Anyone with one slot available can sign up!
The objective in every tournament is simple: prove you're the BEST! But in this tournament, your skills will not only be pit against players in your specified group, but against the entire body of players in the tournament. To move stay in the game, all you need to do is prove that you can MAKE THE MARK!
The tournament will consist of 4 rounds, each round having 3 games each.
During each round, you will be split equally into groups, and remain in this group for the 3 games of the round. In each game, points will be awarded according to the finishing placing of the players.
At the end of the round, the total individual scores accumulated by each player will be compared across the entire round's players. The determined number players with the highest total scores will advance to the next round!
Play Order: Sequential
Cards: Escalating
Fortification: Unlimited
Weather: Sunny
Map: Classic
Scoring System
1st - 10 points
2nd - 6 points
3rd - 3 points
4th - 2 points
5th - 1 point
Round 1
8 Groups of 5 Players
Top 25 Advance
Round 2
5 Groups of 5 Players
Top 12 Advance
Round 3
3 Groups of 4 Players
Top 5 Advance
Round 4
1 Group of 5 Players
Top Scorer Wins Tournament!
In the case of multiple players with the same score across the cut-off point (e.g. In Round 1, the 25th and 26th placing player both have a score of 8.), the player with the higher/highest single placing will advance to the next round (i.e. A player with a scoreline of 2nd, 5th, 5th will beat a player with a scoreline of 3rd, 3rd, 4th). If the highest single placing for both/all players are the same, the next highest will be taken into account, etc.
In the event that both/all players have have the exact same scoreline, a tiebreaker game will be played between the players in question.
Long Games !!! NEW RULE !!!
Well as we can expect from No Spoils and Flat Rate games, the case of extremely long games can occur. To overcome this problem, I'll be using the BOB script's strength calculator to determine the placings of the remaining players by the end of Round 50 of the game. After which, the game will be considered completed for tournament purposes, and the next game will be issued to the players.
Details of the BOB script can be found here:
1. I reserve the right to change aspects of the game if anything needs changing, to ensure fairness to all players or for the benefit of the tournament.
2. If you wish to withdraw from the tournament at any time, please inform me via personal message or post on this thread.
3. Ignore list is ignored in my tournament. If there's anybody that's in your ignore list then you have to remove him/her while playing in my tournament.
4. Alliances are not allowed.
5. If you do not join the game within 48 hours, you will be replaced.
6. If you have a valid reason for missing your games, please inform me, preferrably beforehand, so that I can delay your games.
7. Reserves will only be used for Round 1 and 2. In Rounds 3 and 4, the player with the next highest score will be the replacement.
8. For any questions, problems etc. you may voice it out in this thread or you can PM me.
9. Have fun!!!