do not need to be unique
Details of calculation:
Relative Rank
This is the average relative rank of all opponents played.
If you play opponents exactly the same rank as yours all the time then Relative Rank = 1.000.
Example: Your score at the end of a game is 3000.
Everyone else has a score of 1500. So the average rank of your opponent is 1500.
Average relative rank = 1500 / 3000 = 0.5
0 - 0.499 N00b farmer. (Plays people with less than half ranking points).
0.5 - 0.799 Points hoarder
0.8 - 1.099 Equalitarian
1.1 - 1.399 Brawler
1.4 + Gladiator
To increase this number, play people with higher ranks than you.
There is a totals row at the top of the table.
The ranks, points and next rank are all calculated from a straight addition.
Note that these may be slightly off because of some missing logs in March.
The Unique Defeats total is calcullated as follows:
The first number is the overall number of unique opponents defeated across all maps selected.
It is coloured and calculated exactly the same as the medals.
Gold 400+
Silver 100+
Bronze 20+
The number in brackets is the number of maps with >= 5 unique opponents defeated.
This is the same number used for the Cross Maps medal so is coloured
Gold 60+
Silver 40+
Bronze 20+
Also once the scanning has finished, all of the unique defeats rows with at least 5 defeats
(which is the criterion for Cross maps) will be coloured the same colour as the number in brackets
so you can see how close you are to your next Cross Maps medal.

When Map Rank GL has finished and the OK button goes green, 2 columns will be coloured yellow.
You can now click on these to get individual charts.
Use the tabs to go between the chart and the table (you don't lose the chart data).
Points Charts
You can get a chart showing how your points have increased/decreased over time.
You can get a chart for every map as well as your total points.
You can see how your points have increased/decreased graphically over any period of time you choose.
Also you can see your highest and lowest scores over any period.
Each red point on the chart is a single point loss/gain. That means you will get several points for a win and one for a loss.
Hover over the red points to see their exact values.
The summary shows maximum and minimum values.
Winning/Losing Streaks (Win/Loss Chart)
You can get a chart showing how your win/loss percentage has increased/decreased over time.
You can get a chart for every map as well as your total points.
Wins are green points, losses are red points.
Also you can see your highest and lowest win/loss percentage over any period.
Each point on the chart is a win or a loss.
Hover over the red or green points to see their exact percentage values.
The summary shows maximum and minimum values.
Winning and Losing Streak
The summary gives 2 links for your longest winning streak and your longest losing streak.
Click on these to snap the chart to that time period.
Click on Chart All to go back to full chart.
Hover over the numbers at the bottom of the chart to see what time the bottom number represents.
You can also do this for each map by clicking on the yellow boxed map name in the Map Rank GL table.
Choosing Time period

You can select time period by using the sliders and text boxes.
The times selected will be printed to the right as you change the values either by sliding or typing.
The numbers correspond to the timestamp numbers on the horizontal axis.
Click on Chart to measure over your selected timespan.
Click on Reset to measure over the whole timespan (default).
How to Find Current Medals status
Bookmark medals map ranks in the game finder using the saved map ranks feature.
The most important numbers for medals are in the bottom right box of the table.
(Bottom of the Unique defeats column and in the Totals row)
You will see something like this: 150(24)
Cross Maps medal
Either type in player name in left menu and select all or
Go to game finder, type in name and press Map Rank at the bottom.
Once scanning has finished (the OK button goes green) the unique defeats
column will be medal coloured.
Each map with >=5 unique defeats will be coloured if you have a cross map medal.
The totals for unique defeat will have a number in the brackets.
This is the number of maps that you have defeated >=5 unique opponents.
For Cross maps medals you need 20 for bronze, 40 for silver, 60 for gold.
(This is the number in brackets and will be coloured if you have a medal)
To see how to get your next medal, you need to get more maps with >=5 in the right hand unique defeats column.
The number of unique defeats for each map is displayed on the game finder next to the mapname:

For the other medals, a quick way to see your unique defeats is on the game finder:

You can also see these numbers on the start game page.
To see these numbers you must run Map Rank on yourself + All maps in the left menu.
Doing this regularly will always give you latest results for the icons.
Standard medal
Go to game finder.
Type in player name.
Check Standard in the Game Type check box.
Press Map Rank
The first number in the unique defeats totals column (not in brackets)
is the number of unique opponents defeated.
For Standard medal you need this number to be 20 for bronze, 100 for silver, 400 for gold
So you can see from this number how close you are to your next medal.
The number is also coloured like the medal colour.
Terminator medal
Same as Standard except check Terminator in game finder Game Type checkbox.
For Terminator medal you need 20 for bronze, 100 for silver, 400 for gold
Assassin medal
Same as Standard except check Asassin in game finder Game Type checkbox.
For Asassin medal you need 20 for bronze, 100 for silver, 400 for gold
Doubles medal
Same as Standard except check Doubles in game finder Game Type checkbox.
For Doubles medal you need 20 for bronze, 100 for silver, 400 for gold
Triples medal
Same as Standard except check Triples in game finder Game Type checkbox.
For Triples medal you need 20 for bronze, 100 for silver, 400 for gold
Quadruples medal
Same as Standard except check Quadruples in game finder Game Type checkbox.
For Quadruples medal you need 20 for bronze, 100 for silver, 400 for gold
Speed medal
Same as Standard except check Speed in game finder Round Length checkbox.
For Speed medal you need 20 for bronze, 100 for silver, 400 for gold
Manual medal
Same as Standard except check Manual in game finder Initial Troops checkbox.
For Manual medal you need 20 for bronze, 100 for silver, 400 for gold
Fog medal
Same as Standard except check Yes in game finder Fog of War checkbox.
For Fog medal you need 20 for bronze, 100 for silver, 400 for gold
Freestyle medal
Same as Standard except check Freestyle in game finder Play Order checkbox.
For Freestyle medal you need 20 for bronze, 100 for silver, 400 for gold
Other New medals
You can use the game finder to find out other types of medals not actually already provided.
For example you could find out an Assassin Classic medal by just choosing those in the game finder.
Or maybe a 2 player Speed medal - Map Rank GL will always count the unique opponents defeated and
colour based on the existing medal rules whatever you choose.
Medal Icons for defeated opponents
To see these icons you must run Map Rank on yourself + All maps in the left menu.
Doing this regularly will always give you latest results for the icons.
Once you do this, you will see icons next to player names in the games listing pages (mygames, game finder results).

These icons represent whether you have defeated this player and which medal it counted for.
So this is useful for working out if you have already beaten a player when chasing a medal.











Dark Icons for opponents who have defeated/rated you
To see these icons you must run Map Rank on yourself + All maps in the left menu.
Doing this regularly will always give you latest results for the icons.
Once you do this, you will see icons next to player names in the games listing pages (mygames, game finder results).
These icons represent whether this player has defeated you and in which game type.












Click on the Summary Tab to see this page.
Click on any of the light blue cells to see full list.
Maps Played - List Of Maps Played
Maps Not Played - List Of Maps Never Played
Frequent Maps - List Of Maps Played 5 Times Or More
Infrequent Maps - List Of Maps Played Less Than 5 Times
Crossmaps Maps - List Of Maps Played With 5 Or More Unique Defeats
Not Crossmaps Maps - List Of Maps Played With Less Than 5 Unique Defeats
Maps Won - List Of Maps Played With At Least 1 Win
Maps Not Won - List Of Maps Played With No Wins
Positive Maps - List Of Maps Played With Score 0 Or More
Negative Maps - List Of Maps Played With Negative Score
Missing Logs - List Of Links To Games With Missing Logs
Rated Players - List Of Rated Players
Medal Summary

Click on the Medal Tab to see this page.
This table shows all medals including contributions medals too.
Any contributions medal rows only show the number of medals acquired.
Medal Name - Name of medal.
Number of Medals - number of medals acquired. (1 for Bronze, 2 for Silver , 3 for Gold)
Defeats - current number of defeats. For crossmaps this is the number of crossmaps with >=5 defeats.
Next Medal - number of defeats required for next medal. For crossmaps this is the number of maps needed.
Maps - shows maps with most defeats for this medal (i.e. best map).
For crossmaps this shows maps closest to 5 unique defeats with the number of defeats in brackets.
The table is ordered by Next medal.
Fast Medal Links
All links on this page will open a game finder results page with waiting games you can choose to join that will help acquire that medal.
The links select the settings of medal + maps on that row.
For Optimal Medal Combinations, the links select settings best suited for multiple medals and opens a game finder waiting games results page.
It does this using the following algorithm (roughly):
1. Find any Game medals needed (e.g. Doubles)
2. Find any Crossmaps medals needed.
3. Find any Speed games needed.
If there are crossmaps medals then use those maps for the link.
Otherwise if there are speed medals then use those maps.
Otherwise use maps for the game medal if there are no speed games defeats.
You can now sort the rows by map(alphabetical), number of points , or number of unique opponents defeated.
You can also sort by win/loss , kill ratio, or relative rank.
When the calculations have finished and the OK button goes green, the sortable columns will have their headers
coloured cyan (light blue). Click on these to sort. Click again to reverse the sort order.
Sorting the unique defeats, for example , will be useful for determining which maps should be next on the
list for achieving your next cross map medal.
Saved Map Ranks
There is now the ability to save game finder selections used for map ranks so you don't have to keep selecting the
same checkboxes over and over for map ranking. It works exactly the same way as the saved searches script:
There is a button "Bookmark Map Rank" next to the Map Rank button at the bottom of the game finder.
When you finish your selections press this button and you can give a name for this map rank.
Now you will see a list of saved map ranks with Run, Load , and Delete links next to each one.
Run will execute the map rank. Load will load the same selections but not execute. Delete will remove from save list.
If you label a map rank as "DEFAULT" in capitals then this will autoload in the gamefinder.
You can use this to bookmark medals map ranks for example.
Check the Ratings checkbox to scan for your ratings , print the ratings icon next to usernames in lists and show
full list in the Summary Tab. Uncheck this and Map Rank GL will run faster. (Unchecked by default).
You can choose to display the medal icons on games listing pages by checking the Display Icons checkbox. Uncheck to hide.
Similar for the Dark Icons.
The reset button is for convenience to clear the associated preferences without having to uninstall.